Sen. Raphael Warnock, D-Ga., spoke out against new voting laws passed by the Georgia state legislature as "anti-democratic" and "un-American." He claimed state lawmakers were "trying to change the rules" because they did not like the outcome of previous elections. Aired on 03/26/2021.
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About Craig Melvin: Craig Melvin is an MSNBC Anchor and NBC News Correspondent. He currently anchors “MSNBC Live” on Saturdays and Sundays, contributes reports for “TODAY,” and fills in as host for Lester Holt on “Weekend TODAY.”
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#RaphaelWarnock #GeorgiaVotingLaw #MSNBC
Sen. Warnock: New Georgia Voting Law Is 'Anti-Democratic' | Craig Melvin | MSNBC
I hope they’re voting law blows up in their face and they lose their jobs!
I wish they could go to prison ad traitors against democracy!!!
@eva tripp Surly we can round up all the deplorables and put them in freedom cages.. A nice political re-education camp maybe?
Oh it will. They just kick the hornets nest. Big time.
@eva tripp
Exactly! That what Molly Ball’s article in Time Magazine on 2/4 had explained
You the man Raphael!
He needs to stop this
Raphael Warnock is such an incredible man of integrity. I could listen to him speak all day.
@Equality For All indeed
In some countries if you don’t vote you will be arrested but evil republicans don’t want you to vote.
How so? Election integrity favors both sides.
People should get a small amount off their federal income tax when they vote….to defray their expenses…….gas, sitter, bus fare….plus a way to insure good will with the electorate.
I don’t know how Brian Kemp looks at himself in the mirror every morning. I’m a Georgian and this is wrong on so many levels. As a lifelong republican (ashamed to say) I will never vote for another republican again. NEVER!!
@Harvey Manfredsenjenson have no idea what you are talking about… whatever I hope you have a great day
Agree 100%
Don’t worry
We don’t need you
@The Notorious Yim that remains to be seen. I’ll bet good money kemp doesn’t even come close to re-election
@Jennifer Rogers lol yes !! ALWAYS deny !! You’re starting to learn . Happy trolling !!
How about Republicans start doing things to help improve people’s lives instead of preventing people from voting? I know — I’m a dangerous radical.
The trolls have lost any credibility that thought they had. Their heroes are admitting – in legal documents – that they have been lying to them. Their “truth-tellers” have been proven wrong over and over. Their predictions have failed over and over. Yet, here they are, claiming that we’re deluded and brainwashed.
The Baby Cheesus Cult is the world’s biggest Sunk Cost Fallacy.
Exactly! That what Molly Ball’s article in Time Magazine on 2/4 had explained
Cults are like that. That’s why they’ve been known to commit suicide , rather than facing the truth.
The next time the Autocratic State of Georgia has an election, we need to call in the UN to oversee it just as they would any other third world state sliding into fascism.
Exactly! That what Molly Ball’s article in Time Magazine on 2/4 had explained
We don’t bow to the UN.
UN = globalism – evil.
All European nations and the vast majority of third world nations require voter ID and same day voting. Many (like Mexico) also require a thumbprint. But the Democratic Bolsheviks scream “that’s racist” because THEY say that black Americans are either too dumb or too poor to have government issued ID’s. That is insulting and actual racism and blacks see through it now. I am so happy that the Democrats “racism” projection has finally jumped the shark!
That’s a really stupid comment, Ruth, do better.
America has always tried to make it harder for the poor, the disadvantaged, women, and people of colour to vote. This is exactly what America is to today’s GOP.
Exactly! That what Molly Ball’s article in Time Magazine on 2/4 had explained
Warnock get fired up and ready to go, registering more people and more people at the polls early take care of this nonsense.
Jesus loves and cares about you so much so repent so That we all make it to heaven
Like so more people can see this.
What you all can’t register and get a ID like every other person?
translation —
Senator Warnock should immediately file a complaint to the Supreme court against this treasonous and cowardly abuse.
Thank you Georgia for giving us this senator. The country sees what republicans are doing and we have your back.
so in Georgia now…
it’s illegal to give folks food and water…
how proud Jesus must be…
I like how it says “anti-democratic” instead anti-american. Typical. Lol
The normalization of voting by mail is the single most important thing to come out of this pandemic.
If me, who just became a citizen can get an ID, so should you
In the words of John Lewis: she did “Good Trouble”…you are our HERO Legislature Park. You are our modern day Rosa Parks