Trump's condemnation of white supremacy stands in contrast with his words from last March, when he downplayed the problem to reporters in the White House. Senator Kamala Harris says, "People are dying everyday in America … We have babies who have been orphaned in El Paso. You look at what happened Dayton, and Gilroy, California."
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Senator Kamala Harris On Gun Violence: People Are Dying Everyday In America | Hardball | MSNBC
Senator Harris, yor words: “At some point people have got to have the courage of their convictions and understand that to be elected a member of the United Sates Congress means to take on a role and responsibility of having the best interests of the American people and their health, safety, and well-being in your priorities – and the highest priority. But these members of congress, they walk around with these fancy lapel pins and they have staff chasing them around as they walk up and down the halls and they take pictures and they take all the benefits of being a member of the United States Congress, but on this issue, no responsibility, and it is a failure, it is a failure to act”, perfectly explain how members of Congress, such as yorself, know full well that Trump needs to be impeached but aren’t doing anything about it. Will yoo come out in favor of impeachment?
Archi Teuthis Impeachment starts from the House. Kamala Harris is a Senator.
It’s up to Nancy to start that process. I keep waiting for the President to get better and learn to speak to all Americans not just his base or club members.
@jenni Really? Last time I checked she was silent on the issue. But I’ll look at it again.
As for being out of her hands, that’s total BS. The House are dragging their feet on this because they’re afraid the Senate won’t support them. Harris is a member of the Senate, she needs to make it very clear that the House needs to move forward on this.
But let’s say she was never part of the legislative branch at all: Why would anyone vote for a person running for president if that person doesn’t support holding presidents accountable?
@jenni Okay, I just looked it up, and yor correct, Harris _does_ support impeachment!
Good question
Feb. 28, 2017: the lying orange puppet signs a bill making it legal for mentally ill people to buy guns. Cause Obama..bad. And only I can fix it.
Expect more lawsuits.
Sorry. Not the guns. Thats not the problem. The problems r the laws. Donald.and senate.congress. not the guns. Im not a hunter or anything like tht. But i believe people have a right 2 protect their homes. I believe tht we will need our guns when donald attempts 2 take over America. I believe all of this take away our guns. Is a long term. Strategy 2 leave all us non crazay people defenseless in future. We arent switzerland. History dictates we must be armed. Cuz we kno how america rolls. We kno our country. Sht if we culd go bck an ask the native americans i bet theyd wish they had guns! I bet they wish theyd let columbus and murderous homies starve n die. Jus sayin the gun is not the problem. Mental checks. Hmm also not the problem. All this is designed 2 do is catch regular people who get stressed out at work. From being able 2 get a gun. This wont catch the average racist white male whos the only issue. The locks on em can be cut bolt cutter in sec. Training n classes. R bullsht. Only designed to stop lower income people.and brown people fr protecting themselves. All it is. Way 2 make money…again… Theyll make the classed like 2000 or 1000. Or felony. So JUST LIKE WAR ON DRUGS OR 3 STRIKES. theyll be housing brown people like an afterthanksgiving clearance sale. And wont fix problem. Just designed 2 make money. And load up private prisons. And disarm brown people fir future. Type of weapon. Dont see tht either. Past white male terrorists have used other guns tht murdered over 19 people. So gun type. Wont stop or fix white male terrorist problem in america. The laws will. Everyone is talking around the problem. Avoiding obvious. Whn they did 3 strikes what types did they clear off the streets? When they did war on drugs what type did they clear off streets? Have they labeled these people what they are or changed the laws yet? What abt accountability? Making the parents responsible too. It worked in CA whn kamala harris made parents go to prison whn their kids cut school. So not far fetched. This isnt some unknown jack da ripper. America must first admit they have a internal white terrorist Al khidaLIKE network operating in America. They need 2 adjust the laws accordingl n crack down on this terrorist network. They next need 2 make it a felony 2 incite terrorist activity. Period. U incite its a felony. They need 2 make people who incite directly responsible both financially and legally. In otherwords donald should be paying each victim of americas white terrorist attacks checks. And after new law donald needs 2 be arrested my u.s. marshalls and jailed for felony. Inciting terrorist murders and attacks. Right nothing happens.. So why stop? Same with murdering officers. No laws have been changed. So why should they stop. What abt all the fake race 911 calls. Still happening with no laws being changed. No deterrents. No fines or arrest 4 these people caught making fake azz calls. Insane. They shuld be automatically arrested.charge with inciting violence. And forced 2 pay victims. If deliberate. Officers tht show up n participate should be charged with aiding n abet. Terrorist crime. Charged. N jailed. Also forced 2 pay vics. U DO ALL THIS AND MEAN IT. ALL THIS DUMB AZZ SHT EXCEPT THE TERROIST ATTACKS. n if ur white male terrorist kid in ur house. And u didnt kno he wuz racist ID CALL BULLSHT. U KNOW wht ur cray cray kid is. Cuz tht sht starts at home. Fyi background checks wont work either. Cant catch crazy racists tht way. Either.
Could td just be the pulse of America delivering a message of hate and bigotry? After all, he was voted by the people, for the people and of the people.
Didn’t have Tulsi gabbard on I see. No chance to smear her over this issue I guess.
Kamala is a got dam fraud. Get this beotch off tv. How abt she tells us why she buried over 1000 felony counts for steve munuchin in Ca. How abt that ms k william barr. Rock solid case. Thousands of people homeless by munuchin. Fraud. Everythin beotch gets case. Voila. Covered it all up n sent him to w.h.
