In an exclusive interview, Pamela Brown speaks with Karen Gibson, who in March was appointed the Senate sergeant-at-arms. Gibson says political rhetoric factors into the anger some Americans feel toward their elected officials and expressed concern for those who have fallen prey to conspiracy theories and "whacked-out ideas that are not based in fact."
#CNN #News
Senate sergeant-at-arms: We need a vaccine for disinformation

It’s called “education.” We don’t do that here.
@A No but if you vote for the Democrats you probably are 10 years old
Why does this suprise some people? Different types:
There is a very small group of people who desire total control over their surroundings and other people (the 0.1%).
Then there is a small group who desire total control and responsibility over their own lives. These people want to be free. And they also accept any sort of consequences of that responsibility.
There is also a group of people who wants to be controlled. They don’t want to think. They want to live fully present in the moment and don’t worry about surviving. They want to be taken care of.
*The most egregious group (maybe you?) just wants to have a nice life (not mutually exclusive with other groups). That’s the only thing they care about. This group blocks any sort of thoughts and negativity, that are not conducive to their survival or mental well-being. Including signs that their policy makers are corrupt. For example, if some random person gets their stuff unjustly seized by the police. “Not my problem, let’s not talk about that”.
These people don’t realise, if you accept other people getting screwed and look away because that’s more comfortable, sooner or later psychos come for you and your loved ones.
Average age of UK ‘covid victim’ is 82 (v 81 UK life expectancy)

Pan[dem]ic —— > PUSH BACK
@CNN MSDNC- HAIR SNIFFER JOE ALL FAKE Trump is only 2 years older than Melania’s father, sniff that.
@Mike Johnson sick lefty ped-0’s
It’s called education
@croton on hudson awwwww, I hurt your feelings!! lol!! only stupid people get offended because they have beliefs, not Truth. Smart people don’t get offended because they can debate intelligently (just like i can make brilliant thoughts into proper sentences). they make good arguments with facts …. btw, mull this over genius: The sheeple need to be looked at as just entertainment. i don’t have television at home and today’s movies effin suck for someone born in ’72. I am passionate about truth and justice so when I am out n about and I see someone walking around outside with the mask on when it’s freakin hot as hell out or see someone driving alone wearing the mask, it totally cracks me up. It’s like karma for being stupid. there is a sense of universal justice when i watch these gullible and naive creatures just “doing what they are told to” to such a completely unnecessary extreme. It’s natural law, simple cause and effect, survival of the fittest, and today being the fittest means being “awake”…being properly informed. if you know the Truth about such things as 9/11, Sandy Hook, and Boston bombing, then the New World Order nazis cannot touch you
@croton on hudson There’s absolutely no evidence of voter fraud. This “voter fraud” hustle Trump’s promoting is just another one of his scams. Without it he would fall into that bottomless pit of irrelevance and obscurity.
@croton on hudson How much time does it take for Trump’s deputized delegation of idiots to count ballots? Did they run out of fingers and toes?
@Demetria Karnavas And how do you know there was no fraud ? is cnn your only news source ?
@croton on hudson If you have to ask the question, you have your answer. The assumption that this election was corrupted based on the declaration of a prolific and pathological liar, isn’t evidence.
I don’t think there’s as big an element that can’t separate fact from fiction, I think theres a larger element that want chaos and supporting the lie furthers that goal.
@Scruffy Topaz NO! If we are REALLY serious about defending our Democratic Republic, then we MUST learn to identify the enemy. First stop referring to them as “WHITE” identify them by their ethnicity and original nationality, and history… you can trace their last names to their ethnicity. For example: If they are German; Russian; Dutch; Portugese, or Spanish. These are the 4 basic groups that were involved in the Slaving Cartel in the, 1600’s, to the end of the Civil War, and today make up the bulk of the hate groups through out the United States.
If we refer to them simply – out of habit – as “WHITE,” then we help them to blend into, English America, while lending them ANONYMITY to shield themselve from scruteny to further reek havoc as they have been doing, thus far! If you can’t or wont do this, then your not serious about, yours personal and, America’s security!
We deport Haitians, Mexicans, Africans, so why can’t we deport these confederates back to their original home lands for assaulting our people and country??!
It was OUR Patriotic Democracy that beat the confederates during the Civil War… This is why thy are doing everything possible to slit-up, English America, any way they can.
Those who make up the confederacy through their forefathers NEVER intended to help “To Form A More Perfect Union!” They came to this land from the (Dutch) Nederlands; Germany; Spain, and Portugal to make money through slavery…, and enslaving people will not draw them to your corner, but against you! This is why they cannot win an election, but must cheat!
I think the Police Department has been infiltrated by the confederates who threatened to rise again, after they lost the Civil War. I believe they have a chapter that is dedicated to infiltrating the Police Departments with the express intent to weaken the Union by committing brutal acts against certain segments (So called “Black and Brown Color Coded Segments ) of, English American society, in order to drive a wedge between those segments and Law Enforcement, while they claim to be PRO Law enforcement…, WE ALL SAW HOW PRO LAW ENFORCEMENT THEY ARE AT THE CAPITAL ON, JAN 6, 2021!
The confederates never swore an oathe to help “To Form A More Perfect Union,” but they did threaten to rise again… did they not??!! Don’t keep ignoring U.S. history, and those confederates, who infiltrated!
Disclaimer: The above is NOT to imply, accuse, or to indicate that the German, Nederlandian, Spanish or Portugese Governments funded or were proponents to the actions of those investors who participated in the slave trade on, English American Soil.
@New InformationKeep blaming racism for your own laziness ,ignorance and genetic malfunction plus deficiency LOL
@New Information Hi , INFO aka Mr ignoramus , If you want to blame someone for slavery than blame ottoman empire and jewish slave traders all very knowledgeable in African trade because they live and lived there .
@New Information There in Curacao is the biggest synagogue in Caribbean , it was built hundreds of years ago and guess where from came the money to build it . Curacao was the central hub for slave trade it was a market where slaves were sold to south America Cuba and all of Caribbean .
Why does this suprise some people? Different types:
There is a very small group of people who desire total control over their surroundings and other people (the 0.1%).
Then there is a small group who desire total control and responsibility over their own lives. These people want to be free. And they also accept any sort of consequences of that responsibility.
There is also a group of people who wants to be controlled. They don’t want to think. They want to live fully present in the moment and don’t worry about surviving. They want to be taken care of.
*The most egregious group (maybe you?) just wants to have a nice life (not mutually exclusive with other groups). That’s the only thing they care about. This group blocks any sort of thoughts and negativity, that are not conducive to their survival or mental well-being. Including signs that their policy makers are corrupt. For example, if some random person gets their stuff unjustly seized by the police. “Not my problem, let’s not talk about that”.
These people don’t realise, if you accept other people getting screwed and look away because that’s more comfortable, sooner or later psychos come for you and your loved ones.
Average age of UK ‘covid victim’ is 82 (v 81 UK life expectancy)

