Illinois Minority Whip Senator Dick Durbin stated his belief that President Trump fired Attorney General Barr prior to his resignation. Aired on 12/15/2020.
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#Durbin #AGBarr #MSNBC
Senator Durbin (D-IL): Attorney General Barr Was Fired | Ayman Mohyeldin | MSNBC
*”Bill my friend and protector, YOU ARE FIRED!”*
@Facts trump prejudice …his head was too big….
@Bob Heck I’ve often wondered how such a large head could have such a small brain.
Goh wow
oh yes
Well Duh!
Barr, having seen Gen Milley’s response, refused to back the implemenation of martial law to prevent Biden from being inaugurated.
Your coment is absolutely right, Barr was afraid of General Mark Milley statement.
Martial Law would have been the ” burn the Reichstag” moment for the USA
He was fired
@Intelligent Design 80 cases tossed or removed from lower courts: NO evidence. Two rejected by the Supreme Court. “Mountains of fraud”? NO fraud! None!

@Sir Garwy Trump is weak….and treasonous….and….
oh wow
oh yes
No law to investigate the massive fraud Trump will most likely declare a National Emegency then limited Marshal law as a last resort otherwise all the voter fraud and voter fraud connections over seas gets scrubbed as well as Bidens conmections to so many countries
@#j G LOL. You loser Trump supporters are getting annoying. As a US veteran, I’m getting angry. Some day there will be someone worse than Trump. Good luck with that!
Republicans are beginning to “Cover their Tracks” This is Nixon and Watergate all over again.
@Andiamo10 Andiamo Stop lying loser… No self respecting Woman of any color would date a dishonest, narcissistic Troll like you…
Kick rocks “Call Center Karen”
@Andiamo10 Andiamo I voted for Kamala Harris you dumba$$…
@Andiamo10 Andiamo when voting i just made sure to not mark the box for trump. You don’t like biden, you don’t think he’s a great choice, and maybe he’s a little on in years, and I’m not here to argue that, but he wasn’t trump. The Democratic party really tested the waters on what is acceptable, and I’m willing to bet that over half of the people that voted biden would have rather had someone else they supported in the primaries, but oh well, he wasn’t trump, so when you laugh at how bad biden is, know that we’re not all blind to his faults, but know that we believe he’s still a way better choice then the one your russian bosses wanted you to help get elected
@Andiamo10 Andiamo my name is andiamo and i am an fauxtrump addict sniffle sniffle. Please help me i lost all credibility, and everyone thinks i am a looser for trusting trump and his lies and propaganda. My family hates me, my girlfriend cheated on me with a dem and my stupid friends keep talking about how trump is a god sniffle. I just want to be respected again, please help dems,. Now now little buddy there’s no shame in being conned, but there is being f****g moron cause you were told for 4 yrs but ya didn’t listen.
Nixon was better than Trump
Auckland. NZ
It will be interesting to see McConnell the Puppet Master Fight with his Puppet tRUMP in the coming weeks. Stay Tuned.
He’ll probably, stupidly, try and fire him too. He’ll at least speak out to his cult to hurt him, if mcConnell quits sucking the poo out of his diaper for him, and says how yummy it is.
Yeah, that’s gross! I’m just so sick if them, and that’s the gist of it anyhow.
I hope Georgia fires McCONnell right quick, so we can get on with healing.
Barr’s letter of resignation is a pathetic summary of his time as the U.S. AG. A leopard never changes its spots!
Can a Cheeto like Trump change his color?
@Voix de la raison Not when he’s spent 74 years of waking up every morning and dumping a bucket of orange paint on his head every day.
oh wow
oh yes
Isn’t that letter written by kayLIEgh?
What a sucker , A crook, a coward, a traitor, a disgusting human being,! Too late to save your credibility or reputation.
Bill Barr deserves tar and feathers.
gasoline and a match
Hopefully have some dignity. If he does, he’ll get fired too.
That’s going to require a LOT of chickens

The chair…
Goh wow
oh yes
Hoh wow
oh yes
Hoo Wah!!
So Barr was fired, and yet still wrote that creepy brown-nosy Dear Leader letter?
Trump must have something on him.
He didn’t write that letter…trump’s people did.
@Oscar Warren was Barr involved with Epstein? Ooh maybe…what a web Chump spun with everyone
Rats, when cornered on a sinking ship, will devour one another to avoid drowning.
Goh wow
oh yes
Who thinks Barr’s worried about his resume ??..Just Askin’ !!
He won’t have to work again.
Lol…True facts
You must do what Trump says, eat what Trump says and like what Trump says or you get fired.
So, don’t do
& listen to his bull
Hoh wow
oh yes
You must do what Trump says, eat what Trump $#!+s and drink what Trump tinkles or you get fired.
@Tom Hill Nobody works for tRamp. Cannot imagine a life that weak and meaningless. There is a good f’n reason you r’etold not to ‘ drink the kool-aid”. People end up dead.
Barr needs to be locked up
This entire administration need to be locked up.
@high voltage they are saving going after her for when biden is worries we will get to her when the time is right.
@zzt bird

go back to your video games. You’re irrelevant in the adult world.
I Believe he was fired, he better have a pocket Pardon with him.
OneBigBugga, as awful as it is to be fired so publicly, getting fired ain’t no crime. Some other acts may be.

“Where is my Roy Cohn?! ”
Fired and under the bus. That’s where.
Of course he was —- lucky guy to escape the madness just before the holiday.
The lies of Barr and Trump are coming back to haunt them.
Barr helped create the monster that swallowed him. No sympathy from me.
Foh yes
oh wow
Wait till you swallow the big guys corruption ?
Barr’s “resignation letter” was obviously written by someone close to Trump, such as Miller.
@Desmond James did he sign it? We don’t know
@Carla g I believe so.
@Desmond James knowing what we know about Trump, it’s not hard to imagine him telling Barr “You can resign if you let us write this letter, or you can go down in history as an attorney general who was fired.” Or maybe something even more devious.
@Tony Ladokguy I agree…that’s how he ran his businesses
Trump is firing everyone , he lost because everybody didn’t obey his rules.
Zoh yes
oh wow
That’s true Trump fired almost everyone and we, the people, fired him!!!
@M C You right he got what he asked for.