Senator Wrote And Helped Pass Expanded Child Tax Credit | MSNBC

Sen. Michael Bennet, D-Col., weighs in on Alaskan Republicans endorsing the rival of Sen. Lisa Murkowski, examples of congressional bipartisanship, the new Child Tax Credit.

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Senator Wrote And Helped Pass Expanded Child Tax Credit | MSNBC


  1. Give the American people something that benefits them and they’ll vote for you. Crazy how that works! Beats using lies, fear mongering, and cheating! Go DEMS!

    1. How is it that so many want to be lied to and treated with zero respect.
      My guess is, many voters in this country are more concerned with the win and could care less about policy. This is shown by the GQP running in 20 with no platform, and accepting the lies being told to them and not calling those lying out. I would attribute it to lack of critical thinking but I have a Sister who is highly educated and very intelligent and has been sucked into the cult. I do not speak with her on the subject any more as her answers and statements are an insult! She is not even one of the willfully ignorant. She knows the truth and refuses to accept it because most often it does not agree with the chosen, let me say that again her CHOSEN narrative. We don’t get to chose the truth it is what it is
      Sorry I went so long I’m a little wordy.

    1. @Leslie Jaggers Kind of superficial aren’t you? We were talking about his decency and his legislative prowess. Maybe you show go play on a fashion site.

    2. @Leslie Jaggers Kind of superficial aren’t you? We were talking about his decency and his legislative prowess.

    3. @K. McKee Folks of Colorado are lucky to have such a wonderful Senator. Wishing you health and happiness McKee ❤✌

  2. A grifter like trump will never leave the GOP with the pickings as good as they are. I wouldn’t be surprised if trump is sticking around as a form of blackmail, and the GOP will eventually be forced to pay him off in order to get him to leave. Think about it.

  3. I like this guy sen. Bennett, actually doing his job. We pay taxes, now help US. THANKS GOOD SIR

    1. Speaking from Colorado here… Bennet is a phenomenal legislator who shows foresight and compassion in everything he does. He doesn’t feel any great need to be in the spotlight… but when he does stand up and talk, he speaks volumes. He’s a great orator whenever he sees that the time is right.

  4. I’m from COLO & appreciate Bennett. 1st off: I hope they have protection over the “maid” that came forward about the guns. No backlash for her! A great citizen. 👏

    2nd: Whatever gives him fresh motivation is great in my eyes. Child poverty is an issue, and getting wifi to rural areas. Go get ’em Bennett! ✌️💙

    1. Raise OUR COLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE NEED A RAISE FOR THOSE ON SS, SSI, VETS, SURVIVORS,

  5. Leaves out the millions living on Social Security, or disability and taxpayers that have no children. Is this equal protection?

  6. This should tell you all you need to know about the retrumplican party. Honesty, integrity and doing what is best for democracy is of no interest to the Fascisti retrumplican party .

  7. I love Mr. Bennett I wanted him for VP. I think he is brilliant & K. Harris as President. He was born in New Delhi which would have given Trump a conniption. He has integrity & takes his time with responding to answers. He’s a good man.

  8. Blesseth is he That consider the Poor; The LORD shall be with thee in a time of trouble,
    -Psalms 41:1

  9. Michael Bennet is amazing, you can tell his genuine concern to help children, his passion and knowledge on all different subjects is amazing. He would be an amazing President if he ever tries again.

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