Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) joins Hallie Jackson to discuss the President's intervention in Department of Justice business as well as Trump's attacks on her home state, New York. Gillibrand says that the trusted traveler restrictions imposed on New York residents are "political payback in its worst form." Aired on 02/13/2020
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Senator Kirsten Gillibrand Open To Impeaching Atty. Gen. Barr | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC
Barr = Trump swamp creature
Trump drained the swamp so that he could pump all the drainage into Barr’s mouth
How much more does Trump have to do for you to start impeachment proceedings again? Again – WHY? BECAUSE HE’S STILL BREAKING THE LAW.
@Don Williams Campaign finance law – paying off a mistress to keep the story out of the news. That one got dropped thanks to Barr with no explanation. Barr has suppressed/obstructed several times including the whistleblower complaint which he tried to bury. They didn’t have enough votes from either the house or senate on the emoluments clause. I don’t understand that one.
@Deplorable Centrist Wrong see post above and educate yourself.
Why is everyone even wasting time replying to this David Schultz? He’s obviously not worth the time – like trying to educate a cockroach, not possible!
Impeachment and removal are not contingent on a violation of an existing criminal code…that’s intuitive. High crimes are abuse of power which was in the same articles Republicans brought against Bill Clinton.
Barr was censored by the house and ran out of town in the 90s for the same act
@Don Williams ROTFLMAO You’re a clown with your clownish tones worshipping a clown that love’s clowns, clown!
Your point is moot, eh genius!
Tom Krohn What on earth does Zion have to do with this?
Robin Hood Exactly.
It’s —Censure: express severe disapproval of (someone or something), especially in a formal statement.
Behave badly as a public official, get impeached. Simple.
Renegade chic you are corrupt just like the rest of the criminal Democrats.
The Shreksorcist…..we really got em’ now!!!! Yes, please impeach him again so his approval rating will be even higher. Impeach him again so he becomes even stronger.
Maybe in other countries. In the current USA, both the GOP Senate and the DOJ belong to Donald J. Trump, to do as he pleases, and half of the country approves of this.
Not in the US as it is today — the country has become a rogue state, no longer trusted by long-standing allied democracies but good buddies with the worst oppressive regimes, run by the whims of a guy getting closer to dictatorship every day
Their scared, he’s coming for them!
Barr should have been impeached as soon as he started ignoring the law in support of Trump.
Barr and Trump working for Putin and Russia. That’s what!!!
Chad N …………… Prosecutorial misconduct – ignoring Federal sentencing guidelines – jury tampering / nullification – Obstruction Of Justice .
daniel rivera all of what idiot,I’ll wait.
Horace Mitchell 2 1/2 years no collusion, or did you miss that one?
Impeach all of the corrupt Republicans, aka every one of them!
Sasa Sasa with the exception of Romney
@Kay Muldoon don’t be fullish Romney is the same he just have a chance to repay trump what he done to him
Sore looser
May God be with and protect Gillibrand in her fight for our country. Thank you.
Forget all the investigations these crooks are doing dirt in the open
@Georges Cote AYE AYE CAPTAIN!! Yes, yes, yes, and yes.
@Duane Hall I pour my heart out and you respond with hashtags. LOL I am kind of tickled that I am now an infamous online troll. a russian one at that. the irony is all the russians I know are Trump supporters. oh well i guess ill see you around Duane
My sentiments exactly!! How much investigation do they need to see what is already happening!!!
@JoAnna S. Diamonds and Pearls nothing happened. again.
@Thats not funny wow. ok have it your way.
it’s about time
@Don Williams yes he has over step his authority moron
No moron that’s not quite right ; Barr= reckoning…the day of reckoning for the Dem’s is near….lol
@anthony magliaro ooh is it the deep state you morons and your conspiracy theories
Gestapo? Spoken like a bona-fide leftist radical dem who is void of European history
AG Barr is a “disgrace.”
@Madison Marshall KING DONALD I but I am russian, third generation and my loyalty goes to vladimir putin.St. Petersburg is beautiful this time of year.
AG Barr’s actions are criminal. AG Barr should be Indicted and Disbarred.
Your mom is a disgrace.
Impeach Barr now while theres still a shred of Hope left for our democracy!
@richard mc Yes Trump is KING DONALD I a monarch of the USA and a great KING.He puts queen elizabeth to shame.The witch queen elizabeth will never compare to KING DONALD I.
cindy o …. Will this merely be another pointless exercise?
@Robin Hood Barr knew long before Trump and as head of the DOJ perfectly legal.
@P Da Great 1 presidents can order investigations. So maybe read up before you speak.
Thank you Kirsten Gillibrand … This is a constitutional crisis. War powers yes, but Trump is destroying the judicial system!
