Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Kamala Harris, in a Last Word exclusive interview, says after reports of Donald Trump’s tax avoidance, the voters deserve full disclosure of his financial interests and indebtedness. She tells Lawrence O’Donnell the reports show Donald Trump is “prepared to put his personal interest ahead of the American people.” Aired on 09/28/2020.
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Sen. Harris On Trump’s Tax Avoidance: It’s Just Completely, Patently Unfair | The Last Word | MSNBC
Trump is Liar in Chief on Covid, Insurance, Social Security, Economy, Russia, Extortion, Obstruction, Election AND his Taxes. . Vote BLUE safely in person if possible. If not, mail-in ASAP Biden is debating a liar.
@Rimrock300 13 more hours, wonder if he’s going to have a sudden migraine that keeps him from showing up.
Nnnnnnope, there are no lies about any of those things. T.D.S. has rotted another feeble liberal mind!
NYT : ‘Biden was in a soft way totally crushed in the first debate, but won over Trump’
Prepare lots of kleenex on nov 3rd. Y’all gonna need them
odeis5 This comment is a quintessential example of what’s wrong with political discussions/debates today; it’s a landscape of toxicity and hostility which often shuts down the possibility of civil, open dialogue.
Buskers singing for change pay more tax a year than Trump pays. Every Trump supporter and their families pay more tax per year than Trump has paid his entire life.
@Patrick Saelen who’s not a law..unlike no entrance to US without proper id…opps
@odeis5 Hey buddy, what we do is a tough gig. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
@Jackson Barr Just pay your fair SHARE, UNLIKE tRump.
Really? Trump has paid millions and millions in taxes
First time i heard of a tax bill like that sounds suspicious
K. Harris, “When you look closely, Trump is a little fellow”.
Here’s proof:
@David’s Garden i suppose this is theory too
A Broke little fella who doesn’t pay his taxes.
@astev52 but msnbc with rachel maddow released his tax returns like a year or two ago, maybe you don’t have a clue like this past 5 years..
@jk jkk She had one page of one tax return, where is the rest of that tax return and all of the others? So again, do you think it’s fair that supposed “billionaire” trump paid only $750 dollar’s in taxe’s over 2 years and nothing over the previous 10?
It’s time for the Trump criminal administration to go down.
Both Hard And Fast!
@Thragon68 if you can’t link to anything except YouTube or Facebook, don’t even bother. 30% are propaganda. The mainstream is still the best place to get facts.
@Steve Beaty yet another shill attempting to discredit the source of the factual info just because they are not backed by a million dollar network….how stupid….facts are facts regardless where they originate. it’s like saying everybody who has less than a million dollars can’t possibly know factual info….so dumb. Real journalism is in these organic channels not n your tv, mostly …
and for you nuts going crazy over the latest Trump taxes narrative….learn something
@Vince Broyo You’re looking for four more years of nothing? Really? Dude, Wake Up!
Trump is not the disease but the symptom of the disease which is the deeply rooted divisive Politics in the supposedly United in Divisive Politics States of America..most powerful first world country should come out of this gerontocracy atleast in 2020..adapt to the new times or annhilate..
Broke busted and cant be trusted
@HAL9000 If that were true, don’t you think he would have corrected NYT, CNN, MSNBC etc. about that, live and on camera?? Come on now!
@HAL9000 LOL! Not in the least! If he had actually overpaid, as I’ve said previously, he would have blasted that out from every microphone available. Or it could have something to do with the 72 million he got as a refund, which he is now being investigated for.
@Vince Bovo delusional is looking at the facts and bcuz you don’t agree with them or they don’t fit your sick narrative, then it’s a lie or theory….. that should require all of you to be in therapy…. it’s like we’re both looking at a sunny blue sky and you call it a a stormy red sky….. you are the sick…i see a blue sky
@Thragon68 You really have no idea do you, You assume my agenda or who I am. I don’t even live in your pissant country. Your country has become an abscess and a stain on this planet with trump as your president. I’m glad I live in one of the top countries on this Earth and the USA is not a member. This is why you lack perspective, you are so caught in the dogma of your small part of the world that you can’t comprehend what others can see.
@Joanne M The burden of proof is on the accuser. Whoever leaked partial tax information without context from the IRS has some explaining to do. That was done in violation of the law too. I’m just surprised that it didn’t happen earlier with deep state actors trying to deligitimize the 2016 election through their own usurpation of power.
Sept.2020- 7Million infected 200,000..Deaths. (Be Careful everyone)
Bothers me that we’re paying for his covid test and every one in his bubble. Buy it yourself genius
“It affects virtually nobody”
200,000 people died out of 330,000,000 million
Stay home. Stay safe n save lives

Helllloooo ….. A CON ARTIST ….!!!!!! Plain and simple

Ra ra rasPutin, lover of the orange Queen.
