Will the Senate make an exception to the filibuster to pass a bill on voting rights? Sen. Amy Klobuchar tells Lawrence O'Donnell she has been doing “really positive work” with Sen. Joe Manchin on voting rights.
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#VotingRights #Manchin #Voters
All eligible American citizens must be able to easily cast their vote for WHOEVER they choose. Nothing else is patriotic.
@ConspiracyClownsGFY that’s because the Democrats went overboard in 2020 by changing election laws two weeks before the election in the name of covid-19 paybacks are a b**** ain’t a
Sorry bot. The bill is about making sure California style voter fraud is nationwide
You make the accusation.
You make the case.
Or admit you were just told to think, what you think, by a tv personality.
Congrats sheep
@Billy Pardew nope… I’m not a Dem…I’m independent who leans right…but not for this disgusting version of the GOOP
(Not a typo)
@Billy Pardew and yet it republican states that are being bitched about
I wish you could at the very least restore the 1965 Voting Rights Act under the supremacy clause. It would be interesting to know why that hasn’t come up, at least for starters. Obviously it needs to be shored up, but I am curious.
Manchin is smelling a change in the wind ,he is beginning to see himself all alone , except for republicans who are about to go down in flames…
The Faux Republican Party now transformed as the Party in charge to destroy the US, the whole lot should be arrested and sent to jail, even though, they are 74 million who in their own “freedom” are eager to lose their birthrights in order to become a Dictatorship with Trump as their absolute “leader.” 74 million will add a big chunk of the populations in detention centers, away from their cell phones, jailed birds, have no rights to the commodity of living free. the government will have to build hundreds of large prisons to remove them from circulation.
not one repubrussian vote in the house, so ask yourself where is Cheney amd Kinzinger?
Right.. hmm
Probably trying to hang on to their seats by the skin of their teeth. The cowards.
I’ve been saying that for a long time. They’re still trump (policy) supporting Republicans… their line is an INSURRECTION against the U.S.
that’s a pretty low bar
@Andre Cooks Subterranean, really. Same for Romney. So sick and tired of people singing his praises when he goes after Trump or other members of his party. Doesn’t change the R next to his name or his feelings towards Republican policy, he just doesn’t want to go down in history as a Trump apologist
Great, now what about little miss sunshine from Arizona
She’s a little squirrel school girl in her head
Why does it matter when you still have to have 10 Republicans
Go to the Supreme Court with the 14th amendment and you’ll win because the 14th amendment includes the John Lewis bill? And call it voting laws. …not voting rights….be smart.
JOHN LEWIS VOTING RIGHTS ADVANCEMENT ACT passed. Congratulations Joe and Kamala.
Burkman and Wohl were fined $5M for robocall racist voting disinformation.
Voter suppression and Fake audits can now face legal action.
“I know it’s comical to watch what’s going on here (Cyber Ninjas) in Arizona.” – K. Hobbs Arizona Sec of State.
@Bradley Dibble you mean we don’t have to worry about your feelings for 4 years that Trump might hurt your feelings talk about feelings LOL you’re the party of feelings
@Billy Pardew thank you for the truth.
@Billy Pardew
Oh Bill you’re not the one, trust, fact
@Billy Pardew
Biden is President, so yeah, we don’t hear from trump multiple times a day, It’s because being President is a job, not a title. Thaaaaaanks
@Billy Pardew
Guess what the party of feelings voted with their feelings and Trump is gone
“Manchin ‘Has Come A Long Way’ On Voting…” for more of a chance to winning another election that keeps him in the Senate in order to LINE HIS POCKETS for unJust a Li’l Longer…
Girrrrrl…you just keep working him…don’t let up!

Doesn’t his state need anything ‘tasty’ that his constituents would love?? What about others? Make a good FAIR (to both sides) deal with him!!
They couldn’t be any more blatant if they tried. College graduates not being allowed to use the drop box??!! My god what’s next?
Still though, you gotta keep your eye on ole slippery Joe Manchin, they need to keep up the pressure of his corporate mates will steer him into voting against
Manchin needs a primary challenge. He’s no Dem and he’s actively helping Republicans. Tell him he can go join the party of liars and wack-jobs.
Like I said before, Manchin is a mole; a chameleon who changes colors with the landscape. He needs to be called out and brought out in the news every chance possible.
I’ll give Manchin this he has brought Dr. Kings dream to fruition in W.V. by uniting the poor against him.
Hypocrisy the incompetent and corrupt Joe Biden’s home state of Delaware has the most restrictive and racist voting law in the country the requires voter IDs.
I don’t believe that for one second, that man is evil, he will never fight for the people, ever.
manchin and sinema are “dinos” democrats in name only.
While Manchin may have “come a long way” I’m sure his conservative donors have not, and the wire they have around his balls will prevent him from coming a long enough way to vote for it.
If biden gets infrastructure, reconciliation package, and voting rights in a year, that’s a major win. Plus successful vaccine rollout.