Sen. Sasse Calls Houston Astros ‘Miserable Cheaters’ While Comparing Them To Democrats‌ | MSNBC

Sen. Ben Sasse compared the Houston Astros' cheating in baseball to how Senate Democrats are attempting to change the rules for the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett during a Senate hearing. Aired on 10/14/2020.
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Sen. Sasse Calls Houston Astros 'Miserable Cheaters' While Comparing Them To Democrats‌ | MSNBC


  1. Numbers do not lie!
    Trump’s ‘ Badge of Honor; (American Carnage):
    – Over 214,000 Americans killed, and going. ( Over 7.6 million infected)
    – 0ver 62 million claims for Unemployment benefits
    – Unemployment rate – over 13%
    – Economic collapse
    – Ballooning National Debt(added $ 3.3 trillions + in 2020)
    1. Worst unemployment since the Great Depression ( 31 Million unemployed)
    2. Worst widespread civil unrest since Dr King’s assassination
    3. Worst pandemic since 1918
    4. Over 22,000 lies,and accelerating( Avg. 17 lies daily since inauguration)
    5. Over 5,000 obscenities,swearings,profanities, and vulgarities
    6. Worst ever contraction of economy in HISTORY. GDP down by 32.9% annualized., second Qt 2020
    7. 279 days Golfing at his own commercial properties ( 1 out of every 5 days in office)
    – Cost to tax-payers : 141 + Million dollars, much going into his own pockets
    8. A poster-boy for 7 Deadly Sins,and revels in breaking all Ten Commandments.(AKA Evangelical Jesus)
    9. 40 Million families on the verge of Eviction.

    As Sep. 25, more than 29 million Americans were collecting some form of unemployment insurance. That figure was up more than 2 million from the previous week.

    Trump’s Trade War Will Cost Average Family $1,277 This Year, Budget Office Reveals

    1. @Mueller Time the inbred and his conspiracy garbage. He is not going to prison cause he did nothing wrong. You really are a low IQ useless tool. Laughable at best Muelley

    2. @Mueller Time BTW dumba$$ it has been 4 years and if Obama had done something wrong I think he would have been arrested years ago. What a moron. It is so sad how you buy into conspiracy garbage. LMAO

    3. @Tidbit so wait…. Both you and I know absolutely nobody who died of the Chinese Originated Viral Infectious Disease 19, but……….. It’s super duper deadly that we have to shut down the economy??????

      Thanks for proving my point

    4. @Kevin stevens dude… Just wait….

      Extortion 17 will be the nail in the coffin. Look it up. Seal team 6 assassination

    5. @Mueller Time please loser more conspiracy garbage. You really are a stupid human being. Never gone happen dude. Laughable

    1. *How Democrats Seeded the 2008 Financial Crisis*

      *An exposition on Democrat policies which created the 2008 crisis of confidence in our economy, and paved a path for Barack Obama’s election.*
      Sept 2008

      *The dramatic downturn in the housing markets began when Democrats took control of Congress in 2006, and the financial collapse began after Obama was named the Democrat presidential nominee in August of 2008.*


      The Democrats had been undermining consumer confidence in the housing and financial markets for so long that potential home buyers and investors took the bait. The resulting crisis of confidence and the fear that fueled it, gave Obama the victory.

      Housing crisis history

      The enormous risk that Sen. McCain warned of in 2005 has now manifested as a financial crisis of staggering proportions. This crisis can trace its roots to Democrat initiatives to undermine free market banking practices in favor of targeted constituencies.

      The Community Reinvestment Act was passed by Democrats of the 95th Congress and signed into law by Jimmy Carter in 1977. It coerced lending institutions to make loans “to the entire community,” undermining means testing to qualify applicants for mortgages.

    2. *Democrats WERE responsible for the 2008 Financial Crisis*
      March 2014

      *Democrats LOVE to blame George Bush for the Financial meltdown that occurred in 2008, BUT the TRUTH is that Democrats were VERY much involved, and responsible, for allowing it to happen… The Liberal media never reported it (which is another reason most INFORMED people don’t trust the “Liberal Media”)… This subject came up in another thread, but I thought it DESERVED it’s OWN discussion… so…*

      The “sub Prime” loans meltdown occurred, because loans were made to people who couldn’t afford them… BUT, DO YOU KNOW that it was Bill Clinton who got THAT ball rolling in 2008?… He sued the major banks and WON a Huge settlement ( $2.1 Billion… a lot of money in 1998)… He FORCED the banks to make loans they didn’t really want to make, and evidently made assurances to them against any losses (too big to fail)… Anderew Cuomo (HUD secretary under Bill Clinton) announced the lawsuit victory… Here is a You-tube video of that announcement… if you listen to the end, you’ll hear that he was ASKED about potential defaults & loan failures… but he just pu-pu’d it….

