Attorneys representing Republican South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham say that he intends to challenge the subpoena that he was issued by an Atlanta-area special grand jury investigating former President Donald Trump's attempts to overturn the 2020 election in Georgia. CNN’s Sara Murray reports. #CNN #News
Sen. Lindsey Graham calls subpoena ‘fishing expedition’

What ever happen to conservatives saying “just comply if you haven’t done anything wrong”?
the very same thing occurred to me!
Because it was always for them and not US. Well now hehehe
@Josh Wilson <-Troll fail
@Ja mes Appling if we busted every dishonest politician I think there’d be about three left. And that might even be a little bit naive. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do it.
Preaching “personal responsibility” to others is one thing. Living up to it is something else entirely. Am I right, Lindsey?
@kittiecorner mmhmm
The party of personal responsibility is a clown show.
A Senator from South Carolina calling Georgia officials about THEIR election was the fishing expedition. Now Lindsey, you need to answer some questions!
@Ken Albertsen Stop making my sides hurt!

*Ms.Lindsey will make the most out of prison… **_Living Her Best Life._*

@Mondfischli the best bait would probably be like a shirtless 20 year old man. I mean is there any doubt that Lindsey Graham is a closeted gay man. I would love it if he just came out and lived his true life and went on his way. You can do it Lindsay we believe in you.
“A fishing expedition.” Spoken like a true defendant in every potential criminal case ever. Ms. Lindsey had his call leaning on Georgia to find nonexistent trump votes taped for future use by prosecutors. Sounds like he’s already been hooked. All they have to do now is reel him in.
Next he’ll be claiming he was framed!
If you look up the phrase “cowardly sycophant panzy” in the encyclopedia, they have a very nice article about Lindsay.
@Nunya Bizznus Known, and obvious, troll farm account
Stink-bait for a big orange carp.
@Josh Wilson <-Troll fail
“It’s a fishing expedition.”
No Miss Lindsey, this is what they call “reeling them in”. They know where the fish are, and they’ve already got all the evidence they need to bring you in.
@Adam Taylor good one
Hooked line and sinker a big catch I say
Wish the fisher folk would fish faster.
@Ian Bauer fish don’t bite fast they got to take the bait January 6th committee is feeding them the bait and it’s working it’s like aggravating the big bass …wait for it,wait for it Bam!!!
@Erick Borling Hey ,I’m Lisa Scott form Ontario Canada
…where are you from ?
A man with a clear conscience might say, “Of course, I’ll be there. Once we get this cleared up, I’ll be back home serving my constituents”. But,…no.
1 RexWave Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
“I should be able to thwart any election I want and then claim that any charges are politically motivated”. I am above the law. Lindsay Graham
Had he said “witch hunt” I would’ve fell off my chair ! He put the hook in his own mouth. Why would he a Senator from S. Carolina call another state about their election process ? what was he fishing for !? More votes for DJT !? Trump has them falling like flies. How the hell can you take Lindsey seriously anymore he flops around on the issue of trump like a fish out of water.
1 THE TRUTH EVEN WHEN IT HURTS Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
“Use my words against me!” Lindsey said. Well, maybe his words about calling states officials in GA, NM, and others where he had no legitimate business may come back to haunt him. Who can forget Lindsey calling Raffensberger.
1 Brandon K Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
I always wonder when people like this Senator say “this is politics!” as a defense. Yes, of course this is politics, you are in political organizations and institutions, this should be politics what else? Fun? Hobby? Family? I would be concerned honesty if this wasn’t politics.
1 skarbuskreska Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
i know right!
When in fact, its our right to know, who was involved with the overtrrow off our condtitution, by those who swore to uphold the constitution amd he may have had a part in..They are really a party of lies and deceit…
1 Theodore Sweger Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
“If they have nothing to hide, why the problem with them being asked questions” ……Because……..they are guilty and they know it.
I’d say man up, but that would take a man, non of which any of them are. Oh, and remember your grand leader TRUMP said the great words, “A truthful man NEVER pleads the 5th, only guilty people plead the 5th”.
And now the are shitting triangular bricks. Eeeyyyyy OUCH!
not worth is, or our, time
DUH! Any investigation IS a “fishing expedition!” When you have the evidence of TWO phone calls asking Raffensperger and his staff to discard mail-in ballots, it’s like having a “fish finder” to know the waters are full of fish. LOL!
1 The Cuteness Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
I love a fishing expedition, especially when we catch the big ones
1 Cullen Fuk what you saying it here
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When a government official contacts another government official on a workday on the behalf of his represented office and position, it should be government business and not politically motivated discussions or suggestive quarries for illegal activities for re-litigation or manipulation of our electorate on any day. In my opinion
1 Victoria Davis Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
He calls down to Georgia trying to influence an election. When held accountable he calls it a “fishing expedition”. What arrogance.
1 Եհҽ ՏíӀѵҽɾ ƒօ× Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Lindsey Graham: “This subpoena is a fishing expedition”
Yes, it was already a successful “fishing expedition! “ A South Carolina fish, was caught in Georgia election waters!
Thankfully the South Carolina fish was caught, and will soon be on the grill of JUSTICE.
1 Waimea Ohana Fuk what you saying it here
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“Are you going to vote Democrat?” “Hell, no!” “But they’re trying to provide legislation that will benefit all Americans.” “Hell no! That’s socialism.” ““
1 Ed Cliffe Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
When there are so many lies, denials, and refusals to testify, of course there has to be is a fishing expedition to get to the truth. This is a good thing.
1 R.B. Wilson Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
fishing expeditions are created when there is 0 underlying evidence
@john bower You’re just silly
Hey Lindsey, how’s that whole “I’m with Trump” thing workin’ out for ya’ there, little gurl?
1 thomastidewater Fuk what you saying it here
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