Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell will use his campaign funds to pay for radio ads in Kentucky encouraging people to receive the coronavirus vaccine.
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Sen. McConnell To Use Campaign Funds To Fund Vaccine Radio Ads
This is what happens when you back crazy Trump! Mitch is to blame, too!
Exactly….thank you .
You gotta keep your voters alive .
Good on Moscow Mitch.
@Profound Thoughts ohhhhh lol perfect response.

Doing the right thing is commendable. Credit given where credit is due. Might be the only way that party can get back on track.
Damned right! He’s trying to look good now and media shouldn’t try to help him look good! He’s a freaking TRAITOR.
don’t glorify him. ffs. he too once condemned trump for Jan 6, now they can’t even say they watched the hearing. don’t forget
@Conservative, Interrupted ignorant ignorant comment
@Robert Lussier Thank you for the comment. I honestly don’t know where this 4 month old TROLL ACCOUNT comes up with this crap.
@Conservative, Interrupted, you subscribed to William H? Or is this you Willy? Nothing you say can be taken seriously.
@Conservative, Interrupted <<< don't ask it for proof though. Trump claimed he asked for troops, but we all know Trump claimed a lot of things.
@Conservative, Interrupted Pelosi is not nor has never been in charge of capital security! National guard has to be requested by mayor of DC, which she did on Monday, January 4,and was told no by 45 and Pentagon!! Pelosi has no authority to call in police or national guard! So stop your frigging lies! You sound like pucker Carlson!!
They didn’t say any of this…..when they were quite happy dividing g America to try to win the election. It’s all 18 months too late
@Conservative, Interrupted Trumpf was more concerned about his shady business THAN the AMERICAN people.

He and the current party elected that he ‘leads’ face a disaster in the coming primaries and hope to buy back supporters. Pain is coming as GOP new bloods will eat the old crew.
Yes it is too late! The GQP zombies are not listening and a percentage of them will die because of their stupidity.
How many died needlessly ,if only they’d have been more supportive of masks and vaccines earlier?
Here’s Mitch, trying to preemptively clean up his involvement in the events leading up to Jan 6! NOT BUYING IT, MITCH
Maybe he is seeing the light and good on him.
We all make mistakes.
If it does help.
Lives could be saved.
Thank you Mitch
I thought McConnell, and the republicans, were all about not getting in your business? Why are they trying to affect the Darwin awards outcome? /s
Posturing per usual but hopefully people will get a vaccine and have something good come out of this obstructionist
He’s just afraid to lose constituents to the virus. As much as some Republicans would have you believe that the dead can vote, they actually can’t. And dead voters in large numbers don’t bode well for his party’s reelection.
In my advice, McConnell is too ”0ld school” to approve a coup.
Too little, too late. You’d have to all ALL republicans push the “herd immunity” lesson regarding vaccines which they should’ve been pushing as soon as the vaccine was ready to go into people’s arms.
He sees his voters dying. There is no other reason the Great Obstructionist would change lanes. Fork you very much mitch!
@Henk Smit But not as attractive.
So true…
Fork & fox him!
He gets no credit for this. After letting the infections and misinformation spike NOW he wants to try and save his voters? Too little, too late.
@22 Veterans A Day Not one Dime came from Moscow Mitches pocket! A total grifter to the end to be sure!
I understand what you’re all saying and kind of agree. But if he can convince even some of his brain dead supporters to get vaccinated then it’s worth it. We need more leaders on the right to do this.
@522abet It is not worth it. You wrote it yourself when you called them “brain dead”. Culling themselves out will only improve this country. I smile every time I see one of them in a video crying that they should have taken this more seriously. Too late, and tough sh*t.
I agree. No credit!
He wants to save his Job. He only wants the voters to vote for him… he does not care about their real lives.
It’s too bad that McConnell doesn’t also include the lies about the 2020 election. He could start by reining in some of the worst whack-jobs in his party. That would be a step too far as it might cost him politically. What a bunch of cowards in our government.
Dont throw a party for mitch,,,,dont trust him..
His supporting mask wearing doesnt mean he has finally become aware.
He has a motive….beware of judas.
Judas was the good guy but I understand the point you are getting at. Ol’ mitch is just setting an anchor point for future defense strategies.
