Republicans in the Senate are roundly dismissing President Donald Trump's call to withhold more federal aid from schools that remain shuttered during the coronavirus pandemic, the latest sign of a split between the White House and the GOP over their party's response to the public health emergency.
"I'm not a big fan of doing anything where the federal government impacts local, state governments or schools," Sen. Mike Braun, an Indiana Republican, said. "I want schools to reopen, but I don't like that. I don't like the federal government getting involved."
As negotiations within the party continued , GOP senators made clear there were a number of White House demands that they unlikely were going to embrace, including the President's demands to cut payroll taxes and to pull back on funding for coronavirus testing and tracing.
"I don't think anybody's satisfied with it," said Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy, when asked about testing in the US, something that Trump has frequently touted.
Others were more critical of the Trump administration's handling of the crisis.
"I don't think it's been a great example for the world to see America," Utah Sen. Mitt Romney said of the President's handling of the pandemic, pointing to the lack of rapid and accessible testing as well as shortages of personal protective equipment.
As the US struggles to get a handle of the crisis, Republicans are struggling themselves to find consensus over their latest recovery plan, a measure that is expected to cost roughly $1 trillion and will serve as an alternative to the $3 trillion Democratic bill that passed the House more than two months ago. Many Republicans, including those up for reelection, are eager for another relief package to help millions of jobless Americans and bolster the US response to the crisis.
#Trump #CNN #News
The Republican sat on his hands when the country faced the Depression.The Democrat that followed brought the country hope…Here we go again!
And the financial crisis Obama inherited. Although to be fair, not nearly as bad as this one.
@Bad Bodyguards Trump killed thousands of black people! They are 40% of the 147 thousand covid 19 American deaths on Trumps watch.
@Bad Bodyguards all the presidents were white except one. So my question is what did the white presidents do for the white communities? Many white presidents were elected yet not every white community is worth living in. Judging by your comment every white person that’s Living in a white community should be rich by now. All those white presidents before Obama? Huh, let that sink in.
@History Nut How do you figure? Hoover was the president before Roosevelt. Take a look at the programs Roosevelt enacted that put a hell of alot of people back to work. My grandparents and an uncle benefitted. Also, Social Security and U/E benefits were just 2 programs that benefit future generations. Look up Hoovervill.
@Patrick Martin Yes. Yes, it is.
We’re already $23 Trillion in debt. What’s another trillion when millions are suffering?
that’s not at all how debt works, but your heart is in the right place.
LET THEM EAT CAKE, wasn’t a good ending for that gal,today we hear the same thing from a coward thats treasonous to our country
@tara lamlam18 dang,i’ve been in the woods a long time
Fun fact: Marie-Antoinette never actually said that, or at least there’s no historical evidence she did. It possibly was made up by a guy named Jean-Jacques Rousseau, in his autobiography Confessions.
@TheCool Guy23 ya figures but drump never really said it either lol
Maybe we need to bring back cutting off the heads of the rich. They didn’t learn their lesson last time.
Lol like it’s his money
easy for him to say when he’s living off our dime and has no worries shame on ted
But i bet the Senators get there Check’s on time??? Wow
There is no way Ted Cruz should even be in the Senate. I can’t believe the people of Texas voted this moron back in office….UGH!!
Mitch McConnell Ted Cruz and Randy Paul. They got to go. I can’t wait November
… The people need to realize we are the ones who pays their salary. And if I am paying you I expect for you to do your job.
@Ronald Smith And health care… Hahahaha….Boy wait till the bill comes Due…. Hahahaha…
Teflon Don, McConnell’s Mafia, and Barr’s Gestapo must go!
…..pick up some GOYA !….

@Clip’N Go Hairbands
….to find you a spelling book….
….dump a truckload of masks on Jake
Tappers lawn…
….get a gigolo for his neice….
…she need a “high hard one”….
@Larry Williams

and get a gigolo for this lady…
Any payroll tax cut is going to affect Social Security he’s trying to pull a fast one he’s trying to illuminate or destroy Social Security so wake up people even with a deferment Social Security still gets hit
Yep. He’s a deceptive and cagy snake.
extremely deadly party,with a dictator in charge,
mtnminer I know what Putin did and continues to do. Are you feeling ok?
@Erick Dorsey IT’S REALLY SAD ERICK,get some help,i’m sure it’s there,
@mtnminer just answer? I don’t think your old enough to vote or to go into the military, just some young kid believing every conspiracy theory, based on no fact!
