Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-NY, says the president's plan to reopen the economy is flawed due to a lack of testing. Sen. Schumer also discusses getting money into the hands of small businesses and the importance of government. Aired on 04/17/2020.
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Sen. Schumer Calls For Nationalized Testing, Boosting Small Business | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Oh, no! The money bankers were going to buy yachts and Island with are going the people who work for them – what are we going to do? dip into our million dollar pensionfunds? What horror!
@Crystal Giddens That is what he said.
@Francisco Abreu Is it a conspiracy that Mika has expanded exponentially? I hope she goes on a serious diet and saves her job. If not, her days are numbered. Not that she has anything to say. But she should at least look good. IMO
@House Majority LOL , you have no idea what your talking about , do you ?? I’ve made plenty during this whole thing . I’m guess your a hourly worker ! No stocks , No mortgage , No savings
@Susan Baron what a bunch of word salad. You absolutely did not say anything in your comment that was coherent.
@Crystal Giddens Are you Anorexic?
Hey chuck…your preaching to a deaf choir…..trumps ears are full of self pollutants!
@S. Lee Mccauley California had to be forced to purge 500k dead voters from the data base , and many voting districts had thousands of duplicate or impossible to read ballots thats called “bundling “, since Democrat ideas are so bad and they can no longer engage in demographics change thisnthe only way Democrats and their zealots can win elections
Trump maga
Wrong. Trump 2020 baby.
We must inform Sen. Schumer that some countries with the fewest number of virus cases worldwide are doing very little testing. In addition, as Mr. Schumer can see those standing in lines in NY are standing right next to each other either touching or within an inch of each other. If they didn’t have the virus before they went for the test, they surely will have it when they get home from the test–spreading it to their families, their neighbors, their friends and to you and me. It would be much more helpful to society if Mr. Schumer and Ms. Pelosi tried to protect the people in their states instead of continuing this tiring unnecessary ranting apropos of nothing! Go help those people in your states. Explain to them in a manner they can understand what they need to do to survive this virus. As you can see in the news clips, they are completely clueless. Your states, NY and Calif;., have the largest populations who do not understand social distancing! You have failed your states and the country!
Tell Chuck to tell the truth.. Pelosi was too busy passing flavored tobacco legislation in March instead of dealing with:::: CHINA!!
How about nationalised healthcare? Like a medicare for all kind of thing?
@Joker Dean Right on.
@Niffenator How is that ??? Look at countrys like italy Spain France seriously they are or were overwhelmed death rate way steeper in these so called healthcare for all country’s!!!
@Karen Byrd Totally correct.
@snoop alert You must love the money the big insurance and pharma companies make then. They are the only ones that can dominate the media ads with all the money you fools give them. Any idea how many millions they spend on ads? Guess where the money comes from? Give up. Fools like you. Governments spend 0 on ads and buy in huge bulk to keep the cost down.
@Bruce no
Gee… If someone only knew, like 4 months ago, that we’d need lots of tests like ones offered by WHO. Boy, things might be different!
@Donna I for one will NOT be satisfied until I see an original virus birth certificate!
@Crystal Giddens Yes, I do! Do you?
the blame game, whether China did not tell the world the truth, about where the virus came from , bro the western democracies knew in January, and there s no doubt the CIA or MI6 in the UK knew about this at least in early December that is what they are paid to do . AUTO ny friend one does not lock down a city of 10million because of illnesses such as BONE SPURS bro
it is 99.9% certain, that intel agencies moved this info up the chain, but Trump & his puppet Boris Johstone , took no heed of this impending crisis, until it was far too late..where were they, hiding under the bed ?
we can all see through Trumps, blame game, his words are documented, & I for one cannot believe i have used the word TRUTH & TRUMP in the same comment
Crystal Giddens It’s no use trying to inform these people. They don’t know how to discern information. They have become Sheeple who blindly follow the Lamestream Media.
