Senate Votes To Confirm Retired Gen. Lloyd Austin As Secretary Of Defense | Craig Melvin | MSNBC

The Senate has voted to confirm President Biden's nominee to serve as secretary of defense, retired Gen. Lloyd Austin, the first Black American to hold the position. Aired on 01/22/2021.
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About Craig Melvin: Craig Melvin is an MSNBC Anchor and NBC News Correspondent. He currently anchors “MSNBC Live” on Saturdays and Sundays, contributes reports for “TODAY,” and fills in as host for Lester Holt on “Weekend TODAY.”

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#LloydAustin #SecretaryOfDefense #MSNBC

Senate Votes To Confirm Retired Gen. Lloyd Austin As Secretary Of Defense | Craig Melvin | MSNBC


    1. Sorry he is a nothing . Look up why do the Flags have a Gold Fringe around them . Military is in Control .

    1. @Steve _M So much that we elected one President and now VP, and put one in charge of national defense. And Trump? Put a BRAIN SURGEON in charge of HUD Because “Those people know all about that low income housing thing” as trump said when he was put in place.

    2. @Noir Path I guess you never served. Fortunately we who served had and have brothers of all kinds,therefor individuals that make up the fighting machine are dark green and light green. Cmon man

    3. @Steve _M Where did you ever hear THAT – at a tRump rally or something? If you can’t say things that are true, please don’t “say” anything; four years of non-stop lies from Washington D.C. was WAY more than “enough.”
      Edit: The world doesn’t need YOU adding MORE LIES.

    1. Great changes for sure.
      Let’s see how your cheering a year from know.
      Just think, if mask were about saving lives. Think about how many lives could be saved if Plan parenthood didn’t get anymore Government funding and Killing babies was criminalized. Just imagine how many lives could be saved.🤔

  1. The guy gave 41 years of his life to his country. I think that makes him qualified. I don’t know why people wouldn’t stop talking about his race.

    1. Because it gives hope to a large group of voters who have been disenfranchised for much of their history, many of whom still feel disenfranchised.

    2. You dont know why? since the euro squatter washed up on these shores.. EVERYTHING is about race.. ffs white companies couldnt even sell products like soap and golf tees w/o racially denigrating Black America.. Racism and obsession w color.. Its in their dna

    1. Ignore the trolls desperate for an argument. If minorities didn’t have to be overqualified then why was Trump president but Obama had to have a sterling private and public reputation to be elected?

    2. Obama didn’t have a reputation. Obama should’ve never had a security clearance of any kind due to his background.

    3. @Sam Bush his background? As President of the Harvard Law Review? Community Organizer? Civil Rights Attorney? Lead Senator/legislator? Head of his nuclear family?

    1. @Daki_000 Search “Malcolm X on liberals” Please watch it and honestly let me know what you think. I wish more would listen to that… he was brilliant

    2. @M Richard If you have a problem with liberals go to Parler and bit*ch about it. But don’t you dare use Dr King & Malcolm X for you anti liberal agenda. I don’t even know why you’re drawing me into that. I came here to talk about the historic nature of this man’s nomination. If you have a problem with that, that’s on you.

    3. @M Richard I said this: 👇🏿
      If you have a problem with liberals go to Parler and bit*ch about it. But don’t you dare use Dr King & Malcolm X for you anti liberal agenda. I don’t even know why you’re drawing me into that. I came here to talk about the historic nature of this man’s nomination. If you have a problem with that, that’s on you.

  2. I’m tired of hearing “first black” or any race at that matter….just sounds ridiculous or like people of colour aren’t capable vs their qualifications…🙄

    1. @Marie jo Lasme its 2021 and we are still hearing it’s the first black or Person of color to hold….. that’s why it’s being mentioned so.

    2. @Daki_000 Are you understanding the point and direction of what I’m saying? We are talking about two different things and you’re feelings are valid to you and so are mine to me…but comprehending ones stance is more important then convincing

    3. @WatReallyGuud I’m not trying to convince you of anything. I was responding to your comment to not only add to it but to give an alternative view on some things. What did I say that was offensive to you?

    4. @Marie jo Lasme Hopefully, not THAT long. But also, wouldn’t be surprised. Of course, 100 years now neither of us will be here to say if you were correct. LOL

    5. @Damelos i honestly mean 100 years given the attitude of some people im seeing nowadays!! Slavery may have ended but i see no systemic & significant change in the behaviour and words of certain people 👀…! Bigotry, racism and discrimination have been repackaged and the goalpost is being moved all the time! We are in 2021 and people are still saying things like “an intelligent black man/woman…” i find it quite insulting😑! Plus i found out today that out of 43 4-star generals in the whole of the US, only two are black and that includes gen. LLoyd Austin whaaaat????!!!🥶😳!! How has America changed or progressed from slavery?! Discrimination, racism bigotry are still endemic. The only visible shift is that lynching of black men has now been passed from a mob to the police. The KKK now wears law enforcement uniforms! No more hooded white robes! The burning crosses replaced by the smoking guns. Other than that what has really i mean really changed? I might have missed it

  3. I hate when you guys say the first black yes we all know he is black ,it’s 50 something years now we are 100% human

  4. A skilled leader indeed. No doubt!!

    But I don’t like the precedent we are setting here. Two waivers in a row is not good. There is good reason for the 7 year requirement.

  5. Good to see strong bipartisan support for this. It’s refreshing to see the government working together for a change

    1. *QUALIFIED PEOPLE* _EVERYWHERE! _*_IN_*_ _ALL_ *THE POSITIONS! AIN’T IT GRAND?!* (Yeah, I’m YELLING! ’cause it’s a *happy time!)*

  6. *Retired too* _RECENTLY?_ *O.M.G.!!! He might one day forget, and ACCIDENTALLY SALUTE SOMEONE -* _THE HORROR!_ *😲!😲!😲!*

  7. There’s an old badass YouTube clip of SecDef Austin making his combat jump as a 50+yr old three-star general with other airborne troops at Fort Bragg.

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