Sen. Harris: Ratcliffe Is ‘A Soldier For Donald Trump’s Political Agenda’ | The Last Word | MSNBC

Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) tells Lawrence O'Donnell that she does not have "any confidence" that Republican Congressman John Ratcliffe, who the Senate confirmed on party lines as Director of National Intelligence, will "speak truth even if it will be difficult for the president to hear.” Aired on 5/21/2020.
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Sen. Harris: Ratcliffe Is ‘A Soldier For Donald Trump's Political Agenda’ | The Last Word | MSNBC

Sen. Harris: Ratcliffe Is ‘A Soldier For Donald Trump's Political Agenda’ | The Last Word | MSNBC


    1. Tyler : Said the trump troll who LIVES on a channel that he hates, talking to people that he hates, because he’s paid to be an instrument of DIVISION and hate . . . 🙂

    2. @Ash Roskell : Good morning Ash! I just woke up all bushy tailed & revving to go after a badly needed sleep & rest alternated between trolling the bad trolls & intensive gardening. I was surprised to find out that these Russian troll farm trolls are paid the equivalent of 1000 British pounds per wk. This is good pay in russia if you can find where most of poor ever suffering Russian people live like paupers, serfs or Slavic Slav, Slovenly Slaves & peasants still today. I read its gruelling work but salt miners are used to gruelling workloads. Thank you for smashing them while I was fast asleep & I will do likewise for you. Have a good day in spite of tRump. Take care.

    3. Baby drumphf : Thank you, my friend. You too. In Russia that IS serious cash, and it surprises me too! It can’t be ALL of them, though? I bet those are just the Free Range ones, organically evil and stupid? Beats me how they never seem to grow any trolls with a sense of humor, education, or knowledge of their topic? But, when you think about it, having to live in a bunker with a buzz cut, “minder,” looking over your shoulder, 24/7, must be very stressful? You never know when they’re going to roll up the operation and leave no trace? So, each time Igor the Minder reaches in his inside pocket, for his lighter, they must have beads of sweat forming on their foreheads, wondering if today is the day, and they didn’t read the signs right? Will he pull out his Walther, with a silencer on it, and start, “cleaning house,” today? Not enough Rubles in the world, for me to sell out my country, but for their working conditions, that money is probably low? And there’s NO, “health insurance,” I can promise you that . . . 😉👍

  1. Expect the intel community to suddenly find all kinds of “evidence” against every one of Trump’s political enemies.

    1. TimesUp Domino#1Clapper oh I forgot. Fox News watchers have no logic, so when their propaganda masters tell them it makes sense that Obama would publicly sabotage Hillary by having the FBI announce reopening her case a week before the election while privately “spying” on Trump for colluding with Russians but not saying a peep about it so as to not hurt his election, it all makes perfect sense.

    2. Yeah exactly… all the evidence they’ve been hiding and covering up with their criminals installed in the intel agencies they attempted a coup and attack our nation with for the last 30 years.

    3. @Jason K Not what happened. Corney was just setting the precedence of investigating Hillary and finding nothing so the Republicans wouldn’t have anything AFTER HRC was elected President assuming she would win because of the polls. It backfired because she lost. Obama realized that if Flynn became the DNI under Trump, he’d be outed on the Iran deal. So he had to go one way or another. Just wait, all of this will be revealed by the end of the summer. Storm coming.

    4. Always Unlimited Obama literally warned Trump not to trust Flynn BECAUSE they heard him wheeling and dealing with Russia. You’re so far down the rabbit hole you have no idea between fact and fiction anymore. Obama warned trump on flynn. It was reported way back in 2017!

    1. That would be your UN buddies and WHO fascist overloads who use fake liberalism to impose eugenics lockdowns and total world factor state power moron… wake up. These same people came from the biggest nazi families and funded the Nazis.

    1. Trump is not the problem here. Republicanism is the problem.

      Do you think these Republicans are going away once Trump is defeated? If you do then you have dung for brains.

      Republicans will do everything in their power to continue to destroy America.

      Your only chance of survival as a nation – and your success is unlikely – is to not only defeat Trump in the coming election but then Exterminate the Republican party once and for all.

    1. Slow brains need time to come up with an answer that isnt a straight up lie. But yea, he failed miserably anyway…

    1. IKR! It seems odd that the most un-American of “us” drape the flag over our shoulders. Well, not all that odd given how that is actually usually the case in the fall of empires as they are brought down from within. If it was another power that the history books claim defeated them it was actually the weakened from within empire ripe for said defeat. 40% of Americans are actively participating in acts of treason as America crumbles. Putin won with no shots fired.

    1. Kinda like Obama making his college roommate Vinai Thummalapally the ambassador to Belize? But in Vinai’s defense he DID buy the position in 2008.

    2. @TimesUp Domino#1Clapper *****
      “By appointing his college roommate, Vinai K. Thummalapally, to the cushy post of ambassador to Belize, President Barack Obama followed in the tradition of George W. Bush who also chose a college roommate as ambassador to Belize.” (source: So? Ratcliffe lied on his resume and just got appointed to be head of national security. In addition to that, Trump appointed Sondland to be ambassador to the European Union, until he came out with the truth about the “quid pro quo” Trump hustle. And then suddenly, million dollar contributor to Trump’s campaign, Mr. Sondland, was given the heave ho. Don’t be such a hypocrite.

    3. @TimesUp Domino#1Clapper ***** By appointing his college roommate, Vinai K. Thummalapally, to the cushy post of ambassador to Belize, President Barack Obama followed in the tradition of George W. Bush who also chose a college roommate as ambassador to Belize. AND, remember Sondland, million dollar contributor to Trump’s campaign? He bought the position of ambassador to the European Union, but suddenly lost that job after he fessed up about Trump’s quid pro quo. You’re a hypocrite. Since you support Trump that doesn’t surprise me.

  2. He’s just another sycophant among many sycophants. What’s new. He’ll slither right into place serving his Dear Leader but in a higher position of the food chain. Now he can cause more damage..

    1. @Hayden R. You mean kids ripped away from their parents by a criminal president. It must be anything else would be ridiculous and can only come from cultists who are crazy or trolls

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