Senator floats false data claim. See ex-CDC chief’s reaction

Former CDC director Dr. Tom Friedan fires back on misleading claims that CDC statistics on coronavirus death toll numbers were falsified.

#CNN #News

Senator floats false data claim. See ex-CDC chief's reaction


    1. MAIL IN VOTING! Does this Dem cheater’s whistle-blowing mean nothing? This article shows how Democrats rig elections by paying homeless voters, taking advantage of elderly in nursing homes, fraudulently posing as registered voters, printing up phony ballots and actually removing real ballots from envelopes and replacing them with counterfeit ballots and on & on! If we can Peacefully protest, go get groceries, go to get a bottle of booze, go get an abortion, WHY CAN’T WE GO VOTE like the past 240 years?

    2. George Soros’s Foundation Pours $220 Million Into Racial Equality Push

      Hillary Clinton colluded with major news networks to create a narrative for the 2016 election (links below)
      1. Clinton Staff hosts private “off-the-record cocktail party” with 38 “influential” reporters, journalists, editors, and anchors (from 16 different mainstream media outlets including CNN, NBC, CBS, NYT, MSNBC, & more) with the stated goal of “framing the race.”

      2. Donna Brazile (CNN contributor at the time, and current DNC Chairman now) leaked CNN town hall questions to Hillary Clinton’s staff prior to the debate.

      3. Clinton campaign and the New York Times coordinating attack strategy against Trump

      4. Glen Thrush, POLITICO’s chief political correspondent and senior staff writer for POLITICO Magazine, sends John Podesta an article for his approval. Writes: “Please don’t share or tell anyone I did this. Tell me if I fucked up anything.”
      5. Huffington Post contributor Frank Islam writes to John Podesta in an email titled “My blogs in the Huffington Post”, says “I am committed to make sure she is elected the next president.” “Please let me know if I can be of any service to you.”
      6. Clinton staffer “Placing a story” with Politico / New York Times: “place a story with a friendly journalist” “we have a very good relationship with Maggie Haberman of Politico” “we should shape likely leaks in the best light for HRC.”
      7. John Podesta receiving drafts of New York Times articles before they’re published.
      Clinton staff “placing a story with a friendly at the AP (Matt Lee or Bradley Klapper).”
      More media collusion: NYT and AP “helpful” to Clinton campaign.
      8. Clinton staff colluding with New York Times and Wall Street Journal to paint Hillary’s economic policies in a “progressive” light.
      9. CNBC panelist colluding with John Podesta on what to ask Trump when he calls in for an interview.
      10. Clinton staff appearing to control the release times of Associated Press articles.
      🇺🇸 🕊💪🙅‍♂️

      Bill Clinton Inc.

    3. vaccines have lots of side effects. ivermectin is very safe. we can take upto 60mg a day without side effects. but 12mg ivermectin 100mg doxycyclin 50 zinc is recommended. but in serious condition it is ok upto 60mg ivermectin…..,

    4. Well in this case it’s actually true. We add COVID-19 to every death certificate where a symptom is somewhat similar to COVID-19 symptoms in order to get $40,000 per death instead of $16,000

    1. @The Horde yes Trump has done MORE DAMAGE to the country than anyone has in 4 years. That’s about the only thing you got right.

    2. @The Horde You’re either delusional or stupid. Delusions can be controlled, stupid is permanent. You should seek help as you sound more delusional than stupid. Apologies if you’re a ‘special’ person!

    3. vaccines have lots of side effects. ivermectin is very safe. we can take upto 60mg a day without side effects. but 12mg ivermectin 100mg doxycyclin 50 zinc is recommended. but in serious condition it is ok upto 60mg ivermectin…..,

    1. @Jock Young someone ….the democrats…keeping hcq from us means they have blood on their hands not the pres ..TRUMP2020

    2. @stellar Facts! I can’t believe nothing that comes out of trumps mouth. Why would anybody believe what he says after telling over 30,000 lies since being in office. The country is in the worse shape under his watch. I don’t know why he has detached himself from this pandemic like it doesn’t exist. He can’t lie his way out of this pandemic no matter how much he tries, it’s really sad because it affects us all no matter what political party you belong to. His base don’t follow the guidelines and they are getting sick too and dying. Hence, Herman Cain, at a Trump rally and a few weeks later died from the virus. He can’t lead me out of a paper bag!

    3. Careful saying you’re sick about something… regretfully, saying you’re sick might just program your subconscious to make you sick…

  1. Sen Joni Ernst. You were elected to be a Key Manager of your state.
    How is throwing phantom unproven theories out. benefit the populus .
    If you have proven fact that can be backed up by Evidence Great.
    But Selling snake oil demeans yourself and your office.

    1. @힘이들어 Also good luck studying harder than me I read papers all day for the past 7 years. AND get graded. Higher than anyone.

    2. @Watta World H1N1 didnt collapes healtcare systems like what happened in Italy.Then Spain,France,Brazil,UK,NY etc and even in my country it reach full bed capacity and Icu capacity,and now it happened in Florida,Arizona,Texas etc.

      There are 900 healthcare workers in US who died of covid for taking care of covid patients and in the world-3000 (still undercounted)

      Can you give me the statistics of healthcare workers dying of H1N1 or sars or merscov or flu from taking care of flu patients?

      H1N1 is more deadly than covid19 but has less contagious rate,It will only took 1-1week of contact for h1n1 before a person develops symptoms(can be contained easily),covid 19 would took a minimum of 14 days to develop symptoms (+asymptomatics)which means you can have a spreader walking around in 14 days.Which also means if a health worker has symptoms he/she will quarantine for 14 days or more,lucky if he doesnt need hospitalization and who would replace his work?These are one of the reasons it can collapse a healthcare system.

