‘Serious as a heart attack’: What Cipollone subpoena means

CNN's David Chalian, David Axelrod and Abby Phillip discuss the ramifications of former Trump White House counsel Pat Cipollone's subpoena by a federal grand jury investigating efforts to overturn the 2020 election. #CNN #News

'Serious as a heart attack': What Cipollone subpoena means


  1. The Federal Court “rocket docket” a very speedy system is available for companies suing each other but not for such fundamental questions as can a former President assert executive privilege. Something is seriously out of wack. Australia had a problem about members of parliament with dual citizenship, the HCA ( Australia’s SCOTUS) heard the case and delivered judgement within weeks. Why has Australia got a better legal system than America?

    1. @Sheil B Wright I agree, it’s something like a bully insisting you kill your dog, or he will. In either case, Rover is done for if you accept their premise. I’m searching for an intellectually honest way to reject their premise.

    2. @Mark Feland more than just partisan politics, legal and institutionalized corruption. Who in their right mind would make lobbying and large donations and PACs legal and expect whatever system those measures were applied to to indefinitely remain healthy and democratic?

    3. @Sugar Kitty We had a member not reacting to bullying in their office and they lost their job? America has a representative bullying a Sandy Hook survivor on camera and screaming it was a false flag??? She has done worse and is still there? If ANY member of parliament did half of what some in America do…they would be up for a vote of no confidence and be gone. Some I have watched have come out with things that would lose them their job before the week was over in Australia?? When I heard Andrew Clyde say the January 6 rioters looked lie ‘normal tourists’??? Really? US politics is a sh*t show…and has been for over 6 years.

    1. @laura myers Why would you say that? they did not give anything but excepts from the Cipollone testimony….So WHO didn’t watch them?

  2. How can Cipolloni legitimately claim privilege? Trump never invoked it and Biden has said he won’t assert it either.

    1. @Uniquely Lily But not the occupant. He protects the office. That means upholding the law, defending and protecting the integrity of the office against someone who has tarnished it.

  3. If you listen close, you can hear the sound of food hitting the wall because of this development.

    1. @Luz Castillo I didn’t call you anything. I’m asking you once again, are you ok with being called a breakfast taco by the First Lady? Even someone like you does not have an excuse to not understand this. What is the problem with providing an answer? Making excuses and deflecting isn’t working so great, stand up for yourself, think for yourself and provide an answer. This is the opposite of rocket science lol.

    2. @Luz Castillo I don’t believe you have. I believe I asked you a yes or no question and I don’t see a yes or a no. Let’s try again until you get it. Yes or no… again… are you offended that the First Lady referred to you as a breakfast taco? I believe you can understand this, take your time.

    1. @Not Here “The wheels of Justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine”! Patience!! OUR Sweet American Justice Will Prevail!!! TRE45ON!!!

  4. Enough this crap about executive privilege. Crimes against the country were committed; justice has to prevail.

  5. Pat Cippiloni is white house council to the”office of the president” not to the man in the office. So he should be protecting the office not the man!

  6. I don’t live in the USA but I am witnessing democracy reasserting itself with some envy. This relentless pursuit of the truth is so impressive. I am sure we are witnessing another stage in the development of this pursuit. May justice prevail.

  7. Cippilone was counsel to the “office of the president” and not a specific person. Seems to me the rights of executive privilege rest with the sitting president and not a former one. There doesn’t seem to me to be any reason why Cippilone can’t be completely forthcoming.

    1. As Counsel to the White House Office of President, he is the voice of Law to protect the Constitution and the American People. He is not there to protect the President.

  8. Nobody mentioned the MAIN point for the DOJs strategy in this video.
    The most important decision for DOJ to make in all this is WHEN to go to court about what is and what isn’t ‘executive privilege’. With lawyers and officials lower down the ladder, they didn’t go to court for a ruling. That’s because they MUST NOT lose this argument. So they have to have a really cast iron case first. If they shoot and miss, it’s game over.
    It could be for Pat Cipollone’s testimony. But I’m guessing they’re more likely gonna go with Mark Meadows. Once they open up Meadows and Cipollone, the whole Trump-Big Lie house of cards comes crashing down.

    1. Even if the grand jury votes to proceed that does not mean they have to do it. I won’t believe it until I see it.

  9. He’ll have to talk to a grand jury. Their deliberations are sworn to secrecy anyway. There may be sensitive information that doesn’t need to be public. Okay. But not if it involves criminal activity. No one is above the law. Again.

  10. Boy, would I have loved to witness the deliberations resulting in this subpoena. I think it’s a brilliant move. Cipollone was the fly on every wall where the POS went. No executive privilege in case of fraud crime!

    1. *_We’re hopeful that Pat Cippalone_*
      *_Will help us cut through the baloney_*
      *_Ketchup on the wall, preceding the fall_*
      *_Of the orange balloon and his cronies_*

  11. Thank you! There is no “Privilege” in the commission of a crime, that veil should have already been pierced! Finally, somebody who knows the Law

    1. @paul BFields
      God word says he will help thoes who helps themselves
      Leaving this Courrpt Government in Washington DC
      Is not helping yourself…
      You’re up holding their wrongful Government…

  12. I may be wrong, but I feel Cipollone actually wants to disclose what he knows. The grand jury gives him the opportunity more than the 16 hearing allowed. He wants to be “compelled” to disclose.

    1. I feel that also…
      I feel he is disgusted by having to defend the Office while the orange dictator wannabe sat there.

  13. Don’t make Pat Cipillone a saint. He was the voice of reason but he was absolutely silent for 18 months

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