Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., discusses a plan that would require the president to use the Defense Production Act to ramp up medical supplies. Aired on 04/29/2020.
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Senators Seek To Federalize Medical Supply Chain | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Our biggest problem is the PATHOLOGICAL NARCISSIST and LIAR in the Whitehouse. TOTALLY INCAPABLE of showing empathy/caring for anyone else but himself.
@joe blow so anyone who says anything bad about your King or the Trumptarian Cult Society has this fabricated TDS BS? That’s kinda what cults do. Golly gee, we’ve got cult members telling us that we have a mental illness because we don’t join the cult, that is fkng hilarious.
Second biggest problem: His millions of cult followers.
Burt Rango I’d say they are the main problem. They keep the cancer which is the GOP alive.
@joe blow Tide, detergent and sanitizer!
Takes one to know one!
Trump has two parts of a brain: ‘left’ and ‘right’.
In the left side, there’s nothing right.
In the right side, there’s nothing left.
“I see” said the blind man, who picked up his hammer and saw.
“We endorse BAT BOY for president in 2020” – Weekly World News.
joe blow go blow joe
I am 64 and that’s the First time I heard that! Aptly put and very true of the lier and faker in chief.
Ann van de Kew trump was born damaged goods
Mika + Joe . . . you say ”more US deaths than the Vietnam War” . . . and lest we forget that ALL of these people who died from COVID were alive 3 months ago.
@carin amen. We should start calling it “hiring” not “election”. Maybe it would help them remember that fact.
Too many people are underestimating this disease. Many people are living their last days and do not know it. Be wise, stay at home and from harms way, some of the people who are now going out are going to get sick and infest their loved ones with COVID 19. Many people are forgetting that the 50,000 people who have died from the disease were in good health two months ago. God bless you, for loving your neighbor as yourself.
@Itswhatitis Itswhatitis
R.I.P. to all.
@Christopher Mills
R.I.P. to all.
Rip to those people who died from this viruses
. Condolences for their families.
So, Washington is too dangerous to return to, because the COVID-19 virus but meat-packers MUST get back to work….
nigel Foggin , oh I would really love for you to prove that one that he never took any money from anywhere! No ad campaigns no donations. Oh wait he did hold fundraisers what are you talking about. You are brainwashed!The only one who did not take corporate money was Bernie Sanders!
And deranged.
@nigel Foggin what universe do you live in and what planet do you live on?Not this universe and planet.You must live on PLANET Trump right!
Not American , do not conflate IMPEACHED imbecilic paedophile trump with American politics.
@nigel Foggin you forgot about the loans he got from china
I said this a month ago that Trump is driven by lobbyist giving him a payout to push certain things. The Malaria drug comes to mind. All Trump cares about is making money for himself, and his family.
Trump has pulled off the biggest con in America. He ripped off the country. When he leaves office and we investigate him, he should get sent to prison.
@frictionRx9MAGAT if it was not Covid45 that killed him, it would have been said that whatever killed him killed him. 60,000+ Americans would be alive today if it was not for Covid45, that is 60,000+ American dead above the monthly average you MORON.
Hes the best thing that ever happened to america Dont listen to those clowns
@Mellow Rebel No Russians needed when all there is is FAKE NEWS. Dotard Pelosi definitely drinks on the job probably vodka and Vindman’s favorite food is borshit. Hes a rat. Without DJT America would be a vassal state of the Putin
Let’s remember Moscow Mitch’ s words the next time a hurricane or tornado hits a poor southern red state.
