A group of Democratic Senators, including Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), has issued a new report so voters know what to expect on election night. She tells Lawrence O’Donnell it’s important to vote in person if possible or return your absentee ballot in person, that it’s okay if results aren’t in from every state on November 3rd, and reminds voters to “turn out the vote but tune out the misinformation.”
Aired on 10/27/2020.
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Drawing upon his experience as a former chief of staff on the Senate Finance Committee and as an Emmy-winning executive producer and writer of ""The West Wing,"" Lawrence O'Donnell examines the compelling and impactful political stories of the day. O'Donnell convenes diverse panels of guests, including a variety of politicians and cultural voices, to offer unique viewpoints and perspective. In his signature style, O'Donnell highlights the latest news developments and offers his take on the political stories driving the national conversation.
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Senate Democrats: ‘We May Not Know The Winner On Election Night. That’s OK.’ | The Last Word | MSNBC
The Senate is going BLUE!! Lindsey, Joni, Cory, Thom, Martha, Susan are going to lose BIG!
K. McKee Same here in AZ, Doing phone calls for Kelly!! Mcsally gotta go!,
@Leroy Butler Communist
@The Political Talk TOTALLY excited for the Big Blue Fart In The Wind next week!!!

Keep up the good work!!!
Liberals believe in their progressive cause but don’t have the mind to see the damage it will cause. I am going on record if the Democrats win the Senate, the House and the Presidency this nation is over and it will never recover. We past the point of no return. If the Democrats sweep it is not a bad thing. We got til Jan of 2021 to buy everything we need for the rest of our lives and than maybe 30 to 60 days in. By the summer of next year you better have left and headed to the wilderness and become self sufficient because we are full blown in the apocalypse. If Trump wins the war begins now and Joe Biden even said be ready for a Dark Winter which basically means the high ups in the luciferian order may just decide to nuke us off the planet. Than they can amp up Climate change after the nuclear holocaust and still bring in their NWO with no America. That is my take.
@Leroy Butler <--- recently created troll account.
America: “Every vote should count. We the People deserve to be heard.”
republicans: “WRONG!”
Yeps, the dems are now the conservatives and the repubs are straight white supremacist fascists. Everything is falling off the deep end to the right.
That’s why this is the first time in my life I’ve found it wise to vote for a conservative: Joe Biden 2020!
We need to pull our fellow Americans out of the pit of fascism. It’s not what they even wanted, and most still refuse to see it because they allow their feelings of white supremacy guilt to cloud their vision so deeply, and the wealthy elite prey on them. Racism is a cruel teacher that is so, but these people were just brought up without anyone explaining to them what racism even is.
That’s why I won’t give up on my fellow countrymen, regardless of whether or not they are a-holes to others who are just different.
But we all need to just admit once and for all (especially white supremacists, grow a sack guys) that this divide is about *bigotry: the one tool the wealthy elite have used to *subjugate* all of us for thousands of years now.* What else could explain the fact that far less than 0.01% of the world’s population has more than 50% of all it’s wealth?
@Aylbdr Madison Joe is not a Conservative he is a Democrat. You sound like an Independent Socialist pretending to be a Democrat because Bernie doesn’t have a large enough follow to run Independent.
Trump Virus is more Dangerous than Covid 19
@Oh Yes, Please! I’ll Have Another Bowl Of TDS! Shut up Freak you need a case worker. Look deeply into why you have NO FRIENDS no followers no subscribers and no life. People only Tolerate you, and Avoid you.
Good for you ! ! And (WE) need a (Blue Wave Landslide) and his (far-right) Republican’s in Congress ! ! Save our Senior Citizens’ and (Social Security), and save (America).., Make a difference.. “Vote Him Out ! !”
@Russell Peterson wow, look the “adult” Biden supporter. SO much better behaved than “deplorables”. Your teenaged fixation on being popular is so…neat
Tucker Carlson Tony Bobulinski interview? Watched it? Joe is corrupt. If your hate for Trump is greater than your love for the country – Vote Biden. Make China Great Again.
@Phil M. Shut up Freak you need a case worker. Look deeply into why you have NO FRIENDS no followers no subscribers and no life. People only Tolerate you, and Avoid you.
the only reason Donnie wants a hyper-speed vote count is coz he needs to know if he should skip town or not. Evading prison will be foremost on his tiny mind.
