The Democratic presidential candidate weighs in on the president pressuring Benjamin Netanyahu to bar his critics from Israeli soil — and talks about how he would fix the Trump economy.
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Senator Bernie Sanders On Donald Trump And Israel | All In | MSNBC
Funny how all major news outlets energy has changed towards Bernie after he got on JRE and the positive comments after. Now they want to give him respect
Kyuss Qotsa why does trump still have your vote?
Aedan MacDonnell economy is booming corporations are America and for us to function we need a pro corporation president not anti.
Kyuss Qotsa wow koolaid drinker!
@Asiimwe Balinda How does Bernie deserve to win when he wants to DELETE THE ENTIRE CONSTITUTION?!?!?! That information is still on his own website RIGHT NOW if you doubt it. Bernie honeymooned in Russia when it was still listed as an enemy of the USA. Bernie gave tactical information to a country that was also an enemy of the USA at the time, that is classified as TREASON. So tell me again little brainwashed one, why should Bernie even be allowed to run for President at all???
Thanks Ali.. You were unbiased towards Bernie. Appreciate it
Just wait an hour. Their norm is 16 smears a day from my understanding.
Wow.. billions sent to Israel could be sed to help poor in America
Um since the great society that LBJ started and the war on poverty,this country has spent $25+ TRILLION dollars on OUR OWN citizens and in places like San Francisco it’s like living in a 3rd world country
Didnt Obama and Biden BAR a member of the Knesset to come to the US? Look it up.
Or better yet, give that money to those who enter our borders illegally.
Meanwhile we spend trillions on illegal immigration
Saṃsāra’s Light you are lost
@Max Powers
Trump kicked Senator Hillary some bucks to get approvals on his high rises in NYC, because that’s the only way he could get them build. But he NEVER SUPPORTED the Clintons.
Jerold Jones BEY II who are you? I look you up on Facebook and you have no friends and no posts. Now, believe me, I believe Barr and trump and other wealthy and powerful people are involved. I just don’t need a bot to tell me so.
@Mine Finder Don’t forget Trump.
@Mine Finder The Orange Maggot gave money to Bill’s campaign. It’s a matter of public record.
@Toad Tea
Like I said, the cost of doing business. Enjoy the next four years of Trump’s presidency chump.
soon to be heard at Bernie’s front door: AIPAC OPEN UP
AIPAC should be in prison for bribery and treason.
…Well maybe about some of his other statements, but AIPAC objected to Netanyahu banning Omar and Tlaib.
Wow. MSNBC interviews the second in line for the Democratic nomination, instead of ignoring him. Wow, good job, MSNBC
Didnt Obama and Biden BAR a member of the Knesset to come to the US? Look it up.
@CHL Grvn
Canada likely to remove their PM… I really don’t get what you are saying.
Good job….
Mondin Von Douchehole, and you are the moron here!

MSNBC has changed their attitude towards Bernie?… well let’s not speak too soon!
No they have not. He is just the only candidate who is in good standing to talk about Isreal without being labeled as an anti semite.
MSNBC would choose trump over bernie. Get real. MSNBC and the corporate owned media is our enemy.
Our taxes go to Israel.
Thank you Ali for not being smugnorant and condescending to Bernie like your co-hosts at MSDNC!
@Sarfaraz Hussein Merchant The deficit sharply rose in 2009 when Hussein was elected….. Congress raises the debt ceiling. That would include both parties. Wait until a democrat is President and you will see all the “free” stuff making the deficit impossible to control ever again. Trump is not a politician which is why most Americans support him. (well, except for the narcissism and some tweets grinzzz)
@Cali Marie Yes, the deficit rose in 2009, because the US economy was hit by the worst recession since the Great Recession, and Obama had to save US banks and manufacturing. Trump inherited the longest period of growth. What are Republicans doing for Trump? They’ve just abolished Congressional debt limits. Gone. And their huge give away in tax cuts that hasn’t trickled down as promised, because there was no liquidity issue, so that went into share buybacks and offshore accounts, but the debt has accumulated.
@Cali Marie Yes, the top 1% pay more tax, because they own 40% of the wealth, and they’re accruing greater % of GDP growth, not because they’re financial geniuses, but because wealth is now a greater generator of wealth than labor. A historical shift. Trump would be far, far richer today if he had invested his inheritance in New York’s real estate index, than his failed businesses, but even still, he’s a billionaire despite being utterly useless at business. So yes, he should be paying more tax, not enjoying a huge tax break.
@Toad Tea What, like _”Fake News?”_ let’s hope you’re right.
The billions of dollars should be spent on Americans and taxpayers, not forgien countries
Didnt Obama and Biden BAR a member of the Knesset to come to the US? Look it up.
