Sen. Jones: Teachers In Ala. Are ‘Scared To Death’ Amid Trump Push To Open Schools | All In | MSNBC

Sen. Doug Jones on what it will take to open schools amid pandemic: “It’s going to cost some money. But what price tag can you put on our student’s health, and their families, and their communities, and the teachers? We’ve got teachers in Alabama who are scared to death.” Aired on 7/13/2020.
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Sen. Jones: Teachers In Ala. Are ‘Scared To Death’ Amid Trump Push To Open Schools | All In | MSNBC


    1. 7 13 20 Hey@Amy Guerra, Randy Rainbow’s the best; his songs are hilarious! Stay safe, keep calm, & be well. v

  1. America do the right thing , follow protocols backed by science and expert for you nd your families’ safety. Even when the potus is stupid enough to ignore facts just to serve himself.

    1. I am in Europe and confined. Covid cases are rising kids back in school in June, out for the summer now and back in the fall, no distancing for young children; common sense rules for older high school age and university age. Our case rate is higher than the USA but when confinement ended in late May, for awhile lots of masks. Now not many wear masks people got tired of obeying. No country in Europe can afford to shut down or keep kids out of school. The government has started to remind people to wear masks. The main difference between Europe and the USA is NO COMING ELECTION and LESS INSANE and irresponsible media like CNN, MSNBC, and the NYT to gin up fears and keep people that do not read much and get “news” from partisan hacks trying to take POWER. The same as those FOOLS in the streets tearing down American history and statues and ignoring social distancing and spreading the virus of hatred and discord, fueled by resentment that leftists exploit, we see lots of this in Europe. Same as the USA, all they want is to deconstruct your country and install a socialist state making America looks like so many other failed states made up of warring tribes clamoring, unfair, too much injustice and give me more ….. and never talk about merit and as that goes against inclusion unearned. For those with an education and skills money does not discriminate by race only merit and extortion is only going to get a few more political correct terrorists hired, same as in Europe

  2. So when the teachers are in the hospital because they’ve been infected with the virus, are the kids going to teach themselves? When bus drivers are in the hospital because they’ve been infected with the virus, are kids going to drive themselves to school? And exactly how do you practice social distancing on a school bus?

    Betsy DeVos should be hit with a mountain of class action lawsuits from parents, teachers, principles, superintendents, school bus drivers, lunch staff, and anyone else employed in our education system. And law firms should be lining up to represent them.

    1. David J , and if something go wrong by opening the schools, trump will surely blame the dems or Biden maybe.

    2. She is among the “ALL THE PRESIDENTS MEN AND WOMEN” aiders and abbettors who will answer to the call for justice in January under a NEW POTUS and an honest BARR replacement!

    1. Being smart and accomplished doesn’t make good leaders all the time. Time to reevaluate what a real leader is. Its Its clearly not her!

    2. Betsy DeVos should let her children and grandchildren attend school in Alabama.
      If *her* kids had to go back to school, self-centered, *me* minded Betsy would hit the panic button!

    3. @Zoester Productions Four more years of Trump and his corrupt administration will mean four more years of this Covid pandemic.

  3. Teachers take crap from students, parents, administrators. They are expected to fix all of society’s problems, even though it is all but impossible. Yet they persist. I’m with the teachers.

    1. Teachers take their frustration out on kids. And most of the teachers are there only because theyll get loan forgiveness. Most teachers don’t really care about the students. They’re just there to get a paycheck and that’s it. It’s rare that teachers that actually care about their students.
      Its tiring here people give all of these teachers praise when they do the bare minimum.

    2. @Don Hardcastle Since you have a strong opinion about our educational system why don’t you volunteer to help in a classroom? If you can’t do that, volunteer to help in an after school program for children who need extra help. Rather than criticizing become part of the solution.

    3. @aundrea hodges How much time have you spent in classrooms observing what goes on? Are your opinions based on actual experience in classrooms, or how you were treated in school or how your children were treated? If you think it’s that bad, then you need to find a way to help. Schools are always happy to have volunteers and the children will really benefit. Perhaps you could organize others to get involved. Our schools need our support.

    4. @Deborah Merkerson if I had time dear, I would!

      I have an HVACR company in Phoenix……… ’nuff said….

  4. In the school districts around here in Alabama they’ve already made the decision to NOT return to school in august and will revisit the issue in December. Trump has no say in this matter. The parents do.