@Debbie Sowell yeah, now why don’t the two of you nutsackz go off into the woods somewhere. Us sheeple will hold the fort down in yer absence.
Should have been honest from day one
That’s a good policy in life I’ve found, you pay for your mistakes but the payment is much lower. Trump is a narcissist though and thinks he can fix one lie with more lies and then those lies with even more. We’re up to over 16,000 lies from Trump and climbing.
Iris Hewlett correct. Trump downplay Ed for 2 months.
@Mainely WADDA GUY
Mainely something we all learned at a young age, but not the master of disaster.
@Noiseless Sounds , Goood, gooooood. Let the hate flow through you.
@Shawn Corbin BS
@Dave Schultz the thing is I have good and rational reasons to hate you you don’t have good reasons to hate liberals
We must inform Sen. Schumer that some countries with the fewest number of virus cases worldwide are doing very little testing. In addition, as Mr. Schumer can see those standing in lines in NY are standing right next to each other either touching or within an inch of each other. If they didn’t have the virus before they went for the test, they surely will have it when they get home from the test–spreading it to their families, their neighbors, their friends and to you and me. It would be much more helpful to society if Mr. Schumer and Ms. Pelosi tried to protect the people in their states instead of continuing this tiring unnecessary ranting apropos of nothing! Go help those people in your states. Explain to them in a manner they can understand what they need to do to survive this virus. As you can see in the news clips, they are completely clueless. Your states, NY and Calif;., have the largest populations who do not understand social distancing! You have failed your states and the country!
Thank God
Chuck, we cannot have testing because that might hurt Cheeto’s re-election chances.
@Real Deal ask the folks who have relatives in these care homes,for the elderly whom have died in their thousands
if it is safe why dont you take your parents & grandparents & volunteer to work in 1 of these care homes, without wearing any PPE
invite Trump, his family, his cronies in the senate & house to join you….tell me when they accept your invitation . put that COWARD in charge unless he is in NJ to get a sick note
i am almost 70 years old ex UK Armed Forces Royal Marines .and i may be a dumb
however 2 of my children are most definitely not
my oldest son is a professor of microbiology , and my daughter whom graduated from Cambridge with Honours is an epidemiologist
both are working 20 hours a day in 2 teams trying to create a vaccine for this plague, and i am taking THEIR advice. what are your kids telling you to do genius
@dugmeat mcdonald jnr Stick to your own countries problem and mind your business. The UK is a prime example of failed leadership. Late response and poor testing. Nursing homes are the most vulnerable so there should be an iron ring around them. No one is saying to go out and go back to normal. Quite the opposite. There are significant and strict rules, testing, thresholds that each state has to attain so cut the BS fear mongering, IF YOU GO OUT PEOPLE WILL DIE attitude and THOSE WHO GO OUT DONT CARE,, QUITE YOUR SHAMING… If you are older and vulnerable that STAY home… SIMPLE!!!!
@ANTI-SATAN pro-life sometimes I think you are right. Sometimes I think that the opposing view points are necessary.
Damned if you do and damned if you don’t.
@dugmeat mcdonald jnr If you think Pres Trump is responsible for every decision related to our welfare..your way off track, if the democrats had not raised taxes on medical industries, we would have them here, not in China, this corporate war, has to stop!
dugmeat mcdonald jnr yep – that’s the way to do it! I’ll hand clap the first fox anchors to come out!
Let red states be the guinea pigs. I live in one and I’m fine with thinning the moronic base.
You actually are saying you dont mind if conservatives die. Sad, brainwashed world we live in. Spread peace, not hatred, it feels better.
@Danny Ball the simple fact that you guys think you can dish it out on us for four years and can’t take it from us in one second. what’s it like to be a snowflake?
@Danny Ball When a Tordado hits the south I root for the Tornado.
