Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and fellow Senate Democrats deliver remarks ahead of the second day of the Trump team's defense in the president's impeachment trial.
Democratic House managers laid out their case last week charging Trump with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.
The president's lawyers opened their case on Saturday, in a two-hour presentation that contrasted with the lengthy arguments from the Democratic panel, which used all of the 24 hours each side was given to use over three days.
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#trumpimpeachment #senatetrial #politics
To the powers that be who claim to have enough money to own the world.
Even though I cannot give a definite guarantee I am going to bring up another side to my story. Under city lights my name is trailmark on the trail you can call me weather–maker. There is only a little bit of Indian in me (Cherokee) but living in my homelessness I have become aware of the trail of tears. When talking to weather–maker you’ll be talking to someone who knows God to be the highest reality of the land living in nature with all of us. Moving a mountain might be too much show and tell for me right now but when I ask God if he can make it rain he doesn’t seem to mind so much. I remember the time when I went kayaking at 2 AM in the morning and he showed up in my mind telling me something strange was going to happen around the next bend of the river. The river opened up to a wide spot my kayak was in the middle of the river and fish began jumping all around my boat. Just so you know it was a very small river you could almost call it a stream with clear water and trout. Later on, of course, he had to show up inside me in a spirit that was so stilled I knew it was impossible to claim it as my own. That spirit did make it clear to me that I could be a better person which to my bitterness I had to agree… I am not perfect and I am not Jesus which by the way I told him in my mind that I would go get to see if Jesus could still his waters even more. I have to admit my God did piss me off just a little bit telling me that I was not perfect, this was not something I wanted to hear coming from my God. The task I chose for my God was to see if I can put sex on the cross as something you can thirst for in the righteousness of Jesus. In doing this of course it would pretty much do away with original sin that you have to die for the guilt of your parents. My thinking was that Jesus could use his cross and his spirit of truth to put the guilt of sex in its place. People, God does not hate sex it is where babies come from. The truth is I do come short on the stick so if you want to ask me where miracles come from I will try my best although there will be no guarantee that God will be listening. The last thing I remember was asking my God if he can stop talking to me using the weather and reality with mother nature as a way of communication, I told him it was getting to be a little bit too much for my head to handle. Thank God he listened to me. I know it is going to be a pain for me to go through this all over again but I think the world might can use the help getting its own reality check back to itself… Believe it or not on this planet if you have consciousness you are a spiritual being and God can make sense to this little problem whether you believe in him or not… “I am what I am”.
I have received so much grief on the Internet when it comes to God living in truth with nature that I came up with a challenge of my own that goes out to all comers… scientists, religious leaders, bankers, lawgivers, historians, Isis, the 1% club, even other through-hikers in life. My statement is this… “Truth Can Stop Time Dead in Its Tracks”! This includes the sciences with all meanings to the hydrogen bomb, the Big Bang theory, cosmic strings or anything else you can come up with. Anybody wants to argue what it means to live in spirit to life bring it on I’m not going anywhere. If you want to take this challenge seriously do it, talk it over with your friends, try to get meaning to perspectives, the last thing I want to hear about is your feelings about Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. Let me start by saying “spirit and time go together but when it comes to our feelings in consciousness truth to consciousness is where the eye of reality comes from”. People live and die in reality caring so little about it, it blows my mind. It really is sad how little people can see into reality and then die with so little purpose in it, it makes me want to cry because truth can literally change reality in size shape and purpose in a way nature itself can only know the difference and now so can I. Now it is your turn!
PS. I hate to say it but coming from America I do own all the money. You should not put in God we trust on your money when you don’t care to know who God is. I don’t want the money belonging to Americans because it is 23 trillion in debt so I gave it back to mother nature. It was mother nature that got ripped off in the first place in the making of this money. I don’t own the money I am just a self-made man and the lawyer to it. It is my feeling that God and reality do go together it is too bad we live in a time that neither one seems to matter much. I don’t have any children but if I did I would not want them to grow up in alternative facts (the defense rests). The rest you can figure out for yourself.
thank you
@Roger Lindsay thank you back
Chuck will get a fair trial
It’s time for the true American public, not Chumpers, to take to the streets in protest to demand the GOP allow witnesses and documents in Chump’s trial. It’s time to take to the streets and shake things up!!
Agreed! Lets bring witnesses! Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, the whistle blower, and especially Obama. We need to ask Obama about his meeting with the Ukraine in June 2016 regarding Biden’s son being on the board of a company who was Laundering money. We need to get to the bottom of all things Ukraine. And then Trump needs to sign an excutive order that American Tax Payer money stop going to countries that hate us.
They didn’t do it – so they want the senate to do their job? The ambassador serves at the pleasure of the president. The president has a right to ask for corruption to be investigated. Period.
Trump/Pence Rock 2020
You had nothing to impeach on – an impeachment looking for a reason. And You’re lying Chuck Schumer. We have the truth.
Nancy can get you something that looks like water… You “Rat”!!!

(D) party is a hypocrite. Party knew Mr Obama vice Joe Biden literally withheld Ukraine funding to force Ukraine prosecutor drop investigation his son Hunter was on verge of being swept up in.
The (D) party stood down. Which is the same thing as (D) party condone Joe Biden withold Ukraine funds to purge criminal investigation.
Purged a criminal investigation is Public Corruption.
This Impeachment is a farce, as it is (D) party last hoorah make cover up (D) party public corruption law of the land.
We see it. (D) Party adhere to Confederate Constitution of implied rights, not US Constitution prohibits.
The (D) party expects to get away with extort Ukraine but denied extort Ukraine and so now retaliating against the American people.
It’s the American people who pushed Donald Trump to open investigation on the (D) party historic Public corruption activity. (D) party retaliate against the American people by toss American people votes for Trump via impeach Trump
The (D) party will never ever be free of criminal investigations. Because of (D) party retaliatory measures toss Americans votes via impeach Americans choice for President
It’s evident impeached is ave to offer (D) Party President candidates leg up.
Steal our Presidency DONKEY insert yourselves DONKEY? “For every action there is a consequence”
prove it
80% of Americans, including 60% of Republicans, are demanding that Bolton and other relevant witnesses be allowed to testify at the Senate trial. We will not put up with the excuse that these witnesses should have been called at the House hearings. They were called but all refused to testify under a general gag order issued by the president. But with a Senate subpoena, signed by the Chief Justice of the United States, these witnesses are much more likely to comply. We the people are entitled to hear the truth.
You don’t get any water where you’re going Chucky!