You get just enough information to be dangerous!
@mtnminer get your live straight and you will become a real man!
Republicans and Conservatives, leading by example of politics incongruence and religious hypocrisy.
Republicans are for the rich, they could care less about us and our bills or if we get evicted.
They also dont care if you die of covid.
@Tommy Westbrook Barack Obama and Joe Biden passed the biggest middle-class tax cut in U.S. history, so the fact that Biden doesn’t care about the poor is false.
@Tommy Westbrook as opposed to…? Trump? Mcconnel?
They are all corrupt and rich. But democrats are hands down fighting for average americans more than the republicans
@Tommy Westbrook but they are not sick like Trump or DANGEROUS nov.trump goes down hard thankfully my opinion im independent voter
“Welcome to Bunker King, may i infect your children with a deadly virus?”
“Yes, we’ll have the Covid Clorox Shake and supersize our Putin Pies.”
“Please proceed to the deluded yellow haired power clown playing the invisible accordion”
Very good. That clown need to go.
Solstice of Snow Sure…by wearing masks.
@Solstice of Snow go away bot
Love good burgers movie
This is One Big Clown show’’ These Senators does not give a Piss about the Families in this country
The Republician party only is causing this problem. Vote them out of the House and the Senate
I don’t care how crazy the GOP and its Messiah get, they have had enough human sacrifices. My kid stays home and out of the death zone.
GOP are always like
When companies are in trouble lets throw billions of dollars to them.
When it comes to the people we suddenly need to start worrying about the debt.
@Clip’N Go Hairbands There are 2 Economies … when the NASDAQ, or the S&P, rose. Didn’t effect me in the least, However when sank, and the rich needed a bailout, then the GOP told us there was “no money left for us to be bailed out” then it effected me … there are 2 Economies. The Wealth’s & Ours below them
@jacob eisom Hmmm virus on the right and left…Hmmmm
@Daryl Hamilton Hahahaha… HAHAHA…….
Those Republicans get their palms greased by getting a seat on the board of those big companies after they leave public office, that’s how it goes..
@Daryl Hamilton you mean democrats try to create laws and safety nets that promote upward mobility and at least attempt to keep people falling through the cracks vs the republicans that create laws solely to further enrich the ultra wealthy while they tell lower middle class they could be upper middle if it wasn’t for the damn lower class living off the government. In reality majority of our tax payer dollars goes towards the war machine and corporate welfare. The lower 99% pays the bills will the only crumbs are used to actually help Americans.
They’ve had 2 months to argue with each other what the h*** is going on. And they’re still Receiving a paycheck not a care in the world must be nice
“I think their delay is their disarray.”
Well said, Nancy!
Tyran Mathurin
@tara lamlam18
Evictions, hunger and disease. Yeah, the US is not a loving nation.
….all of a sudden after giving away trillions to the top 1% in the first stimulus, republicans are concerned about spending?
There’s a lot of mothers who don’t want their children back to school.
Teachers want to go back
Parker Fly no they don’t actually, not until it’s actually safe to do so.
@Parker Fly Sure, teachers, administrators, parents and even most students WANT to go back to school. But what we/they want and the reality of the world around us at this time are vastly different. I’m a substitute teacher and would love to leave my food delivery job and go back to something I know and do well. But it’s not realistic in our current climate. I’ll stay with my current job for the foreseeable future.
I’m one of them!!!
There’re schools that don’t even want children back
Everybody has a opinion on sending their kids back to school for me ‘WHY??? with this pandemic not under control…..It’s Scary. You’ve got to test.
Only a fool would send their kids to school during the middle of a pandemic. The only reason tRump wants people to go back to school is because he wants there to be a fake sense of the pandemic being over.
Nonononono. The
ding dong said the virus will disappear and send those kids to school..The 1% needs those slaves to get back to work.
The rich are worried about there money in the stock market!!
“We have the best healthcare system in the country.” A Freudian slip, or maybe he just couldn’t bring himself to say “in the world” because that would be laughable.
Well, not really, to be honest. People have to pay tons of money for healthcare, like in canada, in tax dollars because it turns out “free healthcare for all” is just “healthcare for all”. And if you do not want this “free” health care, well, You live there. Your still paying for it. Even if you really do not need or use it.