Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) comments on President Trump's efforts to overturn the election results. Aired on 11/18/2020.
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#MarkWarner #ElectionResults #MSNBC
Sen. Warner: 'Majority Of Republicans Are Embarrassed By What' Trump Is Doing | MTP Daily | MSNBC
Begging and praying won’t work. The GOP has never held Trump accountable and never will.
@Joy Division , you are delusional!
@Joy Division ,Trump LOST the election; Biden WON by the electorial and popular votes! Accept it sore loser!
@Joy Division Fox viewer until they accepted reality, then move onto the next crazy right wing ‘news channel’
@Soul Crewblue
Dems went from four years of peddling Russia rigged the elections to elections can’t be rigged. Extreme left commie Bolshevik. 
They are spineless cowards who are afraid he will expose their dirty BIG secrets.
then the vast majority of repugs need to grow a set and speak out.
dems same as sashi=
GTFO. The vast majority of Republicans have backed Trump every step of the way as he’s tried to destroy America. Republicans anonymously making comments about how they’re “secretly embarrassed by him and don’t actually support him” got old a LONG time ago and shouldn’t earn them any leniency. Stop falling for it.
Heaven/Almighty will arise & all Pres Trump’s enemies who do/speak evil against him will be scattered ( Psalms 68v1)
…. Visibly there is cheating with Mail-in ballots plan, night counting, etc., when people are waiting for election results on Nov 3; ….All tongues behind Mail-in ballots, vote Fraud, Lie speaking & arguing tongues will be cut off by heaven’s Sword (Proverbs 10v31; Isaiah 34v5; Rev 14v17; 1 Timothy 6v4; )…Because it is very difficult to control Lie speaking, arguing, tongues with human efforts. ….Evil power is on the rise on earth with all Lies, cheat, & work of darkness, but will be destroyed soon in Heaven’s intervention/Lord’s appearing (2 Thess 2v8)…I strongly believe Psalms 68v1 & such Heavenly Word of Wrath Sword for Heaven’s enemies, are for This time of the age (2020)…Because evil-bind, cheaters, liars, arguing for Lies, are numerous at this time of the age (Matt 13v39; Rev 21v8; )
@CyeOutsider oh yes of course I do heres a video of why I love Trump. Educate yourself and watch it
@DaughterZion Ros get out of here you clown
@MODESTO NOR CAL Another fascist freak
@DaughterZion Ros So you literally believe that God sent Trump to be president? Why would God choose an unrepentant serial adulterer? Back in Biblical times, Trump would have been stoned.
If they’re so embarrassed why don’t they speak out?! I have no sympathy
There is zero evidence of water in the Pacific Ocean.
– Fraud Josef Biden
Trump won 2020.
Most embarrassing election in history. Stop The Steal.
Bring on the Supreme Court.
They would rather let democracy be exterminated than do anything that might upset THEIR boat. We want a smooth transition and not Trump’s people in Congress and Judiciary taking over our election and the smooth transition.
The real reason is, they don’t want to risk getting fired.
They are spineless cowards who are afraid he will expose their dirty BIG secrets.
Some doors swing both ways.
Embarrassed? They know not the meaning of the word.
America CLEARLY doesnt have the best Democracy in the world.
@Gregory The “if you don’t like it leave” rebuttal by the eternally petty and small minded. “A more perfect union” or “the great experiment” called Democracy. American Democracy was flawed from the start, the founding fathers knew it. Their hope that was over time the country would improve it. They never claimed it was perfect as is and anyone who didn’t like it could leave because it would’ve sounded as dumb then as it does now. Clearly you’re an unintelligent person. I don’t say that as an insult but just a matter of fact, you’re dumb. Go read a book, educate yourself.
@Maurice Gardiner educate yourself of the fraud you wack jobs
@incipidsigninsetup ho hum BOring! pack it up and move on out cowboy, you know nothing about american republic
@#j G go away troll.
The only fraud is the EX pres.
You should add UNDER TRUMP
Republicans in Congress are not a political party they are A Cult!!!!!
A cult of cowards…
@Ian Christensen that’s flattering. I think it’s a Russian operation. And every thing else is a smoke screen…
Embarrassed? These are the same people who blocked the impeachment process.
Trump is the worst thing that happened to America. EVER!!!
Were you offended when Obama attacked anything of christian values
@Sun dial I’ve never dug deep into that one particularly. But i believe every candidate since 1963 (after JFK got whacked for attempting to end the Federal Reserve and the see eye “A”, note that trump put the Fed under control of the Treasury during his term) every candidate has been “chosen” by the Davos/imf/UN/trilateral commission/world central banking cartel, until 2016 with the non Davos member trump, who i believe had the positive factions of the world’s MIC help to outsmart Hillary’s attempted grab.
@Mandi Mae
Jesus was called a “False God”….
@Sun dial Matthew 24:3 And as Jesus sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto Him privately, saying, tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of your coming, and of the end of the world?
:4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, take attention that no one deceive you.
:5 For many will come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and will deceive many.
:6 And you will hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that you be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
:7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and “pestilences,=(a fatal epidemic disease,)” and earthquakes, in different places.
