Hawaii Democrat and Senate Judiciary Committee member Sen. Mazie Hirono reacts to the end of the Trump impeachment hearing question phase ahead of the a critical vote on whether impeachment witnesses will be allowed. Aired on 01/30/20.
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Senator Mazie Hirono: President Donald Trump Believes He's King Now | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Obviously the GOP SENATORS think and want him to be king to…money is a MF !!! Paid in full
@EARTH IS seriously FLAT
Hillary, a women who is more of a man than Trump is.
Obstruction winning, there is a difference.
@Rabble Wolf is the perfect example of a completely subjugate and incredulous DEMONIC DemonRat worshipping pedovores
. Pizzagate is no joke.
@EARTH IS seriously FLAT
Hillary still more of a man than Trump.
The Lamar fella just doesn’t want to take responsibility and do his job.
Old unstable dementia stage 3 typical white trumpsuck hypocrite; undeniably there’s a Russian rubles account lurking in the German Deutch Banks or the other tax haven in the Caymans.
Trump won
@NDFOOTBALL he won nothing. He won default. At best.
@NDFOOTBALL just like the Domers. They haven’t had a winner since Lou Holtz.
i guess we learned that our democracy is worth the price of a republicans job.
Just count your blessings that madam PEDOVORE
Hillary Clinton is not our president
This president Trump Administrator America he going order the death of people
A trial without witnesses and evidence is not a trial, it’s a cover-up, and a crime against the American people. Call it what it is.
75% of the American people say they want witnesses and evidence introduced in this impeachment trial.
Republicans: “Eff the people!!! Why should we care about what the American people want?”
You will see what American people want when Trump win in Nov
75% of the people have had it with the Democrats. They’re CRAZY !!!
Why don’t you focus on getting triggered the next time someone yawns or blinks
75% came in ur home and said or they belong to majority Hillary got last election??
@Save Greenland You are obviously illiterate. It’s the other way around.
#cult45 #magamorons
j walsh #treasonispunishedbydeath
I agree with Bluemoon!
Isn’t she awesome. Her State should be very proud of her.
Toni Olson #HillaryClinton2020!!!

No, she is lying do nothing Dem.
@Dusty Nickels 2016 still hurts you biggly
Thump doesn’t just believe he’s King. The Republican Senators are going to say that he IS a King.
@jeff Mac I love Canadians. But, obviously you are a cull. A phony flag display, just like Thump.
@jeff Mac I started calling Thump Thump about three months after he was elected because he reminds me of a big Orange Orangutan thumping his chest.
Him and his big fat blowhard mouth will always be THUMP to me. He doesn’t respect our Country, Constitution, Rule of Law or any of the things that make this country great because he thinks he is greater than our country…just like you think he should be greater that our country and ABOVE THE LAW.
He will never get any respect from me. He’s a TRAITOR and a CRIMINAL. Those are just FACTS!
@Billy Akin

@Billy Akin Well if you are 6 years old and your girlfriend is Aeris from Final Fantasy I guess you would be right on target.
Billy Akin it can’t be learned, you have it, or you don’t. Btw, what does that have to do with anything?lol
Not king. Dictator! Surely nobody is honestly surprised at the outcome.

It’s up to us now vote him out vote them all out .We see how they are running the Government king trump. They need to do away with the electoral college talk about voter fraud.
Need a diaper change?
Do away with electoral college because you lost? lmao
Is democracy now dead or terminally ill?
Shame on all with no backbone to step up to the mark.
Karma and history will not be kind to you!
History is written by the victors. Dump could write its own history.
Democracy was always a farce in the USa, for her citizens are arrogant, ignorant, selfish and cold.
Mark Shumate – so explain to me, if Trump is innocent, why did he refuse to release ALL documents and ALL witnesses? If Trump is innocent, this all could have been over long ago if he just let HIS people testify under oath. Innocent people do not hide things. If your argument is that you just don’t care, then admit that. But don’t claim he’s innocent.
THX U Ma’am for speaking up just as u do. Bluntly & honestly !
One day, Republicans will remember this day
, and regret.
@George Anti American democrats
Yea protecting the constitution is a sad day. Get real.
Eastwood Unforgiven well trump did call republicans stupid, I guess that’s why he won the first time round. Dumb humans
Good to see the Republicans showing their true colors finally as they try to make the 4th Reich.
White Centaur that didn’t work out so well for the third Reich did it…
Freewheelin’ Franklin facts, we saw it coming back then
How many rubles does a republican senator cost, I wonder?
Sorry to say, don’t hold your breath for a fair election this year, it won’t happen, not after this whitewash. I am mourning for America, everything will go downhill now very rapidly.
trump 2020 lets watch the world burn together
And the rest of the world will suffer because of Trump too!
That is already happening.
We are watching the making of a dictatorship.
@EARTH IS seriously FLAT too funny you have no idea what happens to you and your country if the US becomes a dictatorship do you…all you care is that this criminal gets away with wrong doing…down the road I’ll be laughing at you while you pick food out of garbage cans to feed yourself and your family…only people who win in this case are the ultra rich…and you frankly judging by your fake handle and comment is far from even being rich!!!
More like an oligarchy and in your face ruling class government, were being in the ruling or donor class literally allows you to commit crimes with good evidence of it, and get away with it. You will see it with the Supreme Court coming down with nothing to see here judgements like this if you have the right connections. Then you will see people opposed to this type of government being investigated and potentially jailed over perjured evidence or internet articles like Russia. Then you will see those in power truly manipulating elections, where an obvious corrupt official gets reelected when you know no one who voted for him, so it defies logic.
@George Hoguet True story!
Not even close or you would fear to speak out like you do.
“Article 2 allows me to do whatever I want. It gives me all these rights at a level nobody’s ever seen before “.
Totally disgraceful
It’s 2A
Article 2 has been a loseroid tool of anti White House for decades. IN 1970s,Super alcoholic Richard M.NIXON,gave an I international broadcast interview with UK David frost,wherein NIXON bragged to David frost how anything he wanted to do, as president M*A*G*I*C*A*L*L*Y became legal for the #alcoholic president to do.(# means my insert word).This was said on Intl tv,broadcasted across the world ,at least the English speaking world.Nixon also was reliant on article 2,to back himself up,that he could chose to do ANY criminal thing and get away with it.
Nonsense. There are those who have or have had such unlimited powers: Putin, Mussolini, Franco, Dada, Stalin, Hitler, Mugabe, Somoza, Pinochet, and on and on and on. The Orange Tornado joins a long list of autocrats and oligarchs. Heck folks, so what if our corporatocracy has officially become an oligarchical autocracy. Just hope that his followers don’t come after you with their AR15s, you know, for being “concerned”. Just lay low and buy lotsa crap you don’t need on Amazon, vegg out on your smart phone, and eat bag after bag of Doritos with ranch dressing. Everything will be fine.
Senator Hirono,
I just wanted to thank you for representing Hawaii. It’s nice to know that our voices are being heard even though it’s not going well…
ralph ramirez He is the chosen one. That is democracy, chosen by the American people
“We the People” are being played.
It didn’t start yesterday. But it just got a lot more evident today. Burn down the gop – vote blue in 2020 –