      Covid19 has much more contagious rate than the H1N1flu.which means
      Higher possibility of people spreading it like wildfire =more people getting sick at the same time=more people needing hospitalization at same time=more strain in healthcare system(hosp bed and icu bed capacity) =health care system collapse

      All the scientists ,doctors,healthcare workers all agreed to prank the whole world?All the corrupt World leaders agreed to destroy their economy just to hurt Trump?
      Try looking up in other countries,they are doing so good in handling this pandemic,USA is not the center of the universe!All the doctors here in my thirdworld country at first were laughing at how dumb your pres is and then the fun turned to rage as we watch in horror.Educate yourself please,doctors studied these in >8 years ,then you are going to claim you figured this all out just by watching youtube vids and listening to quack docs spewing pseudoscience?

  2. Sen. Ernst, I heard through good sources your deflating your Covid numbers to earn a spot at the Trump Taj Mahal. I heard through health care providers that you get a cash incentive per Covid death.

    1. @A. George LOL, you must have been reading my mind. Most, if not all will take the information and filter it through the prism of their own world view and inherent bias. Nobody is immune to that. Food for thought indeed.

    2. @Gregor I am no expert either and my views are just as political as yours but I would hope any judgments made about my opinions be made about them directly as opposed to formulating a judgment from entirely unrelated assumptions like whether that opinion might lean left or right or follow a particular party line. Wouldn’t you agree?

    3. @Gregor That is why one should check validity of a statement by how it corresponds with reality instead of politics or expertise. Bias is always inevitable however we can base that bias on something real. Truth can be applied to bias our opinions even while being political beings. In fact one would hope people recognise that political views are capable of being biased by the truth just like scientific views are expected to be. One can either mould our views so they fit into a particular political box or one can formulate views biased by reality that will inevitably just happen to fit into a particular political box. Either way we have bias and a political view.

    4. vaccines have lots of side effects. ivermectin is very safe. we can take upto 60mg a day without side effects. but 12mg ivermectin 100mg doxycyclin 50 zinc is recommended. but in serious condition it is ok upto 60mg ivermectin…..,

    1. CDC stated on their website that only 6 percent of covid deaths are on healthy people who are not already sick. The other 94 percent had on average 2.6 comorbidities.

    2. ben southwell
      He could while away the hours
      Payin’ for golden showers
      Consultin’ with the Trump Train
      And his Barr he’d be scratchin’
      While the plots are busy hatchin’
      If he only had a big ahbrain…

    3. @Michael Bray We do not have many examples of mail-in voting working. Not at this level. Considering people are fine with going out to protest in large groups, then people should be ok to go vote. I understand that protesting in important, but so is voting. Voting helps decide which road our country will go down in the future. Mail-in voting holds too many risks for voting fraud, and we have not done it enough to do it efficiently. That argument was not made up by people actually afraid to vote. That argument was made by the liberal media and Democrat higher-ups. Therefore, it is a bullshit argument. Some people may actually be afraid to go out and vote, but I have a feeling not a lot of people are. We all know that this is really about trying to cheat the election. Democrats have proven that they are willing to go to extremes to win this election, including lying to people about coronavirus cases, lying to black people about systematic racism being real, supporting antifa and rioters, telling people that they should riot until they take back the senate and the house, making everything this year seem like Trump´s fault, and more. Voting fraud is unconstitutional, and denies people the right to elect their leaders, basically undermining this country´s democracy. It is a huge threat. We do not need mail-in voting if we can go out and protest in large groups of 20 or more people. Also, when going out to vote, it is not like the voting ballots are full of people. Honestly, if we set up the proper precautions at voting ballets, I see no reason to need mail-in voting. I would be fine with mail-in voting, if there wasnt the fact that it is highly likely the left is going to try and cheat the election.

    4. Jacob Posego Trump has already cheated and is cheating now, and you worry about a hypothetical that will only happen if the election and USPS is underfunded and put into a mode of chaos.
      This is Trump’s America isn’t it?
      Suckers and losers he calls his voters.
      He doesn’t get it. What’s in it for them?
      Suckers and losers.

    1. They call it “Entertainment News” and that is no joke. They can spew all the lies they want with no repercussions… that is why drumpf loves them so much… fellow liars.

    2. CNN got sued and were held accountable by the Maga hat kid. Fox can’t be sued anymore because they are not news they’re entertainment.

  3. “This is what I’ve heard from health care providers”

    “I saw a conspiracy theory on FB, and took it as truth”

    The fact that so many republicans in power, believe and fuel these conspiracy theories has got to the point of it actually being terrifying.

    Think about it, people with this little intelligence are in charge of our government

    1. Politicians should not be able to get away with telling lies using the “I heard” BS. Trump has a group of rich, right-wing idiots that he calls almost every day and he believes their garbage. That’s why he said there were “Good people” on both sides of the Charlottesville protests, where a far right loonie rammed his car into protestors. His buddies told him that the far right people just wanted to keep their (white supremacist) heritage alive. We need the names of these people who are actually running the country.

    2. Kittykitty Katt is that why Jeff Bezos ex wife owns the Atlantic, the anonymous source of the recent smear on Trump ?
      Or what do you think the purpose of that was. You think he really said those comments? Or why would that magazine claim those comments from an anonymous source?

  4. She “heard it on the news?”
    People are “talking about it?”

    She just joined Trump in the FOX News feedback loop phenomenon.

    Any moment now we’ll see on the news that they heard this whole concept from her. I can already see the headlines…. Senator from Iowa suggests health care workers inflate numbers to get more money.


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