@Water Snake -Good theory, I never thought of Israel giving him asylum. I was thinking Russia or maybe even China but ya, Israel seems like the more logical choice. Good call. Pence of course can only pardon Donnie unless he’s re-elected and I don’t see that happening.
@gypsy Netanyahu gave trump honorary Israeli citizenship for moving the embassy. A symbolic gesture but I can see it becoming real to avoid NYSD
@Water Snake This is a very real possibility and I pray Trump stays in America to get what’s coming to him but if he does run to Israel, could the SDNY or whomever, have him deported or extradited back to the US to meet his fate?
@gypsy I don’t know. But he is loved and praised in Israel and Netanyahu is his buddy. Then there’s the issue of his honorary Israeli citizenship Netanyahu said trump deserved for moving the embassy to Jerusalem? So I do t know what all that would lead to? But I don’t think Russia or Putin would want him as they of no longer need him once out of office and I can’t see him in Saudi Arabia or China. Israel is his only safe haven
Trump 2020
I mailed in my WI ballot 10 days ago for Biden/Harris!!!
I mail mind in texas on oct. 5th, 2020, 65yrs old, my dad 97yrs, my mom 86yrs old also voted!! Plus LARGE group of family members thru the state voted Biden/Harris!! Rio grande valley, AUSTIN, Dallas, San Antonio, El Paso, Tx on abd on!! Lets make it BIG WIN!!
They will try to steal the election using the Supreme Court.
A solid (Blue Wave Landslide) over President Donald J. Trump and his (far-right) Republican’s in Congress ! ! Will (STOP) using the U.S. Supreme Court.. Save (America) and save (Americans’).., Make a difference.. “Vote Him Out ! !”..
@Michael OBrien you mean a Blue Fart In The Wind

That’s why Donnie made sure to get Barrett in.
@Juan Varela <--- recently created troll account.
@Oh Yes, Please! I’ll Have Another Bowl Of TDS! You comment displays your intelligence is about equal to that of a 4-year- old. Go take a nap, the adults are talking.
Take nothing for granted. * * * *VOTE* * * *
If the result is close it will prove to the whole world that USA is in a sick state.
It has been feeling poorly since 2016 …
Too late.
Yes trumpvirus.
Biden 2020 for democracy.
No Democracy. Only republic in the U.S.
We must take back the Senate on November 3rd to give Joe Biden a chance to govern.
People, now is the time to get VERY serious….DO NOT mail in your ballot with USPS…GO TO AN OFFICIAL MAIL-IN BALLOT BOX!
Or better yet…VOTE IN PERSON! I know the pandemic is concerning…but we simply can NOT have 4 more years of this nonsense….please VOTE!
(WE) need a (Blue Wave Landslide) over President Donald J. Trump and his (far-right) Republican’s in Congress ! ! Save (America) and save (Americans’).., Make a difference.. “Vote Him Out ! !”..
Trump 2020
Trump 2020. Democrats have no one to blame but themselves
Biden/Harris 2020
Don’t let Trump* Bolivia America
Vote please! We can’t afford not voting like what happened four years ago
Make sure we all go out VOTE
are Mobs.
Vote early in person if possible
United States citizens you have to early vote that is a must
PROCRASTINATION and COMPLACENCY are not OPTIONAL! GOP efforts to cheat, suppress YOUR PATRIOTIC DUTY TO VOTE ought to be enough to convince you to vote against them.
Either way Trump’s shelf life has expired.
Hon’ble Sen Amy is a True senator for the PEOPLE.. She is GREAT
Vote early to avoid GOP corruption. Vote blue in staggering numbers too large to contest. Vote blue 2020.
Sylvain Cote, the mounting evidence definite points to the Bidens being corrupt. It’s a shame how many of these slow-think libs are too blind to see it.
@Sylvain Cote Even if so, Biden is by FAR the better choice! Vote BLUE! Not because democratic politicians are wonderful, but because we want to have elections in the future.
Whoever votes for Biden in a red state can be sure that the republicans will make this vote disappear.
@mako zero It is not that easy to commit such a large scale national conspiracy. They can try, but lots of people will go to jail.
Trump 2020. Democrats screwed themselves over, again.
Biden Harris to win in six days! And be elected