Sen. Murphy: Biden Made The Right Decision On Afghanistan | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., says the president made the right decision to announce U.S. troops would exit Afghanistan by September 11. Aired on 04/15/2021.
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#ChrisMurphy #Afghanistan #MSNBC

Sen. Murphy: Biden Made The Right Decision On Afghanistan | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. Si vis pacem para bellum. Western militaries leaving Afghanistant will not lead to less violence, but to more violence.

  1. It’s so great to have great President do the right things for America instead of only thinking of himself…Biden is making America Great Again and that disaster Trump!

    1. @PJ Celeste The president puts pen to paper to make it happen….so yeah its up to the current president.

    2. @mike briganti Trump lost 26 million jobs , more than any other President in history and do you know why ? Because he fired the Pandemic Fast Response Teams..The same teams that stopped Ebola, SARS, MERS, and H1-N1 from closing down the economy! Trumps 7th grader thinking ability was a complete disaster!

    3. @mike briganti Don’t know where you get you information , jobless claims dramatically dropped…turn of faux news once in awhile and return to reality, Sappy!

  2. I’m glad this is a joint decision by Biden and NATO. We at least need to attempt to move out. We can always move back in, if that is needed.

    1. The withdrawal was arranged before Biden took control of the Oval Office. All the imbecile had to do is follow the plan as it was written. Surprised he has been able to accomplish even that with his cognitive impairment!

    2. @PJ Celeste The only plan that was in place under Trump was to get out. He wasn’t a planner type. (except the plan of self promotion.)

    1. @John Pembroke ‘Georgia’ I’m aware of. Just hadn’t heard “Jim Eagle”.
      Now, was that so hard?
      ‘Snark’ was not even needed.

  3. Who else remembers that actually almost to the one came from Saudi Arabia and *not* Afghanistan? Thank you Dubba and Shadow Prez Cheney.

    1. @Jamal Abu-dayyeh Saudi Arabia had everything to do with the planes flown into the buildings doesn’t it Jamal since the murderers were from Saudi Arabia and you understood my English quite well.

    1. You know it’s so funny how all the Afghan people wanted America to leave their country

      But yet when America leaves all the sudden people want them back

      Like make up your mind people do you want America there or not

    2. @Robert Caspari All of them wanted Americans to leave? I don’t think so: I suspect the women activists who want Afghan women to have a better life than just domestic slave and child bearer were and are keen to see the West (and Western values) remain.

    3. @Robert Caspari: Have you considered the possibility that it might not be the same people? I mean, some people wanted Trump to win the election and some others, actually nine million more others wanted anybody but. A nation is comprised of people with different desires.

    1. Do you even know what RINO stands for? Clueless. Obama and Biden had eight years to pull us out. They started wars and increased the war in Afghanistan, instead. Hypocrite much?

    2. Biden is trying to take credit for something he had no part in arranging. Withdrawal of troops was set for 2021 and arranged before he stumbled into the Oval Office, all he had to do is follow the plan. He isn’t capable of doing anything good for America.

  4. The Afghanistan mission was initiated to contain a threat. That was partially successful but was always going to be a temporary fix. The ideology of terror is viral and not confined to any specific national borders. The US can’t afford perpetual wars that are unwinable any more than the Roman Empire. Blood and treasure must be spent carefully and thoughtfully-not randomly and mindlessly.

  5. End the war now.
    Let the people of Afghanistan make there own decision.
    And if taliban is the strongest party there, let it be.

    1. It would be nice what you say , but the Taliban will become Stronger , making it Easier to Attack the U.S. and our Commerce , if left alone to Proliferate. . . .

  6. China, Russia, those are major threats!! We better start acting like the United States, instead of the Divided States and stop fighting amongst ourselves fast!!

  7. I disagree..Afghanistan, Vietnam, and Korea were never full-out declared wars..Each one were first called “Police Actions”, not at all a popular term..So it was always changed to War..What they really were was “soft engagments” designed by the politicians, military and the contractors they pay to develop weapon systems..But because no matter how many tests a system passes, it’s true capability can never be effectively measured until actual combat situations..Testing grounds, and there will be more..

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