Pan[dem]ic —— > PUSH BACK
Education is the only thing that eases tension.
Some children you can take to school only for them to eat the books and many adults are worse.
@Mike Johnson The crayon eaters…Lots of them in my hometown.
Is this a liberal talking about education?? Teachers union are owning the Biden team
@Willy Bones
Why should a, person put unknown and maybe dangerous substances into your body before they have been properly cleared for human testing like other drugs. Its not like 400k ppl in India got fucked by one from mr Gates or a list of others that went wrong. What an imbecile
Anything elected officials say on the floor or Senate should be considered under oath. And if they lie, removed from office with no ability to be re-elected
@Shawn Corbin
@Luckyguy 7 Makes you wonder when Soros will get zapped.
Absolutely one of the finest ideas I’ve heard in years

@Brian Jones under jail?
@Pat Mahinie you are completely off your head. You are a brainwashed fool or drunk.
WOW, amazing interview
The internet could do alot better job of policing itself. Foreign trolls operate with impunity on Facebook and Youtube.
The participants of the 6th January were patriots and heroes. Also, Trump was the best president, the USA ever had. Trump will be a president again.
Today’s news : laughing hyena harris arrived in Guatemala to learn alphabet and make USA a laughing stock . White house news :joke hiden run out of depends while in basement on monthly retreat ,his application to elderly home had been denied on the grounds of criminal history . , News from california Maxi pads bought another mansion using donations from local homeless population .
Ok, who fed the kremlin trolls after midnight ???
Now they’re multiplying. Smh
Why does this suprise some people? Different types:
There is a very small group of people who desire total control over their surroundings and other people (the 0.1%).
Then there is a small group who desire total control and responsibility over their own lives. These people want to be free. And they also accept any sort of consequences of that responsibility.
There is also a group of people who wants to be controlled. They don’t want to think. They want to live fully present in the moment and don’t worry about surviving. They want to be taken care of.
*The most egregious group (maybe you?) just wants to have a nice life (not mutually exclusive with other groups). That’s the only thing they care about. This group blocks any sort of thoughts and negativity, that are not conducive to their survival or mental well-being. Including signs that their policy makers are corrupt. For example, if some random person gets their stuff unjustly seized by the police. “Not my problem, let’s not talk about that”.
These people don’t realise, if you accept other people getting screwed and look away because that’s more comfortable, sooner or later psychos come for you and your loved ones.
Average age of UK ‘covid victim’ is 82 (v 81 UK life expectancy)

