Senator Tim Kaine (D-VA), who serves on the Foreign Relations and Armed Services Committees, joins Andrea Mitchell to discuss his call for an immediate ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, which President Biden has expressed support for but not forcefully called upon Israel to follow through on. Senator Kaine says he's "troubled" by the White House's position, adding, "I hope the administration might lean in heavier, but whether they do or whether they don't, I'm on the Armed Services and Foreign Relations
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#TimKaine #MSNBC #MiddleEast
You act like they will listen
If Israel doesn’t listen then they should cease the money they give them.
Someone check on senator Collins to see if she’s ‘concerned’.
@infinitytoinfinitysquaredbitch it’s okay we all understand that your fat favorite President will live to be 100 according to the physicals that he forced his doctors to write
@Alvin Jackson
At least Trump can speak without sluuuuring his words like Doddering Joe. It will be a miracle if he lasts two years in office. Then it’s Kamala who even Democrats don’t like.
@infinitytoinfinitysquaredbitch clearly we’re listening to different trumps because the Trump I heard not only he not speak clearly but he only knows about eight words,
@Alvin Jackson
“…because the Trump I heard not only he not speak clearly…”
I’m sure your concern will be given proper consideration, Alvin.

too many DC elects have personal interests and investments in arms companies.
Has the American reaction to this conflict ever been any different?
Why would we need a ceasefire when the Stable Genius said he solved Middle East peace already?

@Zero Cool I don’t think it’s obsessive Behavior. Trump has left a legacy of life and death. Furthermore, Trump’s peace agreement never even included the Palestinians.
@DAVID No,no,no war us a republican tool. Why do you think their are so many military families. Not because any wars that Democrats started.
@PR Dragon Queen what has the Israel done with its funding dumb dumb. Apparently they bought the best military equipment including advanced fighter jets.
This is all a deception and a lie that has been told for hundreds of years. The people in Israel now are Europeans and have no connection to the biblical Hebrews at all.
@Iso Sebryl these people who are calling themselves Jews are descended from the Kazarian Kingdom in Europe. Under King Bulan the people of the Kazarian Kingdom converted to Judaism in 740 AD. They have no archaeological, historical, and according to John Hopkins University they have no genetic connection to the biblical Hebrews. This has always been a big lie..
@DAVID And you dont have a problem U S funding Israelall these years
It is election time in Israel, and the PM benefits from this war politically.
Actually, elections are over in Israel. What caused this is the fact that the PA has never held elections, Abbas cancelled them again, then provoked intafada, to cover up his tyranny.
@Deborah Freedman Indeed it has been 12 long years since the PA has held an election
@Deborah Freedman sound like R try to do still is trying to turn our county into to same exact corruption ..
@Deborah Freedman this conflict was caused when Israel started evicting Palestinians from their homes.
Why have the oppressed become the oppressors?

“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process, he does not become a monster.” – Nietzsche
Were the oppressed actually being oppressed?
@Sylvia Rodriguez Nobody is oppressed…. yet
didn’t jared resolve these tensions months ago
@Tod Brown Yes, I get called a Russian troll often, but don’t really care. Retired for 8 years too, and born/raised American.
@Ker Ahh…
Trouble with Google Translate.. ?
@zidge1751 I agree can’t believe all the fools that has been following these R the last 4 yrs trying to turn our county into n.k Russia ,china . And if anyone was listen to trump then you heard him say when he came back from first meeting with n.k said I want my people to treat me like n.k get treated by he’s people . And he made the whole team stand around table praise him for being the best on and on embarrassing our country made all them R look weak like they apparently are
@Noneya Bizz Didn’t have it under trump you all watching your fake news fox propangina when trump come back claim to be peace deal and right after he praise he’s self for nothing the same exact people started shooting at each other
@Chris Cypret show me where Palestine was sending thousands of rockets

I’m for Israel
Just tell Netenyahu that all arms sales stop NOW! That’s how you “broker” a ceasefire.
It works if *all* arms-dealing countries refuse to sell arms to both combatants.
Imagine blackmailing an ally for defending itself against terrorists
@Bryan They have an iron dome defense system. They’re right to exist is not in question. Do the Palestinians have a right to exist as well?
@T.A. ACKERMAN a right to exist is not the same as the right to indiscriminately fire thousands of rockets at its neighbor.
@Bryan hamas aka a group of palestiane men whos families have been murdered and homes destroyed are the only ppl sticking up for there ppl the palestianes no country no person can help them only hamas has done that you can call them a terrorist group but everytime a bomb is dropped by israel killing families another person joins hamas
Like I sad last week… great “peace plan”, Jared!!!!!

The peace deal did not include Palestine/Hamas trying to educate your stupid self
@Move on Over
@Move on Over It’s fun to watch you people losing every day. How does it feel..?
@Tessmage Tessera I don’t know how I’m losing I’m not a Republican nice try though
I mean we had peace in the ME for 4 years thanks to Jared and Trump’s leadership. Now under Biden, we have war.
“If I don’t steal your home someone else will”
It troubles me that Republicans have not been arrested for continuing the BIG LIE.
Because that’s not a big lie stop listening to MSNBC tell you how to think
Stay troubled! We don’t care!
It’s more troubling that you believe it is a lie, despite the mountains of evidence.
I’m with you on that

Nevermind the condon tump trolls.
When we played the blame game as Kids, everybody got an butt whopping. So if we keep pointing fingers, we are all going to pay for this in some way.
“If I don’t steal your house, someone else will.”
You heard it too

That, is the reason for the conflict
One of the Conflicts yes
@salwa Balwa who said this?
@Amber A Jewish Settler to one of the Palestinian Families being thrown out of their own home. He said “If I don’t steal it, someone else will.”

“If I don’t steal your home, someone else will”
Imagine if Vermont had a war with Rhode Island.
Im ‘troubled’ that the GOP refuses to denounce tRumps BiG LiE, and wont speak out against its own party members who continue to support the lies (among other conspiracy theories)
Now those were great political answers to questions. I give Sen. Kaine credit for that interview. All parties involved need to negotiate something. Will it occur? Doubtful but at least make an effort.
Lame,they enable Netanayhu with arms and money to genocide the Palistinians and then they kiss his butt,and the world knows it.
Yes yes “Hammer Fall” and the worshipful children of Doctor Strangelove. Bloody dinner Theater for the thoroughly twisted among us.