@Danny Ball – I’m saying the protesters ARE self proclaimed dodo Donny supporters who don’t care about anyone but themselves and what they want, so why should I care about them, when they don’t care about anyone who disagrees with them. They die because of their own stupidy and cause the death of others the same way.
@Donna covid 19 is pure BS brought to you by the deep state to steal your rights and yo9u just gave them up. simple as that.
Nothing will happen in the Senate while *Massacre’ Mitch* is allowed to work there…
The Senators, lied, cheated, broke their sworn oaths to help cover for the trumps crimes.
I do not trust my government anymore. We are on our own.
Until the evil is displaced, there is no room for good. You allow the trump, you allow the Senate to break their oaths. You deserve this pox.
@Mainely not all his fault
the NRA helps him
Cocaine Mitch, Moscow Mitch…
I think Massacre’ Mitch is much more fitting, and have been saying it since July 2018
What a very befitting name for him. I know it shouldn’t matter but his wife happens to be asian.
The Republicans are corrupt.
Ask not what you can do for America. Ask what you can do for Trump
@hmoney She also happens to be the Secretary of Transportation…Oh, I almost forgot to mention that her family also owns one of the largest shipping companies: CORRUPTION?!
@wel1968 I like it! It’s perfectly applicable! Thank you!
Trump is not going do anything about testing.
Although he’s going tell you he is.
We’re lost.
Jeff Gibson in your basement playing pocket pool working.
@mrJwlock I haven’t heard that term since 1960.
@Jon Nelson It’s irrelevant. The virus was brand new and never seen before in the west only 16 weeks ago. By the time the test was invented, the epidemic was already over. Everybody in the red counties are going back to work. Now what are you going to complain about?
@Fancy Brooks Like he takes credit for EVERYTHING else from other people’s hard work!
@Crystal Giddens
We have no good choice. We’re between the devil and the deep blue sea, or, better, between dumb and dumber.
The USA is at the beginning of a long, long wild ride. Buckle up! The drivers are sociopaths.
@D Kmore of the same ! Democrats turning Cities into Cesspools and crime ridden for decades of democratic rule many since the 1800s. Lazy young lowlife Democrats living in the drug infested streets around the country !
Democrats selling dope on every street corner in the big city’s creating the opiod crisis
The Democrats destroying history, destroying everything they can including our rights ! Democrats on shooting sprees 24/7
Lib-tards puking, defecating and p@ssing in the streets and sidewalks polluting the LA river. And they are worried about 1 straw found in a turtle’s nose. Fish choking on dirty syringes by democrats promoted by democrats. Now Mammals are dying in Demonrat sewage. God help us ! How much do they tax you over there ?
The top 10 most drug use cities are also run by democrats mayors and police cheifs !
Would you have a business in a run down crime infested city run by all lib t”rds ?
Here is what’s going on in America. Take this trash out ! Wake up people ! As if 140 years of Slavery, Racism and Jim Crow laws until the 70s wasnt enough ! 192 years of this brainless corrupt trash !! The Demonrat party was created in 1828
The 30 most dangerous rural cities are run by Democrat mayors and police cheifs And it keeps going and going there is not enough room here
Wilmington DE
Canton Ohio
Rocky Mount NC,
N. Little Rock AR,
Daytona Beach Fl,
Homestead Fl,
Warner Robin’s GA,
Anniston AL,
Blytheville AR,
Douglas GA,
Henderson NC,
Humble TX,
Branson MO.
East Pointe GA,
Gullup NM,
bellmead TX,
College Park GA,
Lumberton NC,
Emeryville CA,
Camden County NJ
Portland OR.
Crowley LA
Stockton CA
Bessemer AL
West Memphis TN
Berkely CA
South Bend IN
Open borders, Sancuary cities, witch hunts and blatant corruption
Myrtle beach (R) Mayor, (R) Police cheif
Pensacola, (R) mayor, (D) Police Cheif,
Tukwilla WA (R) mayor, (D) Police Cheif
Just a few of the most dangerous major Cities run by ALL democrat Mayors and Police Cheifs.
