Just like the Kavanaugh hearings. They pretend like its suuuch a struggle and then vote along party lines. I hope people are finally waking up. This is not a drill.
They have forgotten who they work for… the people. Their pockets must be full and their spines so weak. Their mouths must be sore as well from all the bopping they’re doing with trump. Shameful! They will be replaced! Vote all of them out!
It is the job of the House to call witnesses and gather testimony.
It is the job of the Senate to then have a trial over the witness testimony from the House, not call new witnesses, and then ultimately render a verdict.
Dems screwed over Repubs in the House, so they can’t whine if no new witnesses are allowed to be called later.
Schifty blocked Repubs in the House from calling any witnesses. 17-0. And he didnt allow the 18th, Atkinson, who met with hi in secret also, to have his testimony see the light of day. So again he wanted to rig the process.
The WH blocked witnesses like cabinet members Rick Perry from testifying because he and others would have been denied the Due Process Right to counsel by Schifty if and when they met with them in secret.
Dems obstructed the right of the WH to be co-equal, and not a vassal of Congress, and filed charges against them instead of going to SCOTUS as they Constitutionally are the arbiter between these co-equal branches.
I would like to know how the people that were involved in this cover up for trump was part of the cover up and came in as trumps attorney and Republican ‘ s that also lied knowing they were part of this we the people demand better than this I think those involved should step down maybe trump and his cult need to clean up the white house Donald trump Pence, Barr and the others that’s corruption this was not a fair trial
I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.
–Abraham Lincoln
Make no mistake, this is far from over. Between, Parnas and Bolton, the truth about Trump’s crimes will inevitably be revealed. Every week will bring a new revelation of the criminal activities of this illegitimate president, along with the names of all the Republicans who were complicit in aiding and abetting his criminal activity.
Lev Parnas” lawyer sent a letter to Moscow Mitch stating that he is ready to give testimony, as well as provide documents, that will prove that GOP Super PAC America One, Rudy, Pompeo, Rick Perry, Mulvaney, Bill Barr, Nunes, Pence, and Desperate Housewife of Capitol Hill Lindsey Graham, were all part of Trump’s scheme to bribe Ukraine.
Is it any wonder why Republicans were so vehemently against introducing witnesses and evidence into the Senate trial. They were covering up their own crimes. But it will all come to the light eventually. It’s only a matter of time.
Trump’s corruption and criminal nature is like a highly infectious and deadly pathogen. He will contaminate and destroy anyone and anything he comes into contact with. His corrosive and insidious nature is a full blown epidemic.
“The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.”
–Winston Churchill
“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”
How do we satisfy the Republicans while we see their motivation to keep Donald Trump in the WH
1. It’s a perfect call
2. Ok it’s not perfect bud where are the proofs?
3.:Ok there are some witnesses but we don’t believe they were credible
4. Ok we don’t participate on your inquiries
5. Ok your impeachment process was defective
6. We don’t need any more witnesses
7. Ok the president did have quid pro quo attempt but not severe enough for impeachment
The only solution to this corrupted gangs is to vote them out before they change the law for Trump to be President forever
There are going to be a lot of senators in the unemployment line, come November! Republicans, I hope you like the way Russia is run, because you’re about to find out what it’s like. Trump loves dictators, and he is now going to feel free to act like one! You should all be thrown in jail. And that lawyer who was in the room should be disbarred for his actions!
Congratulations, after 244 years you have reverted back to having a despot king who can do whatever he wants, whenever he chooses. The Land of the Free with a polital system viewed internationally as broken and corrupt. People of America, please give a clear message back to the GOP in all 2020 elections.
I would suggest that all or most Republitard politicians are brilliant manipulators and politicians. Look at what happened under Bush. Look at how they blocked everything Obama tried to do. And look at where they’ve taken us today. 100% evil, but brilliant and effective.
The GOP(MAGOP) have betrayed 75% of America by denying them the witnesses they asked for in this trial.
Vote these backstabbers out of power and push them into a tar-pit where they belong.
What a joke
CIpollone is consigliere.
Not really …Consigliere normally give good advice !!
@Richard Hunt
Good one…
Did you hear that?? That was the sound of the hammer that hit the last nail in Lisa Murkowskis political coffin!! Bye now…you’re SO DONE!!
She voted AGAINST stretching out this partisan hoax. She saved herself.
Ben she lives in the state of Canada. You should move there and vote against her
Just like the Kavanaugh hearings. They pretend like its suuuch a struggle and then vote along party lines. I hope people are finally waking up. This is not a drill.

You don’t know Jack about Alaska soy boy
Should senators who were in on trumps scandal be able to vote to aqui
A trial without evidence and witnesses is a dumpster fire, just like this administration.
There was 18 witnesses
You literally laid out the purpose Congress serves….
I am hearing the Trailer Park Boys theme again.
Cipollone is up to his ears in it.
Holding hands with Nunes.
Where’s the proof?
Law license needs to go!
@Doc Drater
good one. I see what you did there.
They have forgotten who they work for… the people. Their pockets must be full and their spines so weak. Their mouths must be sore as well from all the bopping they’re doing with trump. Shameful! They will be replaced! Vote all of them out!
