Senator calls out GOP colleague’s resistance to codify same-sex marriage

Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) talks to CNN anchor John Berman about the Democrats' push for GOP support of the Respect for Marriage Act, which would repeal the Defense of Marriage Act and protect marriage equality on a federal level. #CNN #News

Senator calls out GOP colleague's resistance to codify same-sex marriage


  1. OMG! It’s so rare to see someone actually call people out for their lies and hold them accountable right on the spot. Geesh!

  2. Everyday in America, there are people willfully undermining everything their ancestors and loved ones had fought and died for.

  3. I don’t give a damn what they say in private, unless they are saying it out loud in public, they are traitors. Plan and simple.

    1. Unfortunately, what they say in public can’t be trusted either. How many times has the GOP said one thing in an interview only to completely alter it or deny it 5 minutes later?

      Thus, I don’t give a damn what they say in interviews either public or private. It only matters how they ultimately vote.

  4. Hopefully it is codified. I have such low expectations for this country though that nothing surprises me anymore.

  5. “How dismal it is to see present day Americans yearning for the very orthodoxy that their country was founded to escape.”

    Christopher Hitchens

  6. Huh, imagine that! A bipartisan group of senators working to make the lives of ordinary Americans better. That is so refreshing and the reason they are there. Kudos to Sen. Baldwin and her fellow supporters.

  7. It is ironic that the Wisconsin state motto is “Forward” and You have Republicans like Ron Johnson dragging us backward on every issue.

    1. Johnson should just stay away from the camera, he literally makes me gag, I have to change the channel but it’s never

  8. R Johnson keeps going back and forth about being a human being. This is still solid journalism. Please keep it up, CNN.

  9. Only because they were in CA could my interracial parents marry. They got together in 1962. I grew up with an intimate understanding of just how risky their relationship was. My grandfather escorted them on dates and told them never to hold hands or show affection when out. I don’t wish that on any other couples, families.

  10. Mind boggling to think that one state can send both a Tammy Baldwin and a Ron Johnson to the senate. Wisconsites, do your duty and send this Johnson clown packing in November. You should be embarrassed to have him even remotely associated with your state.

    1. @mark croydon PS You just betrayed that you’re a non-American troll. Here in this country we spell the word legalize.

    2. @Griffinmc I’m Australian, but i’m no troll. There is absolutely NO reason why marriage should be limited to 2 people. It is pure bigotry against polyamorous people to maintain such a discriminatory law.

  11. I remember years ago (yeah I’m old as dirt) when friends or colleagues would marry just to be able to help friends get life saving treatments for themselves or their children through insurance coverage. Still today in the richest country in the world, we are debating who can and can’t be giving life saving medicines. It’s not about wrong or right, it’s about decency. What would you do to save your children or sisters or brothers? Remember that when you vote.😵💟💙

    1. @George Woodard Listen I appreciate the fact that you served in the army. Now just to be clear I don’t talk about what I don’t know. I have learned more than what you may read in a book, my mother and yaya survived WW2 where my papou and uncles were hung from trees and lamp posts and you were not allowed to bury them. I lost 2 fathers in Vietnam, one actually made it back but was not the same. Family members served in Iraq. I would rather give Ukraine the means to defend themselves against a dictatorship than put boots on the ground and risk one American son or daughter,mother or father. I will never be against feeding and protecting children or the old, or the disabled ever. I will never support a traitor. Now you take care of yourself and the people you love and thank you for your service.💟💙

    2. @Jennifer Fraychineaud Unless things change the cut will be bigger then 10 % as funds are going down with less people working and more people are collecting now .

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