Sen. Peters Launches Investigation Into Postal Service Slowdown | All In | MSNBC

“This cannot occur, especially in the middle of a pandemic. People rely on the postal service to provide critical mail to them in a timely way,” says Sen. Peters, “That’s not happening, and we need to get to the bottom of it.” Aired on 8/6/2020.
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Sen. Peters Launches Investigation Into Postal Service Slowdown | All In | MSNBC

Sen. Peters Launches Investigation Into Postal Service Slowdown | All In | MSNBC


  1. Trump is going to screw with your mail in hopes that it will help him get reelected.
    Let that sink in for a moment.

    1. @MaskedMarvyl Your math is off 25% wants to see him reelected. The other 75% want him EJECTED. It’s not half the country that supports him. Try harder Captain Hook.

    2. @Computer User You can’t tell me what to do. I am Elmer J Fudd millionaire.
      I own a mansion and a yacht.
      Now be gone with you.

    3. add to that interference with voting privileges, voter suppression, foreign interference, Republican dirty tricks, and Trump using whatever means possible, and you get the real chance he may succeed. Don’t let any of this fool or stop you from voting.

    4. I have no problem with the Postal Service I paid most of my bills through the mail I have no problem!

    1. Donald tDUMP and the republicans will try all the dirty tricks in the book to cheat in the coming election like voter suppression, slowing down the mail system, Russian interference, Gerrymandering, dark money, voter ID law and using Kanye West as a nuisance candidate.

    2. @Victoria Nyteshade No black person in their right mind will vote for Kanye West.
      Imagine if you were white living in Saudi Arabia and a fellow whitey there was running for office, promising women’s heads would still be chopped off for cheating on their men, while an Arab Saudi was running for that same office saying he would put an end to women beheading.
      It would, or should, be a no brainer for you to vote for the Saudi wanting to stop women from having their heads severed.

    3. @R McElhaney lol..I hope your right, however, americans already allowed on super crazy orange dictator to ruin..oops..rule the newest dictatorship

    4. Look Trump talking about being the president forever he going to win because he going to cheat his way back in office

  2. it’s the same scheme they are trying to use for schools. They are setting public schools up for failure so they can promote school choice which really means for profit schools that can choose the students.

    1. lol meanwhile for profit private schools like the one trump’s kid goes to, sorry i mean melania’s kid… they are smart enough to not reopen now… so are public schools but private schools can’t be forced to reopen. i don’t hear a lot of millionaires begging to reopen their kids’ private schools.

    1. Why? They’ve gotten away with everything else. This administration marks the downfall of America. It’s all downhill from here.

  3. Unbelievable, AMERICANS we have to get out of this mess! Please vote this administration out. Save AMERICA vote Joe Biden.

    1. I’m not sure if we can anymore… between republicans suppressing voters, foreign countries causing problems, and Trump contesting the election results. I don’t know if we can get out of this situation.


    1. @Larry Hendrix 🤔 I hope.. but not think so. I would not be surprised if there is a nice new war in the making .

    2. @LG Roots Sean Hannity is on FOX News Monday night at 9 pm. On his show, he may say it’s good for Trump to hold back some mail, because it will help ease the burden on the Postal Service for him to do so. And if Hannity says this. you may agree with him.

  4. Trump is delaying veterans from obtaining their essential medications just so he can cheat the election and avoid jailtime. That man is pure evil.

    1. @LG Roots It is especially true in the case of rural vets and seniors. If there was unprocessed mail at the end of a tour, the plant manager would hang you out to dry because his taskmasters would fire him if it happened too often. Now they’re being ordered NOT to process it. I recently had a package sit in the P&DC for five business days before it was processed. I know this because every package has a tracking number which you can check online and everytime a package moves from one location to another, (i.e., when it arrives at or leaves a facility, when it is delivered, etc.), it gets am ipdate with an electronic time/date stamp. When it doesn’t move, it isn’t scanned. So, LG Roots, you have no earthly idea what you’re talking about. DeJoy is a Trump toady, a sycophant who follows whatever order the Cheeseball-in-Chief issues, and he has zero experience in the field of mail processing. He has been installed there expressly to sabotage the Postal Service to prevent imaginary voter fraud. The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank in DC admitted that in the last 20 years, of 250,000,000 mail-in absentee ballots processed, there have been 1,290 cases of voter mail fraud, resulting in 1,113 convictions. Hardly an avalanche

    2. Ready aim…he’s fn fired….lock the traitor $ellout up til’ he rots in Epstein’s low velocity cell

    1. Thats for you the support republiklans give the troops , yeah lets not send them even medicines when senate republiklans are too stupid to know who are delivering them .

    2. So true. If only Trump controlled America like the great Democrat leaders of Detroit, Flint, Baltimore, Saint Louis, LA, and Chicago govern their cities. What we need is Biden and the DNC to take over – higher taxes, defund the police, late term abortion, and put an end to school choice. That will make everything double plus good.