      *~ Complete with 3 VIDEOs of Democrats in their Own Words*

    3. *Democrats WERE responsible for the 2008 Financial Crisis*
      March 2014

      *Democrats LOVE to blame George Bush for the Financial meltdown that occurred in 2008, BUT the TRUTH is that Democrats were VERY much involved, and responsible, for allowing it to happen… The Liberal media never reported it (which is another reason most INFORMED people don’t trust the “Liberal Media”)… This subject came up in another thread, but I thought it DESERVED it’s OWN discussion… so…*

      The “sub Prime” loans meltdown occurred, because loans were made to people who couldn’t afford them… BUT, DO YOU KNOW that it was Bill Clinton who got THAT ball rolling in 2008?… He sued the major banks and WON a Huge settlement ( $2.1 Billion… a lot of money in 1998)… He FORCED the banks to make loans they didn’t really want to make, and evidently made assurances to them against any losses (too big to fail)… Anderew Cuomo (HUD secretary under Bill Clinton) announced the lawsuit victory… Here is a You-tube video of that announcement… if you listen to the end, you’ll hear that he was ASKED about potential defaults & loan failures… but he just pu-pu’d it….

      *~ Complete with 3 VIDEOs of Democrats in their Own Words*

  2. Changing the rules? Oh, you mean like saying we can’t confirm a nomination 210 days before an election in 2016 but then saying we can when it’s 21 days before an election in 2020? 🤔
    And this right here is why normal people hate the republican party. 😅😂🤣

    1. @Mueller Time Get over it? You mean like t’rump’s claim that Obama spied on him? Whatever happened to that? And that “unmasking” scandal that was going to bring indictments? Oh yeah, that’s right, Barr had to drop it this week due to “gross lack of evidence.” Shocking! 😅😂🤣

    2. @Mueller Time <---don't engage these magats. They are a few weeks away from slithering back to their tar pits. I report them for spam, I didn't come here to see advertising for drump. FO, brain washed clown.

  3. Bringing up the Houston Astros( who look like they are about to swept from the postseason )and then comparing them to the Democrats? Republicans will reach for anything to smear the Democratic Party won’t they? Like Republicans aren’t cheating right now when they’re trying to bum-rush Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court 4 years after holding Justice Scalia’s seat vacant for a whole year because they didn’t want Obama’s nominee Merrick Garland on the Supreme Court….?? Friggin’ hypocrites.

    1. Actually no, that is not cheating, hypocritical yes, cheating, no. Constitutionally they have the right to do what they are doing and Democrats would do the same in their position.

  4. Democrats didn’t block 108 federal judges during the Obama administration and Democrats aren’t packing the courts over the past 4 years.

    1. @Maryella Add two more justices, for one. I’m not sure what you mean by “just like what Republicans have done”. I haven’t seen Democrat governors engage in voter suppression this election, Repubs certainly have in potential swing states. The Trumplican politicians who denied President Obama’s nominee have no qualms rushing through Barrett. Just in time for the election. And the ACA, during a pandemic.

    1. @Fred Feldt I would be embarrassed to associate myself or go public about being republikkkan so I see why you are lying.

  5. So my question to Ben Sasse would be what is it called when a President asks foreign nations to interfere with the nation’s political process?

    1. At least Republicans minus RINO’s don’t worship satan/molech molest torture sacrifice and eat children.

  6. Man, I keep forgetting Republicans are not what they used to be, I miss Jeff flake and most of all John McCain. Character and decorum are nothing to these cultist orchestrators that pull stings for a show and complete disregard for the fallout. Brings up baseball for an analogy, cute,and nice I must say, but no mention of the ones that have gotten sick. Kinda lame sen.

  7. Let’s talk about fair rules for both sides. Republicans said they would bring a nominee for SCOTUS in the year before a presidential election to be consistent with the Republican refusal to consider Obama’s selection! Hypocrites!

    1. @Craig Owensby You are aware of the difference between a statement and a rule right? They made a statement and they went back on that statement, which sucks, but it’s not a rule. As far as a “rule” goes, they have every right to do what they are doing, and if you think for one second that Democrats would not do it In the same position, you are insane.

    2. @Maryella “The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president.” — Mitch McConnell (2016)

    1. @MantasIt should be but it’s really about power on both sides. There’s only one side in politics and the people do not matter.

    2. Because asking one of the most brilliant attorneys in the world if she’s engaged in sexual harassment and if she condones white supremacy (when she’s adopted two Haitian children) is exactly where to start with questioning. Now those questions are representative of high-quality individuals. You’ve got to be kidding me – at least he had a point.

    1. @John S. Greene Trump said it was bad long before the tape came out if people didnt know a virus with no vaccine is bad that just means your stupid and nothing Trump does can fix someone’s ignorance

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