@What’s Up In Space? ‘ yep the people in his state.
shix1979 ,Yes he’s a man of his word if you make them look like crap doing a hockey game you will get killed or get off the hockey team. Let’s not forget all the other crap that he’s done that we can’t mention. If you are so inclined you can look it up in the Internet! But maybe you’re too happy to believe Trump and I believe the real stories
shix1979 , OK why don’t you go live in Harlem or down south with a black family that makes a little next to nothing and see how much you see racism! And you will figure out it’s not the Democrats that it is the Republicans! Republicans are for the rich not for the poor. If you’re so inclined go check it out. With how they live on a daily basis. You can live off the stimulus check of 1200, for 10 weeks are better and tell me how you like the food you’re eating. How are you gonna pay rent how are you going to get around without walking how are you going to get medical care, how are you going to pay your light bill how you gonna pay your heat bill let alone 99% of black people don’t even have Internet or cell phone
shix1979 Being Free? In Russia? Did you live under a rock or something! If you disagree with Putin you will be locked up. And now Putin wants to change the constitution so he can stay in power. That’s not freedom!
@frictionRx9Little Marco, sleepy Joe, Pocahontas, Low energy Jebb, midget Bloomburg, etc, the toddler in chief trump has a childish name for everyone. Talk about the DUMBfck trumpanzi inbred Arian cultist projecting.
United we stand, divede we fail. 365.000.000 Americans know this. 1 guy, never heard about it.
@mike briganti stop screaming
@mike you are the 1 I talked about.
@mike briganti Are you talking to the mirror?
Moscow Mitch wants to start a civil war. Putin’s order!
@crsl111 c “Garbage” … NJ?
@nigel Foggin Are there other Scottish Trump trolls?
@Melissa H who knows ,I just do it for fun,in lockdown you see…but if there was any kind of collusion between Russia and trump or Ukraine and trump,surely one of the witch hunts would have worked …
nigel Foggin the impeachment didn’t work because our government is broken. Congress did it’s job, the senate gave him a pass to get more right leaning judges in place.
@crsl111 c another two bit troll…
NO ONE should profit from the suffering of others.
why then are they selling or advertising to buy stock for the virus vaccination this just floored me can we only think of money all these tratments right now should be gratis the greed is overwhelming i understand that the economy should go on but this time will pass and we can make up for this at least we will know where our taxes will go fred jacobsen
Fred Jacobsen
But that is the American way
Welcome to America , home of the mental defectives.
Fred Jacobsen Not even the trump family?
No one!
Republicans are only concerned about getting back at the DEMOCRATS. Republicans seem to only care about money
I am hoping that in November we can send every republican in Washington back home permanently.
@Mark Martin Why do you need a test? Feeling ill? Otherwise who cares. Quit being a big baby.
@shix1979 you are a trumpturd. You can’t be explained anything. Maybe you need to go hug your TRUMPY bear or go get a job in a meat packing plant
@shix1979 Gotta love the irony of your statement.
@shix1979 People need to be tested so they know if they have it so they don’t spread it to others.
Mark Martin

If that widow brought that letter from her husband to the attention of the president, he’d probably be all, “So, single, huh?”
No. He would spin it some way and probably blame the victim.
@Calisa Hardy – *And grab her ‘meow’!*
Since when has he cared if they were single?
@Calisa Hardy That is Trump. Sick.
Only if the letter was very short and had no big words in it,and every second word was TRUMP!!!
A father of two dies. One of many who have died and more to come.
Donald Trump and maskless Pence have blood on their hands.
So do the Chinese, Govs Cuomo and Murphy for ordering Covid 19 patients into their state s nursing homes. But those two are good Dems and the elderly….while you clowns could care less.
Moscow mitch and all the other magats need to be in prison!
Or somewhere more permanent
When the USA is still floundering years from now; they will look with envy at the welfare structure for all of Canada, Britain, Europe, Australia NZ and many other poor countries,,, Health is Wealth: GANDHI
The US already spends $4 trillion annually on the mandatory budget and only $1.5 trillion on the discretionary. That’s 60% of all funds on social services. Where would the new money come from?
@SPZ Aruba from the 1% that own 90%
A people isn’t strengthened by laziness and handouts. Get a job loser.
@shix1979 amen to that
@Jaak Savat Those same 1% own your corporate media outlets that you get your “facts from”. Bill Gates, your evil god, is at the top of that 1% yet you all worship him and believe his every word. Soros owns all of your “fact checkers”. Sounds like a monopoly on information. Let rich people have their money, and let me keep mine.
