Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI), a member of the Judiciary Committee, comments on voting rights legislation, an investigation of Trump’s DOJ, and infrastructure negotiations.
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#Hirono #Trump #Politics
Good ole boy days are over. 45 and his Corrupt Republican party. Charge those politicians who are complicit with Felonies and not white collar crimes.
Vote them out in 2022, 2024 and 2026.
********** The exclusivity of state power to “define the method” of choosing presidential electors means that Congress may not force states to permit presidential voting by mail or curbside voting, for example. The Bill is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and would be struck down in the Supreme court
Blah,blah, blah
@Dach Everyone who is eligible to vote should vote, PERIOD! I’m so sick of voter suppressing losers who have to cheat because they can’t win fairly! What’s wrong with voting by mail and curbside voting?! The answer is, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Voting by mail has been going on since the beginning of time, long before the day the corrupt conman took office! You guys are pathetic! How embarrassing!
Will Sen. Cheney be our #50 to take out filibuster? Force Manchins and senema to vote, so we will all see and vote them out or recall them.
Cheney is a representative not a senator.
Not a chance. She’s no hero; she’s long been anti-democracy like the rest of the GQP, she just hates 45* making it so obvious so there is so much public rejection of repubs.
She’s not a Senator and even if she was, it wouldn’t happen.
********** The exclusivity of state power to “define the method” of choosing presidential electors means that Congress may not force states to permit presidential voting by mail or curbside voting, for example. The Bill is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and would be struck down in the Supreme court
The Senate, where democracy goes to die.
********** The exclusivity of state power to “define the method” of choosing presidential electors means that Congress may not force states to permit presidential voting by mail or curbside voting, for example. The Bill is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and would be struck down in the Supreme court
Voting is anational security of USA picking who leads USA and should be protected by the federal government
– You need ID to vote. You show it when you register. The data show three things:
1- Individual voter fraud is virtually non-existent.
2- Blacks and/or lower income citizens are statistically less likely to have the ID required.
3- Lower income citizens and/or especially Blacks are much more likely to vote Democrat.
It’s not hard to see why Republicans are doing this. Make a list of ways to suppress votes. Then make one of ways to improve voter security. Compare them to the Republican plan.
@J Groovy why can’t blacks/ lower income citizens get an ID? It’s $10. And black people blindly vote democrat, and don’t see any improvement in their lives
@NBK – That’s not the point. You people who keep saying that refuse to listen to what I’m saying. Why they may or may not have ID is IRRELEVANT. THE DATA SHOW BLACKS AND LOW INCOME PEOPLE ARE LESS LIKELY TO HAVE ID NO MATTER WHAT THE REASON IS. Wanna try comprehending this this time?:
– You need ID to vote. You show it when you register. The data show three things:
1- Individual voter fraud is virtually non-existent.
2- Blacks and/or lower income citizens are statistically less likely to have the ID required.
3- Lower income citizens and/or especially Blacks are much more likely to vote Democrat.
It’s not hard to see why Republicans are doing this. Make a list of ways to suppress votes. Then make one of ways to improve voter security. Compare them to the Republican plan.
@NBK – Why do they vote for Democrats who won’t improve their lives? Because Republicans treat them much worse. It’s as simple as that.
@J Groovy maybe you should listen to something other than MSNBC, but you probably won’t because your softy feelings will get hurt for how long you have been LIED to, lefty. You people make me laugh