Pan[dem]ic —— > PUSH BACK
@Cindy Pomerleau nah we are paid trolls from Australia
Cheers for the debate
Who would have thought innovation usch as Internet could have triggered the downfall of America.
@Bobby Baggett don’t feed William. He’s crazy
This is not a new phenom. Restricting speech is the oldest trick in the book when it comes to evil ppl taking control of a government. The internet is just a new tool these new evil ppl are using.
“When you cut out a man’s tongue, you have not proven him wrong, only that you fear what he might say.”
I am quite sure that CNN is aware they are the largest source of this ‘misinformation’ they pretend to be so concerned about. Orwell coined the term ‘newspeak’, very appropriate.
@Stephen Kong
@Shirai Ryu pretty sure CNN and Youtube are run by the CIA
Our way of thinking put us into this position and as human beings it is easy to get angry with each other but it’s so hard to solve a problem and to forgive each other
I can never forgive democrats for the damage they have done to this country
Az audit.
@Brian Jones hey I don’t blame you and you have a valid point but the way how I see everything both sides are crazy if they could work together everything would be fine but they won’t
Keep security tight and under wraps, have a company of the Guard on stand by for rapid response, no hesitation as to allow an attack gain purchase. I understand that there were some senators texting with outside units, look into preventative measures?
Authorize Deadly Force.
@Mike Johnson As a deterrent? It wouldn’t have worked on the Jansix group as they have the same Beta Waves found in lemmings.
Yuri Beznemov told us this a long time ago it would be a inside job.
Yup. No one expected that it would be a Republican President
Clint, I keep telling them but they won’t listen. And they get a little confused, like the guy who responded first to you, imagining that Trump is somehow part of the picture. They don’t understand that although Russia isn’t the issue any more, the principle is being used to subvert democracy. It’s all over now – most mainstream media, the printed press, all social media, the Marxist teachings within the education system dress up as social justice, Big Tech and big corporates, sports, comedy, advertising, film and TV, Hollywood…. The future is bleak.
@TheDiamond2009 what does Marxism mean?
@Clint Actually it’s an Inside and Outside Job …. On one hand you have the Republicans who want to end our Democracy and on the other hand you have Putin who’s perfectly happy to help the Republicans do what they want ….
@The Diamond … Ours and our friends Intel groups have shown for many years that what you want to call ‘Marxists ” are without their knowledge being pushed and prodded to do the silly and dangerous things they do by Putin ,Saudi Arabia and all sorts of big business groups …so your enemy is’nt social justice or Marxists , your real enemy are the people who pull these peoples strings for monetary and political power… Russia calls those people ‘useful idiots ‘ and that’s the key to this story …. And if you actually thought Trump was going to fix this you’re just an Idiot too.
Unfortunately, disinformation is mutating all the time.
failure of imagination is kind of hard to believe when it was pretty apparent that something bad was going to happen. the writing was on the wall for anyone paying attention.
So. The question really is, how come the last guy hasn’t been before a hard questioning reporter? or congressional committee?
@M Igorpan20 you mean the Faux News reporter
sure, let Biden sit down with that guy. But I was talking about a serious reporter, not some alt-right talking head.
@EstimatingONE DiscoveringTHREE lack of ability? Then maybe you should become a reporter. Trump was the one trying to turn the media into communist North Korea. Where they ignored all his bad behavior and only fabricated good things. Trump hardly did a press conference either, he wanted to shout at reporters and call them fake news. You just want your dictator back, that’s all. Feel free to move to Russia where they have one.
@Debbie Hunt they are all simple mouthpieces…Obama 4 trill, trump 6 trill, Grampy Biden $12 tril?
@Debbie Hunt 2 wings- one bird
From the first day of preschool to the last day of grad school, teach people logical thinking, resource evaluation, debate, and history.
You cant hack logic
Correction: we need a vaccine for stupidity and one for hatred
@Progressive Humanist Christianity will rule forever. ask Mexico what happened when they went after the Catholics like you are trying to go after Christians. the only non-Christian president so far was Donald Trump and you see how it ended
Today’s news : laughing hyena harris arrived in Guatemala to learn alphabet and make USA a laughing stock . White house news :joke hiden run out of depends while in basement on monthly retreat , News from california Maxi pads bought another mansion using donations from local homeless population .
And Trump will be reinstated soon , right ?
All of the above – vaccines for disinformation, stupidity, and hatred!!
Why does this suprise some people? Different types:
There is a very small group of people who desire total control over their surroundings and other people (the 0.1%).
Then there is a small group who desire total control and responsibility over their own lives. These people want to be free. And they also accept any sort of consequences of that responsibility.
There is also a group of people who wants to be controlled. They don’t want to think. They want to live fully present in the moment and don’t worry about surviving. They want to be taken care of.
*The most egregious group (maybe you?) just wants to have a nice life (not mutually exclusive with other groups). That’s the only thing they care about. This group blocks any sort of thoughts and negativity, that are not conducive to their survival or mental well-being. Including signs that their policy makers are corrupt. For example, if some random person gets their stuff unjustly seized by the police. “Not my problem, let’s not talk about that”.
These people don’t realise, if you accept other people getting screwed and look away because that’s more comfortable, sooner or later psychos come for you and your loved ones.
Average age of UK ‘covid victim’ is 82 (v 81 UK life expectancy)

Pan[dem]ic —— > PUSH BACK
If you want a “vaccine” for disinformation, you need to teach children from an early age how to think critically. The only way to do this is to stop disparaging, denigrating, and de-emphasising the liberal arts/arts and humanities. You won’t learn cultural critical thinking anywhere else.
The government doesn’t want intelligent critically thinking citizens, they want obedient consumers.
Your words ring true. I perceive that the 24/7 access to Internet and social media has call Country responding with emotions that. Using critical thinking. Plus the 24/7 news anchors put such an intense emotional spin on things.
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This has got to be the most ironic thing being on CNN
That vaccine is called “education”.