More like a wolf in sheep’s clothing. McConnell makes Judas look like an angel. And hey if more people get vaccinated the better for us all.
Republicans are dying. Quick! Overcompensate! You get no thanks for this, Mitch. The blood of 600,000+ are on your hands, too.
And all republicans hands
fox them all!
“There is bad advice out there.”
Yeah, most of it is coming from the Looney Tunes in your party, Mitch. Maybe you should speak to them.
People in KY can operate a radio? Who knew?
Prepare to VOTE in the 2022 Midterm Elections. Mitch McConnell is a “Core Of Corruption” that has Never Been Surpassed. VOTE in 2022 and prevent the McConnell/Trump Controlled GOP Representatives from Gaining or Maintaining Office. VOTE.
@Dennis Brooks Read D SP’s post again, then amend your post.
Never interrupt the Darwin awards whilst voting has commenced. You don’t want to be accused of tampering with the outcome now do you?
excellent & to the point.
I would add… talk about your fellow representatives in political power & how they are horribly misleading people and risking the health of the world. the delta varient can mutate to a horrible mess for everyone. the Republicans are playing russian roulette with the world…
A good ad would be to show a picture of any Republican with the caption: Don’t do what this person says.
He is trying to “save his base”. However, he should put the right names: FOX, Trump, Tucker….Go the extra step and label the idiots getting in the way of vaccination
My body my choice
@Florida Man nah….you don’t get to use that phrase, that one is reserved already….have fun getting covid, don’t bother begging for the vaccine when you’re in the hospital!
@Tanya Murphy why do you assume everyone will end up in the hospital if you catch it?
@Tanya Murphy I want them to beg for the vaccine when they are in the hospital. It’s too late then. I’ve seen videos of those ICU doctors and nurses sharing their experiences of having to tell these people the vaccine won’t do anything at that point. I can’t wait until this fall when the kids start bringing this home.
Remember, it’s all a conspiracy to control you! Don’t let the bought and paid for RINO leadership tell you any different. “We don’t need no doctors! It’s Indoctrination!”
@Florida Man You are right. You shouldn’t worry about catching it, because there’s absolutely zero proof that the hospitalizations on mass are taking place. It’s a control tactic. Make sure you give big hugs to your friends and family frequently to show how much you care about them.
Or he could insist and maybe even censure his colleagues for spreading said lies. He is still culpable.
Condering his life was saved for free by the USA gov, what he’s doing now is reprehensible. Check his wiki “In 1944, at the age of two, McConnell’s upper left leg was paralyzed by a polio attack. He received treatment at the Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation. The treatment potentially saved him from being disabled for the rest of his life.”
@howdareyou41Rooselvelt was instrumental in helping himself and many others with that rehabilitation center.
*That picture is hysterical….the “grim reaper” trying to suggest people wear masks! Too funny at this point!*
*Ya mitch, let’s not talk about wifey elaine chao and her little deeds!*
“… Let’s not talk about wifey Elaine chao …” Or James S. Chao, McConnell’s Father-in-law and LONG Time Campaign Donor. Pure, unadulterated Corruption in every sphere of McConnell’s life, Personal, Political and Professional.
Karma’s coming for both of them
Dracula wants us to trust him. I do trust the vaccines, but not Mitch.
Suddenly realises killing his electorate isn’t a good campaign strategy
I knew I only had to scroll down about five comments to find my exact thought already posted.
Maybe he suddenly remembered that his life was saved for free by the US gov? “In 1944, at the age of two, McConnell’s upper left leg was paralyzed by a polio attack. He received treatment at the Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation. The treatment potentially saved him from being disabled for the rest of his life.”
Moscow Mitch realizes his base is dying off.
Republicans are dying of Covid19 in Red states? Suddenly Mitch realises his electorate are going to be dead
18 months too late Mitch me old Turtle
Mitch knows all too well how serious this is considering this fact on his wiki: In 1944, at the age of two, McConnell’s upper left leg was paralyzed by a polio attack. He received treatment at the Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation. The treatment potentially saved him from being disabled for the rest of his life.
@howdareyou41 It was that lousy Socialist FDR who save his life.