But…will this voting rights enforcement put an end to GQP state officials simply throwing out (refusing to certify) election results they don’t agree with? If not, it’s not much use.
That is, it hardly matters how many citizens can vote if state officials (or Congress if the GQP rigs its way back into power) can simply refuse to recognize (certify) the votes.
Read this (google it) : Statement of Concern
– The Threats to American Democracy and the Need for National Voting and Election Administration Standards
“We urge members of Congress to do whatever is necessary—including suspending the filibuster—in order to pass national voting and election administration standards that both guarantee the vote to all Americans equally, and prevent state legislatures from manipulating the rules in order to manufacture the result they want. Our democracy is fundamentally at stake. History will judge what we do at this moment.”
Donald Trump has praised Joe Manchin for “doing the right thing” after the Democratic senator announced he will vote against scrapping the filibuster and his party’s Unconstitutional voting rights bill.@Progressive Humanist
It will make it harder for you Democrats to cheat.
Joe – How did they cheat?
Donald Trump has praised Joe Manchin for “doing the right thing” after the Democratic senator announced he will vote against scrapping the filibuster and his party’s Unconstitutional voting rights bill.
That’s what executive orders are for and Biden should use it.
You want that, move to china, you’re not needed here.
And that’s what the Supreme Court is for. To overturn far-reaching executive orders.
When you think about it, it’s almost impressive how the Stable Genius is managing to become an even worse president despite not even being in office anymore. Stable Genius, I tip my cap to you!

********** The exclusivity of state power to “define the method” of choosing presidential electors means that Congress may not force states to permit presidential voting by mail or curbside voting, for example. The Bill is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and would be struck down in the Supreme court
Free and fair elections would spell the end of white christian dominance in America.
And the Republican party knows it.
@Dach and that’s why were called The United States of America
@Dach – Why do Democrats fear voting in person so much?
Why can’t Democrats just go to the polls and win that way?
There already free, we just don’t want dead people and illegals voting.
Dach – you going to try and answer my question?
Manchin and Sinema are recipients of huge dark money donations, so they’re marching to their big donors’ orders; not ours.
Donald Trump has praised Joe Manchin for “doing the right thing” after the Democratic senator announced he will vote against scrapping the filibuster and his party’s Unconstitutional voting rights bill.
********** The exclusivity of state power to “define the method” of choosing presidential electors means that Congress may not force states to permit presidential voting by mail or curbside voting, for example. The Bill is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and would be struck down in the Supreme court
Any proof?
@Joe Any proof they’re not?
@Joe JFC. Watch the news. Oh right. You only watch OAN, FOX, and NewsMax.
I want to know what judge authorized the subpoenas and for what stated cause.
********** The exclusivity of state power to “define the method” of choosing presidential electors means that Congress may not force states to permit presidential voting by mail or curbside voting, for example. The Bill is UNCONSTITUTIONAL and would be struck down in the Supreme court
Manchin will stand in the way again. He’s a Republican at heart and needs to be tossed from the democratic party.
Why didn’t you press her on the (apparent) fact that there are no effective “remedies” if these folks lie or stonewall a congressional subpoena????? They didn’t feel an obligation to tell the truth before why would they do so now? No downside for totalitarianism it seems. Only for democracy, Congress is as much to blame as the last administration, more so imho. So frustrating.
Who all signed off to that be done? It’s time to expose them under committee investigation. All of them judges, employees in the DOJ both Sessions and Barr. Have to because if not it’s going to happen again.
The second I saw Trumps name ,I knew it would be bull cookies

repent and spread the gospel, the kingdom of God is at hand, Jesus christ is at the door of returning!!!!!!! 

There is NO COMPETITION (JESUS vs satan). JESUS WIN/WIN, WIN it’s a given. I stand with JESUS forever.
Y’all don’t seem to care when it’s us regular folk having our data stored and taken, but oh no now that you’re victims it gets national attention. Sure, you reeeeallly care for the American people..
“The eyes of history are on this appointment.” – Buttigeig
1964 Japan’s first bullet trains were put in service and the the first Beatles album was released.
1998 China started the construction of 36,000km of high speed railways and high speed trains.
2021 US still has NO high speed railway and NO high speed trains. When was America great?
Needs a Congress that CARES! Change the filibuster in line with Al Franken’s proposal. 41 members of whichever party is filibustering must stay in the chamber at all time, actively debating the bill at hand.
MERICK GARLAND knows what he’s doing, citizens, and is proceeding methodically to restore Law and Order to the land; be patient, Trump and corrupt company are ALL going down. Remember the liars and cowards at the polls; let that be OUR “punishment” of them ….