:8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
@Mystery Saupe
The beginning of sorrows has already begun with Biden winning..
America is finished as a free nation and our freedoms are coming to an end with the beginning of a Socialist marxist State….GOD HELP US ALL..
The fact that they are remaining silent is embarrassing. It is wrong and they need to stop it now.
Pls Dems, fix your Dem cities (Baltimore, Chicago…), black people are suffering while you pretend to care about them
. Racist Joe will do nothing positive
You obviously weren’t watching the thousands of Trump Supporters marching PEACEFULLY last weekend. You don’t know what you are talking about…because you listen to FAKE NEWS
@Think about it You Trump supporters are incredible. Watching from the UK. It would be so funny if it wasn’t so sad. Thankfully he lost and will be gone soon.
@Think about it How about you guys fix states like W Virginia, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, etc. Which are among the poorest in the Union. My state of Maryland has the highest average household income. Only second to DC.
@Think about it I’m pretty sure you’re a member of a group that doesn’t want the city folk telling you what to do. So what is wrong with you that you would say such things? Hypocrisy is so ugly. You should have that removed.
there is so much criminality in the GOP that they feel they have to support treason to stay out of jail
Donald Trump has a Criminal Mind that’s all he knows and he knows how to use it it sure is hurting the rest of the Americans
We don’t want embarrassment; we want integrity, honesty and action.
Make sure the counts are properly witnessed and verified and any claims of fraud are properly investigated, or is there something to hide?
If the Democrats won, then why are they scared and why have the press closed ranks, turned off comments to certain articles etc etc?
Get the Dominion voting system investigated, something stinks about it.
@Stephen Massey Tell it to a judge comrade,.. hahaha
@William H How is giving equal rights to black Americans and lgbtq a bad thing?
you’ll get hundreds of new tim McVeighs instead
No. They are not embarrassed. They are Republicans. They have no shame. Ppl who feel shame don’t support dictatorship.
@Dahra Brofford moron,low information voters such as yourself will end up destroying America….Biden is a Chinese puppet, a empty shell,the man can’t even talk,smh…
@Kevin McK The fake MSM tell you all those lies? Leftards have zero idea of what’s really going on, how could they…
@Can’t Get Right Отвяжись! No Content Channel Troll… Russian Bot… Отвяжись!
You are obviously a very low IQ individual.
@BigBad Daddy Отвяжись! And you are obviously a No Content Channel trol and a Russian bot… Отвяжись!
NONE of the republicans I know are! I am a registered republican and I am ashamed of him. May he leave and drift into a deep hole
No they not afraid of him, they to in to deep, and dont want to go down with him, they trying to keep him in because, they dont want their stuff to come out!
I don’t support trump, but I can see your point
I agree completely. Stop letting them off the hook. They are saying what they are saying publicly.
Republicans are afraid of Trump’s Tweetstorm.
Are they in high school afraid of Bully.
afraid he will expose their dirty BIG secrets.
Trump is nothing but a bully and republicans are afraid of being voted out of office if they don’t go along with his whining.. His base votes how he tells them to.
This is the clearest case of an American dictatorship that has ever been, but his followers obviously choose his cult over their nation.
No, the Republicans are not embarrassed at all. They’ve known he’s a disgusting person his entire public life.
Today’s Democratic Party really doesn’t understand us Republicans. There was a time many years ago both parties could disagree and still discuss things in a friendly manner. Today’s Democratic leaders would prefer not to discuss anything. It’s either their way or the highway. At some point, they will discover they are on the losing side. Trump

@Richard Landis so, you live in a parallel universe, huh?
@Casey Levins YES, and I am grateful to be living in a universe of sanity that runs parallel to the universe of insanity.
@Richard Landis well, at least in your universe Donald Trump will still be president

@Casey Levins That is if all of the legal votes are properly counted. It’s obvious you have not done your own serious, in-depth, time consuming research, or you are in favor of socialism and communism. I suspect you have not done your own research. I strongly suggest you do and not regurgitate the garbage coming from the MSM. I recommend you ponder the following. 1.This war between the righteous and the wicked began long before we came to this earth. It will only continue to worsen as Lucifer seeks to destroy the Lord’s children prior to the Second Coming. 2.This nation was established under the hands of our Lord, Jesus Christ, to fulfill His purposes. 3.He is the only King to rule over it. 4.The U.S. Constitution will not be saved by those who walk the halls of government. It will only be saved by the righteous citizenry of this great country. 5.Be prepared. 6.Wickedness never was intelligent. 7.You’re on the losing side. 8.Choose carefully. And good luck.
It doesn’t seem like their embarrassed. They are spineless.
spineless cowards who are afraid he will expose their dirty BIG secrets.
Pls Dems, fix your Dem cities (Baltimore, Chicago…), black people are suffering while you pretend to care about them
. Racist Joe will do nothing positive
The republicans aren’t embarrassed, they’re whipped.
Unless and until the ”the majority” of Republican elected (not retired people) leaders say they are embarrassed by Trump’s actions in public; then why should we think they are embarrassed by Trumps actions?