Harris is so flippant about this issue. Why is she cracking jokes? Beto has way, way more compassion about this. Her words are empty because she ruined it with her attitude. At least act like you care and not throw rhetoric to get votes.
Exactly. Shes a got dam fraud. We still waiting to know why she also buried over 1000 felony counts against steve munuchin. In ca. Case was rock friggin solid! She let him WALK! Sent him right 2 w.h. she pulled a william barr. Public record. Google tht shady sht. She aint no joke
Trump Signs Bill Revoking Obama-Era Gun Checks for People With Mental Illnesses
The new law nullifies an Obama-backed rule that added people with mental illnesses to the national background check database.
Sherry Bullock your wrong, do some research
Sorry. Not the guns. Thats not the problem. The problems r the laws. Donald.and senate.congress. not the guns. Im not a hunter or anything like tht. But i believe people have a right 2 protect their homes. I believe tht we will need our guns when donald attempts 2 take over America. I believe all of this take away our guns. Is a long term. Strategy 2 leave all us non crazay people defenseless in future. We arent switzerland. History dictates we must be armed. Cuz we kno how america rolls. We kno our country. Sht if we culd go bck an ask the native americans i bet theyd wish they had guns! I bet they wish theyd let columbus and murderous homies starve n die. Jus sayin the gun is not the problem. Mental checks. Hmm also not the problem. All this is designed 2 do is catch regular people who get stressed out at work. From being able 2 get a gun. This wont catch the average racist white male whos the only issue. The locks on em can be cut bolt cutter in sec. Training n classes. R bullsht. Only designed to stop lower income people.and brown people fr protecting themselves. All it is. Way 2 make money…again… Theyll make the classed like 2000 or 1000. Or felony. So JUST LIKE WAR ON DRUGS OR 3 STRIKES. theyll be housing brown people like an afterthanksgiving clearance sale. And wont fix problem. Just designed 2 make money. And load up private prisons. And disarm brown people fir future. Type of weapon. Dont see tht either. Past white male terrorists have used other guns tht murdered over 19 people. So gun type. Wont stop or fix white male terrorist problem in america. The laws will. Everyone is talking around the problem. Avoiding obvious. Whn they did 3 strikes what types did they clear off the streets? When they did war on drugs what type did they clear off streets? Have they labeled these people what they are or changed the laws yet? What abt accountability? Making the parents responsible too. It worked in CA whn kamala harris made parents go to prison whn their kids cut school. So not far fetched. This isnt some unknown jack da ripper. America must first admit they have a internal white terrorist Al khidaLIKE network operating in America. They need 2 adjust the laws accordingl n crack down on this terrorist network. They next need 2 make it a felony 2 incite terrorist activity. Period. U incite its a felony. They need 2 make people who incite directly responsible both financially and legally. In otherwords donald should be paying each victim of americas white terrorist attacks checks. And after new law donald needs 2 be arrested my u.s. marshalls and jailed for felony. Inciting terrorist murders and attacks. Right nothing happens.. So why stop? Same with murdering officers. No laws have been changed. So why should they stop. What abt all the fake race 911 calls. Still happening with no laws being changed. No deterrents. No fines or arrest 4 these people caught making fake azz calls. Insane. They shuld be automatically arrested.charge with inciting violence. And forced 2 pay victims. If deliberate. Officers tht show up n participate should be charged with aiding n abet. Terrorist crime. Charged. N jailed. Also forced 2 pay vics. U DO ALL THIS AND MEAN IT. ALL THIS DUMB AZZ SHT EXCEPT THE TERROIST ATTACKS. n if ur white male terrorist kid in ur house. And u didnt kno he wuz racist ID CALL BULLSHT. U KNOW wht ur cray cray kid is. Cuz tht sht starts at home. Fyi background checks wont work either. Cant catch crazy racists tht way. Either.
Tulsi must still be playing in the back of her head

Tulsi did nothing to her campaign. She’s still stuck at 0%.
@Dan she exposed Kamala for the evil witch she is.
Hate is driving everyone even those who try to divert it is guilty of .
@Dan #1 Googled female on Earth for 48 hours after she wiped Harris
Hey Kamala i like you to be yourself . If you need to be hyper, scream about issues by all means go for it kamala. Thats your passion.
Tulsi Gabbard did her in
Trump’s base is doing exactly what he wants them to do. He loves that his base is killing brown people.
Donald Trump’s parents missed to educate him. He will never learn in this life.
Donald Trump’s parents missed to educate him. He will never learn in this life.
If Dems don’t have majority in the Senate how will anything get passed?
Get rid of McConnell
Playing GOLF … that just tells you what kind of president we have … ( these mass shootings ) mean nothing to the president .
He wasn’t playing golf. You’re spreading lies and hate.
“Gun safety”? NRA promotes it.
She won’t be elected, to corporate controlled. Sick of it.
She also calls Tulsi Gabbard taking her to the wood shed the other night domestic terrorism
Great performance, horrible policy ideas.
After the last debate, I do not trust her.
Yes, Kamala. People are also in jail for weed, even though you are full Rasta. People are dying because of our nation, due to people like you kowtowing to insurance and big pharma. Just because you oppose one particular industry -it don’t make you progressive. You are Hillary 2.0. Bern 2020
Kamala ” suppressor of exculpatory evidence ” Harris.
Soooo trustworthy…NOT!!!
Republican lite.