@Computer User Biden released his taxes, willingly.
@Computer User “Bu-bu-bu-..Chicken Butt”. No legit facts or argument so go right to your whataboutisms.
@Vince Broyo That’s now considered a joke.
@Lucky Me NUTS !
Trump is a disgrace. Can’t believe he comes over to Singapore. Using our tax to welcome him.
Probably easily offset by the US Foreign aid to Singapore. Maybe we should cut Singapore off from receiving our tax dollars? What do you think?
@saffron wetter agreed, ALL POLITICIANS NEED TO SHOW THEIR TAXES.. but I doubt many have as many loans from Russian OLIGARCHS
stop listening to this nonsense…. journalism is dead at msnbc….
This right here is real journalism
Why is it a disgrace to put up deductions in your tax bill, that are allowed according to the laws? Do you want to pay more tax than needed? Do you?
You sure he ain’t paying you guys taxes. He is paying more taxes to a lot of other countries than he is paying here in the US.
I can’t wait when VICE PRESIDENT KAMALA HARRIS debates that so called Christian Q–TIP
The New York Times did not get Trump’s taxes. It’s impossible.
chopper19 chopper19 they should stop committing crimes
@MsJollycholly AMEN
@MsJollycholly lol
She’s out to DESTROY; and I love her for it!
When Trump’s refusal to go against one of his biggest supporters, results in deaths of our own military by bounties put upon them, yes it does matter if he’s in debt to other countries and leaders.
thanks! we cannot forget this, EVER!
Putin is likely involved directly in any Russian efforts to meddle in the U.S. presidential election,it’s is an“easy call” because “you do not attack the entire American electoral process! Had approval by DJT!
DJT Owes them $$
THE MAIN REASON why he didnt want us to see his Taxes…..before he got into the WH….was that he is a total FRAUD
@Rimrock300 paying taxes is an obligation. It’s a fundamental requirement for the continued operation of the government and everything. Someone has to pay for education and emergency services and roadways. People need to pay the taxes that are appropriate. If you drive a car on public roadways, then you gotta pay taxes on that. Some states have sales tax. Most states have property taxes. Everyone has to pay taxes. I’m suggesting that anyone volunteer to pay more. I’m saying that you gotta pay what the appropriate amount is. If you can write off legitimate things, great.
what trump did smells like corporate welfare. It looks like trump got a $73 million taxpayer funded welfare redistribution handout. It looks like fraud. It looks like white collar crime
@Dana William Sure is a obligation to pay taxes to support our society. But it’s not an obligation to pay more taxes than required, and not criminal to pay not more than required. Ideally, many rich people should paid more than they do. The lawmakers, including Joe Biden, have created the laws, and indirectly tax loopholes that follows. Many companies and businesses are more or less using tax planning in order not to pay more than required, it’s a pretty common thing like it or not. Using tax loopholes are not illegal. One should take on the law makers of this country, not the tax payers (including those paying ‘zero’)
@Rimrock300 ?? What…no..he is a crook..he lies about property values, and he is known for not paying debts. Smh you cant be serious.
American friendly fact: Taxes pay for the U.S. Military and thats what keeps America safe.
this means obama was more patriotic than trump…No wonder he has hurt and disrespected in words, thoughts and deed towards those with a military background.
@Rimrock300 the scam in his tax evasive behavior is that when it suits him he is a millionaire but when it is time to pay taxes he exaggerates his losses and expenses
Trump is the biggest con in modern history. SADLY his running AMERICA like his businesses
stop listening to this nonsense…. journalism is dead at msnbc….
This right here is real journalism
Can you list the reasons why he is ruining the country? I guess getting nominated for 3 noble Peace prizes explains him doing a horrible job.. y’all are so ignorant and just stupid you ignore all the good he has done and just repeat whatever the Democrats say. It’s just sad and pathetic that so many people are this hateful for no reason.
@Blakeley Brock yes….they are mind-controlled pathetic zombies
Yeah, into the ground.
Trump’s biggest lie was his lie to the people of the USA about COVID_19 back in January 2020. No president has reined over so many deaths of US citizens. Verges on genocide?
War President? War crimes more like.
200,000 people died out of 330,000,000 million
4X the deaths in Viet Nam and maybe Korea as well.
His base still believe Covid-19 is a HOAX?? Even though we have lost more than 205,000 fellow Americans. What has our country come to?? This is not the America I grew up with and have loved all my life.