“Highly sensitive people are too often perceived as weaklings or damaged goods. To feel intensely is not a symptom of weakness, it is the trademark of the truly alive and compassionate. It is not the empath who is broken, it is society that has become dysfunctional and emotionally disabled. There is no shame in expressing your authentic feelings. Those who are at times described as being a ‘hot mess’ or having ‘too many issues’ are the very fabric of what keeps the dream alive for a more caring, humane world. Never be ashamed to let your tears shine a light in this world.”
Anthon St. Maarten
@Mellow Rebel Nice…The truth of this can be seen in how Boris Johnson changed his tune after being hospitalized with corona.
No big deal until affected him personally.
@nigel Foggin how do you type so much while simultaneously sucking Trump’s tiny mushroom???
@Gloominusdm as I said sticks and stones,but your lack of even a semi intelligent response says it all.. it really is very sad….as for being a trump supporter I’m not even American,but I do think he is a great president for America and the planet….the democrats behaviour over the last 3 + years made me lose any respect for them whatsoever,
@Gloominusdm why don’t you try and debunk what I said about the Bible translation or soebarka the Indonesian cult leader,Obama’s mother was even a member.the photographs speak for themselves
@Gloominusdm I hear crickets…pmsl
Mika read words that weren’t just “words” to her. Every word clearly hurt. That’s the empathy that the Psychopath-in-Chief simply doesn’t have. He’s pure evil.
Far worse words are not enough to describe trump.
@Will Storm Couldn’t agree more Will. I’ve used every word l can think of including expletives and nothing explains the travesty of a zombie humanoid abortion that is Agent Orange. Not even that description.
@Thomas Reilly “Evil, I think, is the absence of empathy.” Captain G. M. Gilbert, the Army psychologist , Nuremberg trails
“In my work with the defendants (at the Nuremberg Trails 1945-1949)
I was searching for the nature of evil and I now think I have come close to defining it. A lack of empathy. It’s the one characteristic that connects all the
defendants, a genuine incapacity to feel with their fellow men.
Evil, I think, is the absence of empathy.”
@Mellow Rebel Captain Gilbert got it dead right. Joe keeps referring to Benito Mussolini in comparisons with Agent Orange. He’s aware he has to keep the Nuremberg devils and their boss as the final step he’s not yet willing to take to describe Trump. He’ll get there but what does this monster have to do for Americans to call Emperor Bone Spurs what he is – a Nazi.
Mitch McConnell is a joke….his state is a welfare state that just take take take. NY is a state that only gives gives gives….
@Plasma Run m?
I totally agree I live here in Kentucky Georgetown and I just can’t understand the people of Kentucky putting up with him you want to talk about poor come and see this state
Duncan Jacobs I am so sorry. Vote him out….
@Duncan Jacobs Some of us have seen Kentucky and other states. I traveled from west coast to east and then back by car and as I was leaving Memphis I became overwhelmed with emotion by the poverty. I had to pull over and gather myself. I was completely shocked by how people live across this country and Memphis was the moment for me. How Mitch has stayed in office is something I will spend my life trying to understand. What I saw was that people had given up. Not what I had expected to see.
Duncan Jacobs i cannot stop thinking about you……please stay safe…..and also, very important, vote that SOB out of office…he is dangerous! ….. love from España
California ——–>>> the 5th largest economy in the world. Hey McConnel, maybe Cali & NY should withhold their federal taxes from loser states like…..Kentucky!
Bingo! As much as I admire Mr. Lincoln, as of late I am beginning to think he should have let them secede… Just thinking…
Sounds about right. Refuse to give my states tax dollars to the federal government and watch all the broke red states starve and collapse into total anarchy
What they are doing is killing Americans
Isis & all their homeboys & home girls are lucky the
has compassion, you feel me!
Moscow Mitch, and Republicans like him, are the disease upon this country worse than Coronavirus.
The disease here is you stupid liberals that can’t think for yourselves, so you get all of your info anally inserted by cnn and msnbc. Cheers sissy!