A bipartisan Senate report found that the U.S. election infrastructure was unprepared for attacks and offers proposals to shore up the system ahead of 2020. Michael McFaul and Clint Watts discuss.
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Senate Intel Report: Russia Targeted Voting Systems All 50 States In 2016 | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
Secure the vote against hackers no matter who they are or where they are from.
@David Rook Voter ID is Racist!!!
…because…. um…
….Black people don’t have ID’s!(??)
@David Rook We’re in dire need of voter ID laws. Especially with the number of illegal aliens getting in, or that’re already here. If they vote, of course they’d vote for the person promising them more free stuff.
@Mr. Veridical. I am so glad some people are catching onto this. When I watched that last debate and they all raised their hand up for illegal aliens receiving free healthcare, the first thing through my mind is why are they offering this if illegals can’t vote? Something stinks in the state of Denmark.
@David Rook …did you know me back then?
@TheAes86 …older people don’t have easy access no matter what colour they are but you would try to make this about Race
Fake News
@That Guy no they moved your operation to canada. Trumps inaction on his promises doesnt mean the other side is better num nuts.
@Shon East fukin tell me about my own job. They couldn’t make it because theres no buildings being built. Of course they’re going to leave
Tulsi Gabbard has introduced legislation to require a paper trail receipt to verify voting results.
Why hasn’t your congress person passed this legislation.
We really need voter ID laws, too.
The answer is : McConnell!
@Poosley. The best part is that it would make verification much easier and faster.
@David Rook …maybe it needs to be even more comprehensive than that. So Southern states couldn’t suppress the Black vote as they continue to do.
Get rid of Mcconnell, he is the grim reaper! Paper trail, that is the only way!
What a waste of money, voter I.D. will solve any tampering and it is much cheaper and will keep none citizens from voting altogether.
“Action stalls in Congress.” Elections can change that.
Yes it can. Vote in 2020!
@Patricia Manzi
I plan on it.
It produced results the last time
A number of senators went to Russia after the 2016 election. Hmm. Lets talk to them.
We should be talking to Hillary and Billy and Obama about all that money coming from Russia to the CF in Canada while the Uranium One/Rosatom deal was going through… If Hillary thought Russia was our greatest enemy then why did she and Obama both okay the Uranium deal? why do any business with the Ruskies at all if they are the enemy? Why was ol’ Billy hanging out at Putin’s house? what about the hot mic moment where Obama is telling the Ruskie he will have more leeway after the 2016 elections? or How about Manafort taking his orders directly from the Podesta brothers in the Ukraine?
NONE of these TV people ask the right questions ever… they just have a narrative of “muh russia” and “orange man bad”
@Roma Rose There is information about that if you are interested, and the Uranium One deal did not get finished, it was a state approved deal, it was not against sanctions, and was approved diplomacy. Stop getting info from Fox commentators, and conspiracy peddlers, and read some articles. That was not a hot mic moment, sanctions were scheduled to be lifted… I am sure you are too stupid to understand reality, that is why you are all QQ about Clintons and Obama…
@Travis Lamb Lamb i don’t watch TV at all. and i was investigating this deal in 2010 for Canada. all the TV is lying about it. you are calling me stupid yet you are living in a mind control box… guess you are too stupid to figure that out.
@Travis Lamb Lamb Sheeple
that URANIUM deal the russian’s did with Hillary was pretty sweet, why would they want TRUMP?
@yovanik calderon you do understand that Trump keeps putting more sanctions on Russia. Is that 3D Chess?
@Dirty Burger and yet comrade trumpsky has lifted a lot of the sanctions!
@Dirty Burger yeah I understand he definitely had more moves in case
And he put more sanctions after the fact that they caught his secretary
@yovanik calderon Well I am sure Trump will “have more flexibility after the upcoming election.”
This is a funny onion article.
And that was only the beta test wait until 2020
Keep shoveling the bs

There was never a problem with the old fashioned voting machines. You do it on computers and you open the whole system up to attack.
How about The DNC actually Rigging the 2016 election…
That’s not a news worthy story. It doesn’t involve Trump or the Republicans…
libtarded…sore winner?
Before the election – Trump says it may be rigged – Media and Dems call him crazy and President Obama says “there is no tampering”
After the election – – Trump says no evidence that Russia changed election if they meddled – Dems and Media- Russia Changed the election!!!
@Santiago What would be nice is after they stop Russia from meddling they look into the DNC for robbing Bernie Sanders so they could run that sellout hag.
@Robert Miller Not going to happen… ever. They “addressed it” , “Admitted there were some errors in how the system works”, made inconsequential changes, now “let’s just move on .”
@TheAes86 Yes the DNC rigged an election lets just move on lol
So it if was rigged, then he’s not democratically elected
@Robert Miller pretty much how that works there i think, lol.
LMFAO brain washed lunatics
Just listen to the first three mn…
And then really listen again to the first three mn.
See… They are lying to you it’s all fake!
maintaining power – by any means necessary (mitch mcconnell’s newfound religion). 2016 was just a test…
I don’t care about mueller’s reportings nor Russia hackers. I do care about getting a paper receipt when I vote as confirmation of what I inputed into the machine
You can’t spell MSNBC without BS!
Obama’s DHS hacked voting systems in numerous state’s, not Russians! Lies