@Scoganz Let’s just remember that Pelosi is not the president, and her one mistake was done to try and prevent the racists in this country from following their cult leader’s shifting of blame onto the Chinese. I can excuse Pelosi’s ignorance. How can anyone excuse Trump’s ignorance and irresponsibility when it cost 200600 American lives. Please, think carefully.
Biden & Harris 2020
Trump and his associates in prison 2020
@Sam Brown thats a ridiculous answer. give me some substance .. everyone says hes not trump.
Sam Brown Let’s just hope Sleepy Joe gets through tonight without having to change his depends.
Donald Fisher your moms sleepy and daddy’s dead?
This is why you – should stay blue!:
@John Wood
Don’t you have your Mother sit on your face Christmas day ??
Trump carrying $400 million of debt is very much a national security issue..
@Thragon68 garbage
@Myran Wilson by that you mean facts, which to the conditioned masses is garbage
@Thragon68 what rubbish…. This is your source.
“The X22 report started as a show on Rense Radio.
Rense Radio’s flagship show is helmed by Jeff Rense and traditionally focuses on conspiracies, “para politics” and “alternative health”.
At one time, Rense aimed to be a competitor to Coast to Coast AM, albeit it never really focused on the paranormal (ghosts and UFOs and the like) and instead focused on quack cures for diseases and far-right conspiracy theories.
Several years ago, Rense started hosting secondary shows on his network. Currently, two of his shows include the David Duke Show (he of KKK fame) and Don Black (Don Black being the webmaster/owner of Stormfront, a White Nationalist forum). It was around this time that Rense brought on X22. As you can see, the show comes out of a racist, far-right milieu.
It’s no longer hosted there, for reasons that are unclear. When it was dropped, the show migrated to YouTube and started focusing almost exclusively on economic collapse news. This was around 2012/2013. So they constantly predicted economic collapse during what ended up being a period of economic stabilization following the 08 Great Recession.” Add in a big dose of Qanon, and we see where you are coming from “Thragon68”
@Bradley Wylie nice attempt to sidestep facts that don’t fit your bs narratives…simply stupid…. and for those who are awash in the current Trump taxes nonsense…learn something
He was a big risk before we discovered his massive debt. Some of his conversations with foreign leaders are stored in the most secure server. Congress does not have access to these recordings. We do not know what Trump is doing during his executive time.
tRump sees the American taxpayer as just another “sucker”, just like he sees our veterans, and military. Dodged the draft, and let someone else go in his place… Cheats his taxes and lets other Americans pay his share instead.
he’s a con artist at best.
@AJ MANGO You may not have noticed, but Hunter Biden is not running for office
@AJ MANGO he really is not running
The MAGA cultists don’t care, and the GOP enables him. We do outnumber them, but they cheat. I really hope by this time next year trump is in prison.
I so hope he will get what he deserves!!
It’s so disheartening to see how this POS gets away with breaking laws (not just the tax codes, but those in particular) and cheating and lying on scale that simply blows any regular guy’s head. I pay my taxes and I do so knowing that it needs my and everybody’s contribution so the state and all its people can survive. I just wholeheartedly hate tRump and all of his minions, henchmen and cronies for what they are (willingly and knowingly) doing to the US!
And frankly, at this point i find it hart not to feel hatred for his voters, too
He’ll still be in the Whitehouse weirdos.
@Jamtommy1 if that happens it’s only
bc of spineless cultists like you and bc he cheated.
My cute pet dog golden retriever can run and win the presidential election against Trump in 2020 because people just want to remove Trump out of office so badly. Biden actually has been running a terrible invisible campaign so far, but he probably will win anyway for the reason I stated above here. If Biden lost the election to Trump, then he has no one to blame but himself.
@Antonio A.
What about rUsSiA?
You haven’t given up on that hoax yet have you? Plz tell me you haven’t, It’s Hilarious.
The janitors pay more taxes. Trump should be in prison!! He was cheating taxes
Also, this is irrelevant to the topic.
Trump owed $1500, he paid $5.2 million.
How do janitors pay more?

Not just tax. Everything.
Well he has expenses, such as the $70,000 tax write-off to have his hair done.
If legit Tump got ripped off on that one!

Too bad this didn’t come out 4 years ago when it could have made a difference.
Yeah, it’s really a bomshell of gigantic proportions, that should have had come out earlier; a businessman putting deductions into his tax bill to reduce his tax. NYT’s information is mind blowing. The world will never be the same again from this day. No one ever heard about someone actually using the deductables allowed in the law. I mean, the posibilities for deductables are there written in the law, but it’s not like anybody should use them. That’s TOTALLY unheard of!