  5. Daily Reminder: Trump called Covid-19 a Democrat hoax that will magically disappear.
    The Republican party went extinct in 2016. The Trumpanzee party goes extinct in 2020.
    Biden For President 2020

    1. @W B that could be why the GOP’s not allowing reporters to attend their convention. Busy forging an American birth certificate for Vladdy P.

    1. @Guy Person Not a problem. As the election is getting closer and tensions are escalating, there’s a lot of ‘knee-jerking’ on social media.
      I’ve had some comments directed my way from some of my misinterpreted comments that have induced a ‘Scooby Dooian’ head tilt and “Buuuuwwaaah?”
      By the way, am I the only one that gets the occasional episode of eye blood when Trump is talking or is this more common?

    2. One fine day, when America has had enough with Trump as he continues his abuse of power and crimes, even a bunker won’t save him from the wrath of the people. History is proof of that, and it keeps repeating itself. There’s a Moses for every Ramesses out there.

    3. @VP A-Team I don’t get eye blood. You should get that looked at. But I can’t get all the way through anything he says without wanting to punch him in the face. Just a willfully obtuse, odious person. And this was apparent long before he ran for office.

    4. @Guy Person It’s absolutely mind-boggling that considering Trump’s actions in the past, his criminal and racial behavior, that so many people just ignored it and voted for him then continue to support and defend an *impeached* President.
      My sister-in-law, a Republican supporter since starting to vote in 1972 (yes, she voted for Nixon), had intentions of voting for Trump in 2016. She did not watch t.v. in fact had not owned a t.v. in her life at that time so did not know of Trump. When my wife, also a Republican voter since 1976, heard her sister was going to vote Republican as usual she freaked out on her. She informed her of Trump’s history of criminal and racial activity and his overall narcissistic behavior and convinced her not to vote for him.
      Her sister is actually extremely intelligent, she was just uninformed specifically about Trump, never heard of ‘The Apprentice’. She was mortified wondering how he even was a candidate. Unfortunately she voted 3rd party (in effect equivalent to a vote for Trump) because she felt weird voting for the Democratic party.
      Now that she does watch t.v. and became quite adept with a computer and the internet, surprisingly for a first time owner in her 60’s (she immediately bought a computer in 2016 to become more informed), she gets nauseated thinking she nearly voted for him.
      Now she says about the upcoming election, “If I had to, I will drag my chubby naked body prostrate through glass for five miles to a polling location to vote Democrat”. She said that with a wry smile since she lives in Oregon and votes by mail, knowing she wouldn’t have to “drag [her] chubby naked body…”.
      I can barely make it through a Trump briefing or interview (I need to pretend they are SNL skits); they are usually accompanied by plenty of F-bombs.

    1. @Julie Neale My roots go back to England and indeed very deep roots. My grandmothers last name was Bath and her people hail from Bath and my grandfathers people are from Kent which used to be called Enyons Mound. The name went from Enyon to Kenian to Kenyon to Kent. The area called Kent was given to my many time great grandfather round 449 A.D. What part of England to you hail from?

    2. james kenyon I am in Leeds, Yorkshire. And as you know of Kent, you will know they also have a Leeds.

    3. Most didn’t vote for him, he lost the popular vote. Trump wasn’t elected, but SELECTED by the electoral college. He’s like a demon installed to dismantle America from within.

    4. @Lex K That’s a pretty fair description of Trump, or Benedict Donald as I’ve heard him called, and its seems so strange that if he does manage to get reelected it will be the republican party, led by Moscow Mitch McConnell, that ruins our United States of America. Trump’s a creep, and getting creepier each day. McConnell will go down in history as an enabler of Trump and demise of the greatest democracy in human history.

    1. @Logan McLean WRONGE sil works for mail service, trump croney is rigging it…. not a blip but a purposiful attempt to rig the election… more triators hired by trump

    2. All that Congress has done about it is send a letter to the PMG. A LETTER!!? He should have been subpoena

      and dragged in front of congress. Why do Dems. act so weakly? CALL/WRITE your representative to act! We have less than 3 months and we need to remedy this now.

    3. @mateowey Hospitals STILL report to state authorities before/at the same time as anyone else. Ask your state for current information.

  6. The only endgame for Trump, is winning – the cost though, is the rest of us, losing. Vote him out, the rest will swirl down the drain with him.

    1. For Trump, everything is a zero sum game. He’ll happily burn down half the country to get reelected.

    1. We ARE a third world country…check how many DEAD & DYING because “liddle donny” is sad NOBODY LIKES HIM and HE LOVES TO LIE WHENEVER HIS LIPS MOVE…talking that is (:

    2. @This is Surreal Thank you!!! WHY doesn’t anybody believe that???????? The WORLD took a vote and we l o s t !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. @Gho Strider Thanks to a “has-been game show host w/dementia & syphilis” and GOD knows what else!!! LOCK HIM UP YESTERDAY!!!!! Ask his niece!!!

  7. Funny how Trump put’s 1 of his cronies in charge of the USPS just before a mail in ballot election!!!! ??????

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