Sen. Peters: Trump Did Not Do Anything To Save Michigan Car Manufacturing Jobs | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Sen. Gary Peters (D-MI) joins Morning Joe to discuss President Trump's trade policy as auto manufacturers continue to move operations overseas and thousands of GM workers go on strike. "It's clear that this administration does not have a manufacturing policy whatsoever," Sen. Peters said. Aired on 09/16/19.
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Sen. Peters: Trump Did Not Do Anything To Save Michigan Car Manufacturing Jobs | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. Mexico is building the wall.
    Mexico is building cars – Chevy Blazers
    So Trump is responsible for closed plants in the US, no wall, lost jobs & a boost to Mexico’s economy
    Maybe he should run for President of Mexico
    His Spanish can’t be any worse than his English

    1. @Ganiscol no beef with Mexico this about a time when all the good jobs were just given to these so called flag waving Americans the factories of that era took care of them no competition well fast forward to the present American companies are done taking care of American high wages they themselves move to all other countries Mexico just the most recent example no hating

    2. Robert Swims The majority of those jobs are low paying and part time. Why else do we have so many millions of Americans working two or three jobs and still living in poverty? Please name one thing that the orange turd has done to stimulate the economy.

    1. @Scott Comstock
      OMG does a piano have to fall on your head from 10 stories!!!

      Here’s part of the actual Shep Smith clip, where Shep himself *live in this clip* debunks the Uranium One story:
      *Fox News viewers demand reporter Shepard Smith be fired for debunking ‘Clinton uranium scandal’*
      “… November 17, 2017 …
      _Fox News viewers are calling for a TV anchor to be fired because he debunked an erroneous conspiracy theory about Hillary Clinton._

      _Shepard Smith, who has been at Fox for more than two decades, discredited the theory which his own network has branded the Clinton uranium “scandal” in a five-minute segment._

      FACE IT!!!
      The uranium one story is a FABRICATION by Breitbart editor Peter Schweizer, which appeared initially in his 2015 book “Clinton Cash” and then *mutated into a campaign smear* during the 2016 election.

      Everybody in the world from Antarctica to Siberia knows this by now!!!

      WTF, educate yourself, instead of advertising the fact that your chin has tanning lotion on it in the shape of Sean Hannity’s balls!!!

    2. @Scott Comstock …..Did you follow the above link? What is with you Russian Farmed Troll Twits? You’ve had a People’s Revolution, you destroyed Hilter, you Annihilated Napoleon NOW you put up PUTIN? Where do you think Putin’s Oligarchs get their cash to buy men like Mitch McConnell? From the pockets of the Russian People. Whatever the American issues (and they are far and many) your MISDIRECTION is not required. Misery love company but not the Misery of of this Fraud, known as TRUMP, as the United States President.

    3. @Robert Blackford yeah, the data year after year, contradicts your statement. You do know that quantitive easing was an action along with time? Dont get me wrong, I’m not saying Obama was great, I was disappointed they bailed out the banks, car companies and that banking people didn’t go to jail for destroying life’s. But he did the best he could with what he had been given. Trump was handed a good economy, let’s talk again in a year to see how his first 4 years went 🤔

    1. @Jim Flatwood A fighter?? The guy that spends most of his time on the golf course costing us millions in security and accommodation costs? Now that he’s given our money to the rich he has to take from the poor and the military. Seriously dude.

    1. I wish that would be true, but the American public is just too stupid to see the truth Even when it’s right in their face and affects majorly their pocketbooks. How sad!

    1. The dream…and… lies that he sold the American public…and they brought into it…hook…line…and sinker !!!

    2. @Robert Swims Nah. Not as long as there are people working 3 or 4 or more jobs just to have some normalcy. Even when he tries he messes up. He refuses to give credit for the economy to his predecessor. He continues to make the US pay more in this trade war. Maybe you haven’t seen increases but I have and no matter what job anyone has you will he paying more to make up for the losses with China. No. Not going to thank 45 for any of that. NEWP. No thanks.

    3. @Robert Swims the jobless rate is low in spite of him not because of him he has no policies that created any jobs so please don’t insult everybody’s intelligence with that dribble

  2. Let’s face it. Trump will say anything just to hear himself fill up space and there is nothing behind those words.

    1. @if it ain’t foreign it’s borin! he can be felt on the 3rd world countries the that he wants to pay for abortion then! Itsfunneh Democrats love to spend other people’s money but never their own

    1. @jeck jeck More like gutter trash. Pigs are intelligent creatures, even more so than dogs. Magats are way off on the other end of the spectrum.

  3. trump’s presidency isn’t working out very well, because Daddy can’t bail him out anymore. Donald “Bail me out Daddy” Trump

  4. Is there anyone more useless than this cur Trump. Everything he touches turns to crap. He has not done a single thing right since taking office. Yet, his supporters are absolutely blind to his faux pas and hang on his every word. They are either as stupid as him or they are hoping to gain something from their ignorance.when you see them behind Trump at his rallies you can see they are not the worlds highest group of IQ’s.

    1. He’s the first president in many moons to actually try and accomplish what he said he would do during his campaign. Check the status of his promises and then educate yourself. Your bias has made you stupid.

    2. @Jim Flatwood Accomplishments? What accomplishments? A blind conservative like you should wake up and realize that he is a narcissistic buffoon who is telling you lies to make himself look good. In fact, Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner actually admitted once that Trump lies to his own Republican base and thinks that they are stupid. LOL!!!!!!!

    1. Despite the corrupt Flint politicians treating him like dirt when he visited, Trump allocated millions to Flint. More than I can say for Obama. Smdh

    1. @Helga Buttercup except red states take in more federal welfare than blue ones. This doesn’t include that blue states generally pay for red states medical bills(red states are much less healthy) or that when red states go belly up like Kansas and Oklahoma blue states have to save them. Way to make fun of yourself, it was pretty funny.😂😂😂

    2. @Helga Buttercup – I keep waiting for you to make an intelligent comment but I am losing hope. You do understand, I hope, that the reason that Marky E does not know where the employment office is located would be BECAUSE HE HAS A JOB!

      What exactly do you believe an employment office does???

    3. @Helga Buttercup After the latest General Motors plant closed, sending the plant to Mexico, I guess those auto workers will be needing to line up at the welfare office at least to eat after one more factory closes due to trump’s stupid economic non-policies. One hopes that trump at least has left that office open for the victims of his stupidity. November 2020 can’t come soon enough.

    4. @Helga Buttercup So, Mexico’s building Blazers and America’s going to pay for it! Good job, maga joke! Elect a clown, get a clown show.

  5. To the trump supporters did you all hear what Sen Gary Peters sad trump did not do anything to Stop job’s going to Mexico .. what trump did do was cut taxes for the Rich and Big Company

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