San Bernardino
Pitsburg PA
San Fran,
Salt Lake City
Springfield IL
Washington DC
Beamont TX
Kansas City MO
Ft. Lauderdale FL
Minneapolis MN
Richmond NY
Buffalo NY
Richmond VA
You will find in most all dangerous cities they are run by Democrats that have no sense of operations, hiring, mis management etc. This has been going on for decades, then we have the liberal media causing anxiety in the Democrats already brainless brainwashed fragile minds.
#j G I’m sorry, CA couldn’t hear you over all the money we generate being the 5th largest economy in the world and the amount of net taxes we provide for the Federal government to subsidize other (mainly red) States…
. You don’t want to live in one of these so called dangerous cities, no one is forcing you to do so.
@Mainely gee your so manly
@#j G lets not forget, the 10s of 1000s of FAMILIES leaving the blue sh*thole states.
@D K if voting changed anything, it’d be illegal.
Trump says we have “Lots of tests,beautiful tests for everyone “. No We Don’t .We need a centralized , National, response that sends people and equipment where they are needed. “I haven’t heard about testing “ says Trump on a phone call with Governors. No one is better at getting equipment and people from point A to point B than the military. A national response is essential to keep the deaths to a minimum. We need to send essential equipment and personnel to hot spots. We need the military to help with logistics and personnel. The team and equipment would then move on to next hotspot .
Marina Dubois no that makes to much sense. seems there working with this virus ,instead of against it???
hi Marina. What Trumps says it’s nonsense there is no beautiful testing there’s a beautiful woman beautiful baby beautiful trees the guy is sick I don’t understand they still have him. as a president they should kick him out. Everybody’s laughing for. America.
Boring… yawn
Attempting to reason with bigoted, ignoramuses is just not possible! Save your breath for yourself.
Let’s start with red states opening first.
Trump: Phase 2 open the bar’s.
Trump hollowed out the CDC now we the people have to pay the consequences. Sorry we have no testing.
President Trump never cut funds for the CDC
@Marvin Guigar trump halved funds to cdc and fired pandemic people, closed the cdc office in wuhan too.
@anne-marie Andrews do you people ever do any research or do you listen to CNN or MSNBC he never cut any funds to the CDC
I believe even the testing numbers is due to the rich getting tested over and over. They need to send out people to neighborhoods where no one has transpo to go get the test.
@Kristi trump is killing the post office as we speak!
Vera von Weltin i know!!! No one is speaking about it! Journalists are not covering it. To our peril!!! It’s the only national distribution system in the nation. Every podunk town has a postal zip code, used to have a post office. It’s demise, will leave us exposed to predatory shipping rates from private carriers. It’s the canary in the mine. If the GOP succeed to trashing our post office which they have trying for decades, our democracy is not far behind.
We must inform Sen. Schumer that some countries with the fewest number of virus cases worldwide are doing very little testing. In addition, as Mr. Schumer can see those standing in lines in NY are standing right next to each other either touching or within an inch of each other. If they didn’t have the virus before they went for the test, they surely will have it when they get home from the test–spreading it to their families, their neighbors, their friends and to you and me. It would be much more helpful to society if Mr. Schumer and Ms. Pelosi tried to protect the people in their states instead of continuing this tiring unnecessary ranting apropos of nothing! Go help those people in your states. Explain to them in a manner they can understand what they need to do to survive this virus. As you can see in the news clips, they are completely clueless. Your states, NY and Calif;., have the largest populations who do not understand social distancing! You have failed your states and the country!
Susan Baron you are woefully misinformed. You are drinking the fox koolaid.
Susan Baron we do not get tested just because we want not yet anyway. But, we have abided by the social isolation rules and our numbers are dropping. Trump is the reason your country was not ready.
