Sen. Todd Young, R-Ind., discusses the efforts in the Senate to reach a bipartisan agreement on infrastructure. Sen. Young is one of 21 senators in the infrastructure group.
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Senator Says Biden Needs To 'Lean Into' Bipartisan Infrastructure Plan
Democrats and Biden needs to just get rid of the filibuster and ignore the Republican party at this point.
It’s possible McConnell will get rid of it if they have the majority.
I’m not sure. I like the idea of making 41 opposed to the bill stay on the floor explaining why they are against.
It is a disaster as it is now – and I recognize why some want to jump the gun and eliminate it all together.
The fear of retaliation from the GOP? They’ll do whatever they want regardless.
CAN you imagine the screaming conversations on the phone,
WHEN the Biden administration realized that the top CCP military intelligence guy had defected to the DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY,
AND brought with him all the evidence of who’s been taking CCP payoffs…and nobody had told them,
Get with the program, Schumer. Republican senators under Mitch McConnell will block anything from Democrats. You have bipartisan support from American voters; Republican politicians are worthless since they refuse to represent their constituents.
“No Climate No Deal”
I do not think that they should have an infrastructure plan that is paid for by the average person, takes money away from the covid relief bill.
Republicans needs to support president biden plan for the America people.
@Joey S. cause that’s what sneaky liars do to mislead gullibles
@E B nope that’s not the pl an .dems need to stock to the plan and do what’s necessary. Dont do anything to help rep that arent helping you
@New Bil it’s about helping the people not politics.smaller bills get things done
@E B if it was about helping all the people then fox news would be defunct the racist would be powerless .its not about all the people according to the right.thats why dems should do whatever they can anyway they can to get it done .the reps wont haven’t and even tried to make an effort except if it benefits whites 1st
@New Bil everything ain’t about race. By your comments you can really tell they have gotten ahold of you hard. Wake up brother your country needs you
No we don’t have to lean into carving to Republicans. Even your own voters are in favor of the bill and expand it. Shame on MSNBC for not bring it up. Thumbs down.
Mr Todd, have you heard Mitch talk lately ?
were is all the talking points from Republicans when Trump was in office “we need to stand by the president no matter who is in office because if he fails we all fail”
Sorry, though I generally agree, there was not way I could have done that with that seditious criminal psychopath, I would have taken death first, at least my dignity would have been left in tact.
There is no bipartisanship anymore. GOP has become the party that opposes everything, party that has to “own” the libs. Republicans have no new policies, no new ideas to better the country and the lives of the people. When will Democrats finally learn that there’s no point in negotiating with people like this???
Get with the program, Schumer. Republican senators under Mitch McConnell will block anything from Democrats. You have bipartisan support from American voters; Republican politicians are worthless since they refuse to represent their constituents.
They have zero nuthin for the betterment of all
Fake smile and not sure why they have him on. He didn’t vote to convict the former president of his crimes. He didn’t vote to support to Bi-partisan investigation so why should he be given a huge platform to tell more lies? Why doesn’t go to FOX to tell more lies?
A republican senator saying Biden needs to “lean in” on bi-partisanship?

Why, so he can be pushed off the cliff by Mitch?
C’mon Jack, get real!
Get with the program, Schumer. Republican senators under Mitch McConnell will block anything from Democrats. You have bipartisan support from American voters; Republican politicians are worthless since they refuse to represent their constituents.
Horror of horrors! raise taxes on the filthy rich! never!
Biden needs to lean????? They want him to bend to Repugnants. republicans need to start working for American people not to Mr Money.
Joe Scarborough is a dyed-in-the-wool Republican, and it’s frustrating to see how willfully blind he can be to deliberate Republican obstructionism. You all wait and see: Mitch McConnell is simply going to toss the “G-20’s” work out the window when the timing suits him.
Common ground: the need to blame an external entity. Bipartisan USA!
Before spouting opinions on infrastructure, he needs to answer why he opposes a January 6th commission.
He wouldnt have to lean into the plan if the 2 slugs did what their party NEEDS, those slugs would be Moscow Manchin and Sinema…
We need a younger generation in congress instead of cycling out old dinosaurs that their minds are still stuck in the 50s
Translation: Give in to the authoritarian republicans.
Sen. Young wants to ignore the cancer he’s helping to create by voting against an investigation of Jan. 6.
Why should he lean to rebulicans, when rebulicans did not lean to dems on voting rights. We should go alone.