Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) indicated she would "move forward" on the Democrats' massive economic package. Sen. Angus King (I-ME) sits down with CNN's John Avlon and Brianna Keilar to explain the impact he believes this bill will have on Americans. #CNN #News
Senator responds to Lindsey Graham’s threat about bill

Lindsay Graham throwing out baseless threats. Soooo surprising
Pretty much. He is the biggest liar. Can’t believe him.
Indeed clutching his pearls
Graham’s threats are like a fart in a hurricane, absolutely meaningless!
Last fight
Let’s just hope the dems pick up more senators in November! Then you will see some good things happen!
@Duane Hall A T is a comrade troll, economy in Russia not too good ATM
@trumpist Youre gonna need more than 2 jobs in your home Russia soon to make ends meet, hehe
Just what the hell do people see in Lindsey Graham? He’s got the charm of a zip code in Anchorage.
What do ppl see in McConnell?? I don’t think the ppl voting for either know why they’re voting for them. Lol
Hey, what do you have against Anchorage. I can think of a lot worse zip codes that theirs.
@B Bodziak
But is it NOT a poor place on any level. Oil workers are some of the best paid. Manufacturing is also usually good pay. Farmers in very productive regions are usually at least fairly well off – though it can be tough work. And there can be rich people in poor places and poor people in generally well off places. So her comment remains irrelevant.
@B Bodziak
I have an explanation – it is simple and obvious – Kory doesn’t understand the difference between Senate and House seats. Kory – “he like a lot of the worst of the worst senators are in an exceptionally jerrymandered district.”
And there is no evidence that house voting affects Senate races. My state of Michigan is a good example – for over 20 years we were ranked as one of the worst GOP Gerrymandered states – as a result, the GOP got large, undeserved majorities in the state legislature and the House. But with almost no exception, we always have two Democratic Senators.
@B Bodziak lmao oh are you completely wrong about that.
He invited
He incited
They rioted
Then he denied it
Even though he’d implied it
Now he MUST be indicted!
@James HiQ-Shlyub Talk about smarts, wasn’t it tRump who said and I quote “We fight like hell. And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.” Just asking?
if you tell a lie long enough they will soon believe it. Wasn’t that Hitlers MO? Isaiah 5:20 Woe to them that call evil good and good evil that put darkness for light and light for darkness, that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! As a believer, we all know how it all turns out, remember Pride comes before the fall!
@Kteka Triggered or jealous?
@B Bodziak ROFLMFAO Entertained is the word you’re looking for.
If these republican electorate is getting older, why do they keep voting for people who want to deny seniors their social security benefits? Every time someone says “party of Reagan” all I can think of is his brilliant “trickle down” theory that has wiped out our middle class and made the poor destitute.
@trumpist has anyone’s wages raised to match inflation? No. It’s been over 50 years since minimum (wage) and inflation parted ways, then over a decade since the federal minimum went up at all.
@trumpist I’m also interested in hearing your opinion about the expiration of working class tax breaks vs the permanent tax break for corporations as well as the unsuccessful closing if offshore corporate tax loophole.
@trumpist the minimum wage is not indexed to inflation, the value of the minimum wage erodes over time.
Congress is responsible for raising the federal minimum wage. It is to be noted the republican party has been a majority in Congress during the years the minimum wage has not increased science 1997. The only time minimum wages have increased has been a small window where Democrats have had the majority in Congress since the late 90’s.
I would like to know. Who do you hold responsible for the exponentially devastating gap in wages and the cost of living?
Not a single Republican politician will ever say “Let’s raise taxes on the top 10% of the country and lower taxes on the bottom 50% of the country to fund Social Security, Medicare and strengthen the Health Care and given everything the Republican Party has said and done for over 40 years, and yet millions of Americans on these very programs still keep electing Republicans into office anyway for some reason!
Man. Some stooges sure do put in a lot of time and effort to argue on behalf of the rich. Probably a paid plant.
Top 10% pay majority of taxes in the usa
Interesting that Sinemas only issue with the bill is the tax loophole for hedge fund managers. Tells you a lot about who she sees as her real constituency.
@Jason M Guess I was correct in my assumptions. Thanks for clarifying. I’ll STILL report it, let’s NOT make it too easy for them SCUMBAGS
@RJS always
@Kay T exactly!
@RJS so do I. I’m so sick of it. “Fuk what u saying it here!”
@Jason M Yes, and then you have to report every one of the 100 posts that person left. Surely YouTube can remove them all at once?
It’s insane the point we’ve reached, where Democrats must negotiate with themselves to pass republican policies, and every republican stands opposed to the policies they’ve supported in the past.
@K thanks for the info …..I’m sure it took a lot of time and research to compile all of the facts ……thanks.
@Ed I am a low grade millionaire …..but my understanding is only billionaire corporations will be affected …..I read the nuances in the bill ……did you ?.
@j p
Do you mean Republican constituents, or American constituents …?
… because if you mean the former …
I cant find any of those “81 million” joe biden voters right now. And you cant walk 10 feet before meeting someone that will say “we need those mean tweets and 1.85 gas right now”
The carried interest is a special interest golden egg that the senator from Arizona proves she sold out!!! She needs to switch parties where corruption is part of the party platform!!!
Its unbelievable right? There’s absolutely no reason for her to oppose that except to appease her big money donors. Absolutely maddening.
Well that and the tape recorded conversation she had with her hedge fund donors about what she should do about the bill.
Last fight
Upset with Sinema for removing the tax loop hole. But they added in taxes on stock buy backs. Now that is a win.