Understand this: we spend billions of dollars to test highschool students an exam to exit highschool or allocate funding but the same government has trouble finding the resources for PPE
We must inform Sen. Schumer that some countries with the fewest number of virus cases worldwide are doing very little testing. In addition, as Mr. Schumer can see those standing in lines in NY are standing right next to each other either touching or within an inch of each other. If they didn’t have the virus before they went for the test, they surely will have it when they get home from the test–spreading it to their families, their neighbors, their friends and to you and me. It would be much more helpful to society if Mr. Schumer and Ms. Pelosi tried to protect the people in their states instead of continuing this tiring unnecessary ranting apropos of nothing! Go help those people in your states. Explain to them in a manner they can understand what they need to do to survive this virus. As you can see in the news clips, they are completely clueless. Your states, NY and Calif;., have the largest populations who do not understand social distancing! You have failed your states and the country!
Great post
@Janie Buck Stop reading my mind ; ) 100% agree.
Oh, PPE is bullet proof vests, how many million do you need.. money isn’t the problem.
@Mr Deplorable2020 no, and neither have you , dip sh$t
Why don’t all the Red states open up first? Then the rest of Country can see results! I’m Canadian, just an idea??

KC JONES hahah, fair enough, me too!
Very tough, and really, you are an intelligent person, you know that baby can feel things, as a father, I only want to protect the helpless, you know how to use birth control and, I am not some insane catholic or anything but babies are so precious and helpless and needed. I have a respect for your choice for your body, but I also think a woman who cannot control her womb cant just eliminate an innocent human life.
As I said I do appreciate our conversation, can I ask if you are a parent? My view has changed since my son was born. I’m sure that sounds sappy to you, but it’s how I am I guess…
KC JONES so I tried replying, but it won’t post… hmm….?

Don’t embarrass Canadians you JAKOFF!! You want to separate people because of beliefs and politics???? WTF is wrong with you, NAZI sick pig
You NEED a unified test distributed to all states. Absolutely!!
it is not rocket science they tested people in earlier epidemics, anyone with common sense and the tests can do this at the local level, I think they are scared of the fact that it is in the millions not thousands.

So..I’m thinking somebody or some companies are making money on the sacrifices of US citizens needlessly dying. I cannot believe that our nation cannot collectively come together to provide Covid testing for each and every one of us!!
We must inform Sen. Schumer that some countries with the fewest number of virus cases worldwide are doing very little testing. In addition, as Mr. Schumer can see those standing in lines in NY are standing right next to each other either touching or within an inch of each other. If they didn’t have the virus before they went for the test, they surely will have it when they get home from the test–spreading it to their families, their neighbors, their friends and to you and me. It would be much more helpful to society if Mr. Schumer and Ms. Pelosi tried to protect the people in their states instead of continuing this tiring unnecessary ranting apropos of nothing! Go help those people in your states. Explain to them in a manner they can understand what they need to do to survive this virus. As you can see in the news clips, they are completely clueless. Your states, NY and Calif;., have the largest populations who do not understand social distancing! You have failed your states and the country!
@Susan Baron it is in the mid-west states, and now it is in the meat processing, dumping millions of gallons of milk, killing millions of chickens, the whole bloody mess it is at the steps of all the capitals in each and every state, we are being USED!
@Susan Baron do you have a life?
Excellant advice, Senator Schumer. “Testing” was emphasized since early March. It is a necessity. We need to know who has has the virus. Otherwise, we’re going about, blindly. Not testing is irrational.
WOW!!! You realize they spent March developing an actual test? You realize the testing chemicals come from, wait for it, CHINA!!!
Everybody does NOT need to get tested!
Some people’s health status is not anyone’s business it’s called HIPAA!
Poor Chucky, has no chance of doing anything because of Mitch.
no one in their right mind should trust “big pharma” or their side-effects laden drugs. How do we know that big pharma isn’t thrilled about the money they’ll rake in thanks to this “viru$$”?