Sen. Joe Manchin Jabs Back At POTUS After Being Called ‘Munchkin’ | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC

Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) joins Hallie Jackson after he was attacked by the President for voting to convict in the Senate impeachment trial. Manchin says the names "don't bother" him but he hopes the President stops acting like "an immature adult." Aired on 02/10/20.
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Sen. Joe Manchin Jabs Back At POTUS After Being Called 'Munchkin' | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC

Sen. Joe Manchin Jabs Back At POTUS After Being Called 'Munchkin' | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC


    1. lmaooo so true…Stormy said that on the Fallon Show….small..misshapen and VERY SMALL..need the Hubble telescope to see it …couldnt make it last either…2 minute man

    2. @C 546799 if he had a vehicle to drive..he would have some super jacked up Truck with loud muffler and tires the size of Wisconsin…you know…a COMPENSATION TRUCK

  1. Trump doesn’t know how to communicate unless it’s a confrontation or flattery. He provokes hostility and then plays the victim when he gets called to account for his misconduct.

    1. @Mark bodman Pssshhh…in 4-5 years they will be wondering how they let a fraudulent conman into the White House.

    1. @Dadson worldwide That doesn’t answer my question. Sounds like you’re making excuses for man child-in-chief. I find it kind of funny that the only ones criticizing her are Trump and his supporters like you and she didn’t even name anybody in particular but your thin skinned President and his supporters like you took it personal which is sad.

    2. Greta speaks before and to adult leaders of the world and It’s a very controversial debate . only adults can decide. Children will one day be the adult and it’s not right to throw children into being adults too soon.
      They have 90% of their life to be stressed with adulthood .lol
      Whoever put this heavy fear into great should be investigated for mental abuse of a child.

    3. @Charles Jones Sr.It sounds like you making the excuse for great to me.
      She’s the one who called him out before the UN.
      So I understand why he retaliated.

    4. @Charles Jones Sr. And trump and his supporters aren’t the only ones criticizing gretas situation or her inability to answer questions. She’s alright with rehearsed speeches but the few times she was questioned by more or less friendly reporters she’s lost on details and defers.

  2. Why do they keep calling it a “transcript?” The transcript of the call was NEVER released. A summary of the call was released.

    1. @Don’t SSleep The SANE People Know This …..If U Waiting for Narcissistic People to Change It Won’t Happen Wasted Energy.. Trying!

    1. @Joan Nassif Nooot quite. Yes it rhymes with Trump, and Hump, though possibly not as much fun as the latter. Quite satisfying though, but a solitary pleasure, and definitely unpleasant for anyone within range. Onomatopoeic, like its more widely known word beginning with F (not that one…)

    1. @Aisha Abdi Luckily, the U.S. president is nowhere near that powerful, even though it’s fashionable to say so. Imagine if he really was.

    1. It’s about time someone from West Virginia stood up and made sense.This is a red state it use to be Blue.

    1. @Ace1King1 TRUMP*(IMPEACHED) wears Lifts in his shoes..which is why he stands he’s about to fall over…

    2. Ace1King1

      Trump is not 6’3”. His own drivers license lists him as 6’2”, and people definitely lie about their height and weight on those. People also often lose height as they age, typically losing almost one-half inch (about 1 centimeter) every 10 years after age 40. So even if he was originally 6’2”, he could be around 6’0” now.

    1. @snoop alert There is probably little I can say that you will believe as you apparently live in the “Alternate Universe” created and promulgated by Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, Vladimir Putin and others. I can only suggest that in the future you try to get your information from actual news sources; for example, DW (Deutsche Welle), NPR, BBC, France 24, NHK World, CNN, ABC, CBS and even Al Jazeera English.

      BTW Adam Schiff has never said that the transcript was the actual truth or completely accurate.

  3. tRump is doing all the talking big now why didn’t he come forward and talk at his impeachment, its because he is guilty

    1. @Jonathan Beckham Ok, Bribery. Then why did the house managers not charge Trump with Bribery in the articles of impeachment?

    1. Marthe Morais , yup, schoolyard mentality… from a septuagenarian at that! And his cronies… Or shall I say groupies.

    2. the dems should produce and NATIONALLY release to ALL media outlets a video compilation of all of trump’s childish and mean spirited insults and defamations trump has spewed over the last 5 years not only about dems but republicans, servicemen and women and world leaders. using graphics to constantly refer to trump as “unacceptably immature, irresponsible and a bully” and end the video with –
      “Is this truly acceptable behavior to you? Would you accept this behavior from yourself or your children? Is it any wonder trump’s so paranoid as to believe EVERYONE’S against him? Is this how anyone encourages, promotes or pursues UNITY? Let’s put RESPECT, REASON, STABILITY and an ADULT back in the WhItehouse.”

      they can even make one with a collection of all the anti-trump statements the GOP made during the election. why don’t the dems ever produce AND NATIONALLY RELEASE any videos like this? why don’t they ever release any video exposing trump’s repeated childish behavior, insanity and criminal activity?

    3. @c. j. macq Four out of Five network news services already do that. Trump followers are at the low end of the intelligence scale and who do research, live in fear of anything different and follow w/o question.

    1. It is very hard to explain to my children that being like that is wrong, when he’s the most powerful man in the world!

    2. @Tracy Smith It’s not that simple, you have to lead by example you can’t say something is bad then do it and tell them but you don’t do it it’s bad. lol. That doesn’t work. If parents curse all the time you’re gonna have a hard time punishing your kids for acting as you do. If the president does it, yes it’s harder to say don’t act that way its wrong…. it only gets you into the most powerful position in the world and anything you want.. lol.

    3. Trust me. You gotta get those kids involved with Amway as soon as possible. Talk to Betsy DeVos. I hear that she knows people.

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