They Impeached Trump to hurt his chance of being Re-elected. They are always guilty of what they accuse others.
They don’t work for us, they got Russia money. You really think they give a f… about what we think? We are just peasants to them
@liliana Batista Russia money after the exchange rate, isn’t alot of U.S. dollars. Ffs you people are morons lol.
It sunk in. Result? Corrupt Senate and Trump sycophants.
@thiskidkatits Blame it on Dems
It is the job of the House to call witnesses and gather testimony.
It is the job of the Senate to then have a trial over the witness testimony from the House, not call new witnesses, and then ultimately render a verdict.
Dems screwed over Repubs in the House, so they can’t whine if no new witnesses are allowed to be called later.
Schifty blocked Repubs in the House from calling any witnesses. 17-0. And he didnt allow the 18th, Atkinson, who met with hi in secret also, to have his testimony see the light of day. So again he wanted to rig the process.
The WH blocked witnesses like cabinet members Rick Perry from testifying because he and others would have been denied the Due Process Right to counsel by Schifty if and when they met with them in secret.
Dems obstructed the right of the WH to be co-equal, and not a vassal of Congress, and filed charges against them instead of going to SCOTUS as they Constitutionally are the arbiter between these co-equal branches.
The biggest problem was having a RepubliKKK’con judge on top of is. Money over party, party over people.
And Putin over all.
@Jerry Andersen Hillary? Is that you?
America officially is a dictator monarch communist country.
RST UV – That’s just your opinion. Until the courts say so it’s perfectly legal.
@RST UV your opinion holds no weight lol
Diaper Donny is just a wanna be king. Coward bone spurs isn’t qualified to command a paintball team.
V You must be so proud you think for yourself.
Phylum Sometimes the truth hurts trumpturd.
I would like to know how the people that were involved in this cover up for trump was part of the cover up and came in as trumps attorney and Republican ‘ s that also lied knowing they were part of this we the people demand better than this I think those involved should step down maybe trump and his cult need to clean up the white house Donald trump Pence, Barr and the others that’s corruption this was not a fair trial
I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.
–Abraham Lincoln
Make no mistake, this is far from over. Between, Parnas and Bolton, the truth about Trump’s crimes will inevitably be revealed. Every week will bring a new revelation of the criminal activities of this illegitimate president, along with the names of all the Republicans who were complicit in aiding and abetting his criminal activity.
Lev Parnas” lawyer sent a letter to Moscow Mitch stating that he is ready to give testimony, as well as provide documents, that will prove that GOP Super PAC America One, Rudy, Pompeo, Rick Perry, Mulvaney, Bill Barr, Nunes, Pence, and Desperate Housewife of Capitol Hill
Lindsey Graham, were all part of Trump’s scheme to bribe Ukraine.
Is it any wonder why Republicans were so vehemently against introducing witnesses and evidence into the Senate trial. They were covering up their own crimes. But it will all come to the light eventually. It’s only a matter of time.
Trump’s corruption and criminal nature is like a highly infectious and deadly pathogen. He will contaminate and destroy anyone and anything he comes into contact with. His corrosive and insidious nature is a full blown epidemic.
“The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.”
–Winston Churchill
“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”
I sure hope you’re right. Thanks for a thoughtful and accurate post.
How do we satisfy the Republicans while we see their motivation to keep Donald Trump in the WH
1. It’s a perfect call
2. Ok it’s not perfect bud where are the proofs?
3.:Ok there are some witnesses but we don’t believe they were credible
4. Ok we don’t participate on your inquiries
5. Ok your impeachment process was defective
6. We don’t need any more witnesses
7. Ok the president did have quid pro quo attempt but not severe enough for impeachment
The only solution to this corrupted gangs is to vote them out before they change the law for Trump to be President forever
There are going to be a lot of senators in the unemployment line, come November! Republicans, I hope you like the way Russia is run, because you’re about to find out what it’s like. Trump loves dictators, and he is now going to feel free to act like one! You should all be thrown in jail. And that lawyer who was in the room should be disbarred for his actions!
Embarrassed, disgusted, not surprised with Moscow Mitch running the show….SAD
Land of the Free?…..What a joke you are.
Congratulations, after 244 years you have reverted back to having a despot king who can do whatever he wants, whenever he chooses. The Land of the Free with a polital system viewed internationally as broken and corrupt. People of America, please give a clear message back to the GOP in all 2020 elections.
“When one is dead, one does not know one is dead.
It is only painful for others.
The same applies when one is stupid.”
–Ricky Gervais
For all their education and experience Republican Senators are willfully ignorant and may even be willfully stupid.
I would suggest that all or most Republitard politicians are brilliant manipulators and politicians. Look at what happened under Bush. Look at how they blocked everything Obama tried to do. And look at where they’ve taken us today. 100% evil, but brilliant and effective.
This truly is a dark day for America
The GOP(MAGOP) have betrayed 75% of America by denying them the witnesses they asked for in this trial.
Vote these backstabbers out of power and push them into a tar-pit where they belong.