    1. Laura Zaboraski – Alabama STAND UP for your TEACHERS, CHILDREN and your STATE. Don’t allow Trump to keep KILLING American citizens!

    2. Was that a picture of Murphy HS in Mobile? No in person school untill the federal government has a tight grip on the corona virus!

    3. @Laura Zaboraski When you say school districts in Alabama, are you referring to the public school district or private sector? According to the State Superintendent, Eric Mackey, public schools are opening back up in Alabama. Some will be open the second week in August.

    4. Laura Zaboraski Oh WOW! Thanks for replying. Just curious because even the area considered to be the “hotspot” in Alabama is on course to open in just a few weeks. Not to mention that positive cases are already turning up in the schools and the kids aren’t even back yet. Lord Help Us All

  5. Two former game show hosts are deciding policy for a pandemic. And, yahoos on here are telling us that the experts are the problem. SMDH. : )

  6. Whose to say that the parents of these
    Children Our Children, come home from
    School after Being Forced to Open, God
    Forbid, the children come home with
    Corona, now the Parents want to
    Sue Someone, The teachers to start with, remember, when his supporters go
    To his Rallies, they must sign papers
    Saying, He is Not Responsible, THE PRESIDENT, so You cannot Sue Him,
    But For His, Lack of UNDERSTANDING.!!!!

    1. Have,you forgotten that this is AMERICA???
      You can CHOOSE to send your kids or not…. FFS, you dolt….

  7. Donald Trump ignored and dodged the COVID-19 crisis until it was too late to stop or contain. Today, over 135,900 Americans have died due to COVID-19; and Donald Trump is still making up excuses about the guy in charge over three years ago.

  8. The state have the authority to reopen school when it is safe too…Trump does not have the authority to do so …

  9. Betsy DeVos is the worst and least qualified Secretary of Education and since she has been appointed to this position she has done nothing to improve schools to the most in need students and school and has instead shifted money to private schools. There may be a way to open schools safely and there may not depending on virus out breaks in the areas of each school and if we are required to do more distance learning than they need to get the teachers some training before Spetember.
    Register to vote today and ask for a mail in ballot or if you go to the polls WEAR A MASK!! Vote like your life depends on it, “because it does.” VOTE BLUE. VOTE BIDEN 2020!! Vote Blue from your locals elections to the Presidency!
    Trump and the Republicans do not care about anyone but their big donors and staying in power. The Trump Administration, the DOJ, and 13 Republican Attorney Generals are currently at the Supreme Court arguing to abolish The Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare) and the specific clause for pre-existing conditions which would affect every person and the ACA which would leave 30+million families without healthcare coverage in the United States in the middle of a PANDEMIC!! Vote blue and help save our country!

  10. The only way to open up school safely would cost too much money. It won’t happen. Plexi glass, more teachers, because of smaller classrooms. More classrooms needed. Impossible.

  11. I graduated high school 11 years ago. I fondly recall a teacher who helped me through my troubles in high school and even convinced me to give college a try.
    She is still teaching at the same high school at 62 years of age. I now have 2 children of my own and would like to see them back in school. But not under the current circumstances.
    I know many researches show children are less vulnerable to covid19 in terms of death etc.
    But I worry for teachers like the one I mentioned and many others just like her if we open schools up to early.

    That’s just my two cents from a parent with 2 kids.

    1. I was afraid to hit the “View Replies” button under @Andros’ note, because the Putin Infiltrators love most of all to attack heart-felt comments. But luckily i found quite the opposite… instead @Galen Joyce wrote in fact the perfect words of encouragement. Now that there’s three of us temporarily standing together, i doubt they’ll bother with this thread (Philippians 1;27-28 … and the Putin Accts too know the power of solidarity…. they often work in tag-team pairs)

  12. I have been listening to the CDC and Dr Fauci since day one, why anyone would listen to anything anybody who is not a medical professional ( Trump) says about the pandemic is just beyond me!!!!

  13. Senator Jones probably isn’t going to hold his senate seat. But he’s doing as much good as he can while he has it.

    1. Well sadly most people in the red states lacks common sense for some weird and surely pathetic reason.

    2. He probably got elected because folks in Birmimgham have not forgotten the heinous crime wrt the four girls who were killed in the 16St Baptist Church. Afaik, he finally was able bring perps to justice after so many years. If he wins again it will be because Birminghamians who will help him the most.

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