3½ year-old Elmo got a COVID-19 vaccine but some aren't happy with the message it sends. Senator Ted Cruz criticized it for "aggressively" advocating.
RELATED: 'SNL' gives Ted Cruz own 'Sesame Street' with Big Bird, Rogan, Greene
The coronavirus has been less dangerous for children, especially small ones, than for older adults. That doesn't mean it's harmless. More than 200 children ages 1-4 have died from COVID-19, and 20,000 have been hospitalized with the disease.
As many as 68% of American preschoolers have been infected over the past two and a half years, missing out on social and learning opportunities and passing the virus on to parents, grandparents and caregivers.
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#SesameStreet #Elmo #COVID19
Bro I thought this was a joke
Ya this is not BabylonBee :/
Thank god. I was worried Elmo wouldn’t make it 2 years later and with his stuffing. Is the hand inside him vaccinated?
I’m STILL struggling to provide for my two autistic children since losing my job over declining the vaccine. I declined due to my pre existing health condition (Lupus) and Heart disease. I was denied my medical/religious exemption from Forsyth Hospital. I get put down and called names over my circumstances and over me posting my testimony, I will continue to post my story all over to spread awareness of what mandates are doing, not just to myself but to many other families. My husband passed away three years ago, I’m all alone. Both of my sons are non verbal so things are difficult on me. Every month is a struggle, a battle to not end up on the streets. I was so depressed and embarrassed by my circumstances. Because of my faith, God shows up every month and provides! THANK YOU FATHER! He has even sent strangers to help me. Even as I face homelessness with two young children seemingly every month because I can’t afford my rent. GOD MAKES A WAY! I’m so grateful our Heavenly Father is AMAZING! ALL THINGS POSSIBLE through Jesus Christ!
You are not alone with the Lord. =) Many people are finding out the hard way

Oh boy….
I’ll bet you’re looking for a handout.
Praise be to God. Our Lord is faithful and if you draw near him he will draw to you. Continue to give God glory and share your testimony!!!
Your boys are lucky to have you as a mom. Much admiration for your strength and courage. God will not forsake you.
Sick. Look up Nick Nemeroff – no longer withus @ 32 and his last message about 3 of these that he took in Canada.
Elmo sadly died from Myocarditis.
RIP Elmo
On the next episode, Oscar applies for a concealed carry permit!

Not before an anger management class though…lol.
(BTW, will he need a permit if he lives in New York?

Don’t need one in a Constitutional Carry state.

@Mark Dowse Answer: no
My friends still haven’t got the first vaccine yet after a year and six months
Than your friends have nothing to worry about
Ed Bonds in Cullman Alabama isn’t scared of covid 19
My boss still doesn’t know what covid is but Elmo does
i am proud of elmo and his parents. they protect society. also republicans
Do you know who doesn’t need boosters?
Great job, Elmo.
You’re setting a wonderful example for all the kids – and their ‘mommies and daddies’…….

Sorry, Elmo. But my kids will no longer be watching you or any Sesame Street Propaganda from now on.
99.997 chance of survival. Wake up parents!!!
Elmo passed away from natural causes after this episode aired. RIP Homie.
Hey Elmo, make sure you go see your doctor in a few months and demand a d-dimer test.
Rip Elmo. Over here feeding children misinformation.