PokeBall 12108dhnkhjd3479gd you mean ILLEGAL immigrants! Get it right
@Tax-bitchass biyatch That’s not how it works. You provide the evidence. You don’t just assert things.
What I really, really like about Bernie’s approach to Red China is to have American labor have a dominant role in the issue, not Wall Street and the oligarchical one percent. What’s good for the American worker is what’s good for America. That is the core of Sanders’ position on trade.
Jules Nagbunga. Look at a map. It’s the country with the big red flag:
Bernie is the 1%
NatureDad. Bernie is smart in not telegraphing his specific plans to the Chinese who would then use them against him in upcoming negotiations. Never allow your opponent to know your final negotiating position.
But, the idea that balance and fairness for those who are working is an ideal that both countries could embrace. For example, Bernie could suggest that Red China create labor wages equal to that of America. Both countries are much closer to parity in cost of living considerations than they were just several years ago.
That would be good for their people and also be good for Americans as both sets of workers would then be on a more equal footing. It’s balanced and fair. This idea is much better than tariffs.
Wait.. we send money to Israel?? Wtf! They should be sending money to us,we protect them. This is ridiculous.
Quite the rock you’ve been under
Jews and republicans has turned the antisemitic card into a smear card.
@Justin D I’m not going to claim to understand it all, but the intelligence the Mossad bring to the table with them is crucial to keeping our soldiers safe, and monitoring nuclear activity in that region, and from what I can see, 75% of the money sent comes back to the US.
@joe mazamutto But if you say something in favor of the President then it makes you an automatic racist?? Y’all morons are the biggest hypocrites.
We send billions every year. We’ve been sending billions for years! Every president is forced with the pro Israel stance whether they want to or not. Jimmy Carter was not allowed into Israel 2 years ago because he wanted to go to the occupied territories, Gaza and West Bank. My friend was getting married in Israel because her brother is a priest there, the Israel’s wouldn’t even sign certain papers she needed. Don’t kid yourself, we fund a right wing govt with billions.
finally they interview Bernie….IT’S CLOSE TO A MIRACLE!!…
Alpaca’s for organic grass!!!!! lol
Yes you are right as a trump supporter I cannot wait to see Bernie be the FrontRunner … Bring on the Crypt Keeper
@TN BASSIN You should take advantage of the free education he is offering. Looks like you could use it. I’m guessing you failed math at some point. Inverted yield happened in the markets yesterday. Trump has officially tanked the economy and put America $$$TRILLIONS in debt.
I want this actual good man as my president. I want bernie because he will put we the ppl first! 0 billionaire donrs because he cant be bought. Please give an actual good man a chance to implement the things working in every other major country that our government who we pay taxes to wont give us. A chance to live longer by seeing doctors. The suicide rate would drop with access to doctors. People everywhere can get educated as should be our right for our tax money! We need bernie2020
Hahahaha… Oh, you were being serious? BWAHAHAHAHAHA!
You’re soooooooo stupid
Real human beings with good hearts do exist in politics. How difficult it’s been for him throughout his career speaks volumes about the American government
Adolfo Villarroel yes! Most people in the government have wanted to do change for good but it’s too cruel to handle so it happens
It’s been difficult bc he refuses to get anything done. Dude got kicked out of a commune for not working. He’s about to get kicked out of public service too.
@Boofer T. Washington ALL the democrats need to be kicked out
It takes a Canadian to not come at Bernie in a negative way. Thank you Velshi for being a fair journalist.
@princeoftidds Yeah, Ari Melber is American. And Sophia Loren is Italian. But since neither of them is involved here, why bring it up?
Yep, only a Canadian would be stupid enough to buy Bernie’s crap.
God bless America
God bless President Trump
Trump 2020 – See Clearly
@Abdul I I love you !!

@TheUnDrunkPCBastard _ If you could here yourself – As Trumptrud would say, You sound like a person with an extremely low I.Q.
@TCB 101 Best comeback in the world. Like I can’t hear myself. I bet I do sound like someone with a low I.Q., to someone with a low I.Q.
I will say this dude has liked bernie for a while but its nice to see the mainstream support bernie finally
@Cali Marie you can’t use facts and words with fascists commies they only have a 1st grade education.
@Dave H About what ?
Be specific .
So he closed the door before the powerful congress women could venture to rile up protest against him in the Middle East. I wonder which goon told him to do that
If the main media start to talk about main issues like health care, jobs, educations, inequality, etc., Bernie will go up and Biden will be crushed.
The media is owned by billionaires…and the plebes having basic knowledge on issues hurts their bottom line.
Can’t do that. Bc orange man bad, or whatever.
No…. Send someone else from our government…. why send those two at all?