It’s not a loop hole, it’s the law. Also, This bill is going to increase taxes on anyone making over 30k.
you will pay in the end
@Ed You keep posting that taxes are going to increase for those making 30+k and that is simply untrue. Although it will increase taxes for those making *anything* over $400k and given that 400k IS more than 30k, I guess you’re right on a technicality. However, it’s disingenuous for you to imply someone making 31k will see a tax increase. Either you’re trying to purposely be deceitful or you are just parroting what you heard someone else say without you bothering to verify it.
BTW, a “loophole” is considered to be in regards to an existing law.
I agree
Last fight
When was the last time or anytime Senator Graham did anything that benefited the middle class or poor Americans ?
@Ed Taxes aren’t going up for anybody who makes less than $400,000. If you are making that or more, you should be paying more.
@Ed @Ed Here we go AGAIN, Ed! You keep posting that taxes are going to increase for those making 30+k and that is simply untrue. Although it will increase taxes for those making *anything* over $400k and given that 400k IS more than 30k, I guess you’re right on a technicality. However, it’s disingenuous for you to imply someone making 31k will see a tax increase. Either you’re trying to purposely be deceitful or you are just parroting what you heard someone else say without you bothering to verify it
you would have been able to keep your Dr if it for republicans genius.
Big wins for President Biden! Well done Joe!

@Ray Whitehead Chicken Little
This bill is going to increase taxes on anyone making over 30k. It’s going to increase inflation on top of the high gas prices and increased taxes. Basically all raises in the past year would’ve been for nothing.
Lindsey Graham: South Carolina’s State weasel.
What the heck is wrong with voters in South Carolina?
@Bradley Farrow ??? I’m guessing you understand now or want me hit you with some more left lunacy statistics?
Unfortunately I live south Dakota who have our own senators and governor, that placed their agendas in front of the voters. To the rest of the country vote.
@David Drake hey Kansas all ready repeal it, the people of your state appreciate it, it gives the rest of us hope
Every time I see Angus King, I cry for my state, who elected America’s Dumbest Senator, Ron Johnson.
@Genice Gorman we sure are!!
Fla has an even dumber Ron going on in their state. But he’s a governor.
There goes Manchin and Sinema with their “Good Cop/Bad Cop” routine.
What a damnable circus our legislative branch has become.
Beautiful–they really are gc & bc.
Creeps, who need to feel important on their road to perdition.
@Ed You keep posting that taxes are going to increase for those making 30+k and that is simply untrue. Although it will increase taxes for those making *anything* over $400k and given that 400k IS more than 30k, I guess you’re right on a technicality. However, it’s disingenuous for you to imply someone making 31k will see a tax increase. Either you’re trying to purposely be deceitful or you are just parroting what you heard someone else say without you bothering to verify it
@Ed no Miran, it’s not…it won’t even for over a million.
The Dec 31st, 2017 corp. Tax reduction by 50% (from 39% to 21%), sure as hell raised everyone’s taxes by a mile though–there us only 2 categories for the Treasury’s IRS tax collector’s, adult citizens and business. No modern economy in a democracy that was unlike the Kremlin taking all, or Kingdom doling out what they want like Saudis, has ever survived on less than 35% historically, look up how much corps paid in the 1950s, wowza! What moran thought up that grift $1.7T at that time, turned out to be 2.3T by the end of that year and unlike BuildBackBetter spread over 10 years making jobs, and this bill all paid for, solar industry builder…2017 btw was an annual gutting into perpetuity…so far $2.3 T 5 times, and no timesheet be even denied it “well we don’t want them incorporating in the Caymens or moving plants to Mexico,” which they have boldly continued to do without consequence anyway..
So no one asks why Senima gets away with protecting the rich, once again? She is such a slime and will be a one term Senator. Then she can go collect her reward from her corporate overlords.
She isn’t the only one who receives $$$$ from the group she is protecting…I dont agree with it but others are willing to compromise when it benefits them as well…i think we need to get all money out of politics…would probably have the added benefit of getting some people elected who are wanting to represent their constituents not reward their donors.
@Rose Romans If this country was run by billionaires it would b a great place to live
She’s obviously setting herself up to be a lobbyist.
Well, Graham isn’t exactly a man who has displayed a lot of integrity in the past. Remember how he claimed to be “very close” to John McCain and then remember how he supported Trump ( and continues to support Trump) while Trump was spewing forth infantile insults about McCain even after McCain died? That’s the kind of man that he is.
I love that Biden always gave a crap about John McCain. If you didn’t know, a long time ago, Lindsey, and Joe were actually good friends. Anyways, I’m not sure if it was for Cindy McCain, or for John McCain, and Cindy took it in his honor, but Biden awarded medal of freedom not too long ago to one of them! That’s true friendship
God damn right! I’ve been an Apple shareholder for more than a decade and that company DID NOT need nor deserve a tax cut. Most recent quarter Apple sold ONE BILLION DOLLARS a day!!!!!
The howls of pain and anger coming from Republicans are music to my ears. Keep it coming!
B Bodziak Dimbe.
@B Bodziak Pray for me because I asked you how your liberal philosophy is serving you? Get real.
Last fight
Thank you for representing us in Maine and the entire U.S.A. Angus. If more politicians thought the way you do this planet would certainly be a better place. P.S. My Dad says hello
He was my Senator when we lived in Sagadahoc County. Just a truly decent man who does his job with no nonsense. Wish we could clone him.
Last fight
Hoosier here. I am jealous.