No. He’s saving the judiciary. No more overreaching activist judges. Thank you, Mitch
Senator marsha from brady bunch, here’s the real world: RADICAL LEFTIST JUDGE picked by BARACK HUSSAIN OBAMA; and FOUR LIBERAL LEFTIST TRUMP-HATING DEM PROSECUTORS N MUELLER RUSSIAN HOAX WHO R ATTACK DOGS FOR THEIR LOVELY CROOKED DEMS, complaining they didn’t get their RUSSIAN STYLE “JUSTICE.” Ur complaint dismissed.
Bipartisan? Are you Kidding? GOP won’t even protect the VOTE!
@R McElhaney so what, harry Reid did the same thing as majority leader when the democrats held the Senate. This is old freaking news LOL
R McElhaney he sat on bills because they made no sense
@Dave Schultz I predict your one of the sheep that follows the wolf in sheep clothing. One day the sheep clothing will fall off, and you will see the wolf inside.
“See, evil always contains the seeds of its own destruction. It is ultimately negative, and therefore encompasses its downfall even at its moments of apparent triumph.” … Crowley .. “Good Omens”
I hope this is true …
@Rand Kocher Too many lies to unpack there bro! Look these things up on a valid news station. not fox!!
@L D,
– Name a valid news station? lol
– Way back when there were only 3 tv stations, abc, cbs and nbc, all three were fake news.
– 99% of American media is politically spun for the Democrat Party and always has been
@Rand Kocher Actually I guess I am old enough to cite The Encyclopedia Britannica as one of my first sources. However that encyclopedia had its’ obvious bias”! Everything with a grain of salt!
@Rand Kocher Maybe you should try going out in your neighborhood to talk and look at people to maybe get a different understanding of others situations?
@Rand Kocher Much can be learned from observation and understanding!
Where are all the republican’s who defends the military and the patriots now? A bunch of traitors.
130 likes vs 0. The problem is the people who need to hear this are listening to Fox and Donald Trump.
It’s time to military to get rid of this orange hippopotamus.
anthony magliaro clearly no critical thinking ability
Here’s 1—Senator marsha from brady bunch, here’s the real world: RADICAL LEFTIST JUDGE picked by BARACK HUSSAIN OBAMA; and FOUR LIBERAL LEFTIST TRUMP-HATING DEM PROSECUTORS N MUELLER RUSSIAN HOAX WHO R ATTACK DOGS FOR THEIR LOVELY CROOKED DEMS, complaining they didn’t get their RUSSIAN STYLE “JUSTICE.” Ur complaint dismissed.
Kelly ……….. Just GET RID of THEM . Turn Fascists into fertilizer …… the only thing they’re useful for .
Kelly ann kanye
or give Washington DC an enema and flush out all of the democrats LOL
iwill vote yes to that
Impeach the entire Republican Party? Nope. Let’s go to civil war instead and settle it that way.
So far the funniest comment….hilarious, “elect a clown, get a circus” LOL LOL
Finally another person calling to put McConnell on the hot seat for the Mess he’s enabled and the Monster he’s unchained !!! Where is he where is the press Track that man down put him on camera we want to see him squirm!!
@Relative Insanity Vote him out then! #ditchmitch it’s money well spent and I’ll be donating until Election Day btw I am NOT from KY
@Belle Starr Exactly-and thank you! State Rep Charles Booker, among others, is running against McConnell in KY. Jaime Harrison is running against Graham in SC, and is within 2 points! We can volunteer for/donate to/support these and other quality candidates to regain genuine representation, regardless of which state we reside in. We must also join in the ongoing work to eliminate the poison intrusion of Big $ upon our elections/govt. It is the causative factor. It is the purview of the People to clean up, restore and reclaim our rightful place in our govt. of, for and by the People. The Move to Amend, Common Cause, Color of Change, American Promise, Trust Vote, just a few of the quality groups of everyday people we can check out/join with.
@Belle Starr Good job. We need more people like you in this day and age of election fraud and cheating. We need to show the GOP that election integrity is far too important and for the senate to just ignore the election security bills the democrats in the house have passed and brought to a senate vote. Bring those election security measures to the senate floor for a vote, instead of letting them sit on your desk turtle boy. We need to put the democrats in charge and strengthen our elections. Go vote 2020.
Now we’re talkin’. Wipe that “I can do anything I want” look right off that tub o’ lard’s grill.
Barr is working both sides of the aisle and needs to confront the Ukraine $1.8 Billion laundering scheme that Joe
Biden put in place with Hunter as middleman:
john ryan if you’re over 8 years old, my condolences
where are the mass demonstrations? too many young people sitting on their duffs! Get out and demand the end of this Kakistocracy!
Let’s all get out there and protest this corrupt Government!
Young, old, middle aged, seniors in high school and on social security!
Speaking as a liberal Baby Boomer, our generation marched in the streets by the hundreds of thousands, to bring about an end to the Viet Nam war. Younger folks need to understand that whining about this crap on Twitter and social media is not going to do a damned bit of good. The Establishment doesn’t sit up and take notice until you come at them IN PERSON, with your teeth bared. Demonstrations, marches and organized boycotts are what get their attention. The internet they can just ignore.