Sen. Elizabeth Warren: Trump Cares About Himself And Retaining Power | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., discusses the president and vice president's unwillingness to publicly commit to a peaceful transfer of power should they lose the election. Aired on 10/08/2020.
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Sen. Elizabeth Warren: Trump Cares About Himself And Retaining Power | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. JAD Biden would be very foolish to get in the same room with the Orange Madman at this point. And with early voting a fair portion of the voters will have had their say before Trump is clear of lockdown

    2. If Joe Biden would be elected expect $4 plus per gallon for gasoline. Taxes will only rise up up and up. Joe has been a politician for over 47 years has not done anything to improve our lives middle-class and only benefited himself..Joe Biden. If the Dems are so smart why are they not helping stop this virus?? They have the power..Talk is cheap!! Mr Biden!! You and your party are bunch of children with tantrum’s!!

    3. Roman Ward he might just do that. The GOP has been subsidizing big oil since the 60s while they bring in billions of dollars. We need to wean ourselves off oil where we can hence the rise of wind, solar, hydrothermal power. It’s finally possible to run a car that you use locally on natural gas or electricity and avoid most of the pollution associated with freedom of movement

    4. And of course, you E. Warren are the picture perfect example of narcissism. You phony human being.

    5. alicia in chains not so much. A much lauded career as an educator, a USA Senator. And can you compare? Living in your morher’s basement eating Pizza Pockets and hoping your ship will come in?

  1. Covid Boy already infected 34 people in the WH and he’s not finished yet … πŸ™„

    He literally doesn’t care if people die around him.


    2. PLEASE share this message below, with as many people as possible., if you feel u want to.
      If it helps just one person feel safe enough to cast their vote, then it’s worth doing.
      Plus….It might trigger some despicable maga snowflakes too…(that’s a bonus).

      If you intend to vote in-person, but you’re worried about feeling threatened by Trump’s hired thugs.. WEAR RED, VOTE BLUE…..!!!!!!


  2. Joe and Mika are a perfect example that Rep and Dem can get along just fine. Trump supporters are way out on the fringe and can’t relate to anyone but themselves.

    1. @ihave35cents Trump cultist and republicans are not the same animal. Don’t waste my time with your delusional hate filled selfish rhetoric. Nothing funny about blind stupidity. Now go away.

  3. Federal Judge Maryanne Barry, Donald Trump’s eldest sister:”””Donald is out for Donald, period,” “He has no principles. None. None.

    Pls vote him out.

    1. @Richard Reynolds Your more paranoid than me .. Bot Bot ..Does everything have to suite your BS .. Richard ??

    2. Picasso X sorry for the state of inactivity you’re dealing with. Personally I am one of Trump’s losers: a 73 yrs former Marine, retired IT manager, network caretaker living, motorcycle riding and walking in Tennessee, the heart of the Trump Cult. It takes all kinds but I take this Moron of a President personally. Of course you are entitled to your opinion but i fail to see how anyone can approve of His Orangness

  4. Trump is another case study for all the facets of American Life, there will be music, movies, musicals, literature etc……just as the say “Midas” touch, the “Trump” touch too will be mentioned to dignify death or dying slowly

    1. @Eric Wood
      NOOOO = no more adding to his fact make him and his family pay for their own orange prison garments…and shave that head too

    2. @JAVIER QUINTERO are the Russians working for Biden now!?…that would be fun, it means Trump will wear jumpsuit earlier than I thought

  5. The Republicans have no plan because they don’t want one.

    The Republicans view on Health Care is β€œNot our problem. Not our concern. Not our responsibility.”

    In short, the Republicans view on Health Care is β€œIt’s a non-issue, and we are going to keep it that way.”

    1. Maybe they have no plan because they know that they won’t need one. They can see that Trump is very likely to lose.

    2. It’s not just Republicans, it’s a large number of Democrats too, the insurance companies own politicians from either side. I’m Canadian, and don’t believe the propaganda against universal healthcare. It’s the only humane way to operate, as we know here that no one will be denied insurance and be screwed, but everyone will be protected. Maybe it’s the fear of socialism, I don’t really know. But don’t just blame it on Republicans, it’s politicians from both sides that block universal healthcare from being put in place.

    3. @The Odinson That’s because the American people have been sold a bill of goods on socialism. Never mind that we already have socialism at the federal level with Social Security and Medicare. We even have it at the state and local level with fire departments, public libraries, schools, and roads. But many don’t understand that. They believe what fearmongers tell them: that socialism is bad and will destroy our lives as we know it.

      It’s like they’ve had their critical thinking surgically removed.

  6. I texted my youngest ‘child’ my son that I went to my first Biden ‘rally’ wed in front of Roses. He replied, umm be careful! Distance. Watch out it’s Florida you might get shot. Then yesterday I watched Kamala Harris and a clip of Elizabeth Warren saying ‘Are you kidding me’ and Nancy Pelosi and AOC and Michelle Obama. I can listen to them. Strong leaders, voices of courage. “I am speaking” “Don’t lecture me”. I’m not listening to more mansplaining. “Are you kidding me.” full stop. I march with them.

  7. Putin’s puppet, most successful FAKER of all times πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

    1. Trump doesn’t believe there should be an election. He wants continuation of power. He doesn’t care if those who vote die.

    2. Pelosi never had any intention to pass a NO CARE BILL. Democrat’s want to keep everyone Locked Down till next year. AOC has just come out and said this. Pelosi is more concerned with Illegal Aliens having Stimulus Money and in turn they will Vote Democrat. The main purpose of Sanctuary Cities. Non Citizen Voters.

  8. I wonder how many people who were at the Gold Star Family event that Trump held at the W.H. knowing that he had Covid-19 will get the virus and die because of Trump’s insensitivity?

    1. Even if they don’t die of covid, they might be dealing with the health effects for the rest of their lives.

    2. I’m just waiting for the news to start listing names of one’s who didn’t make it through this virus

  9. I cant believe the current administration is being considered for re-election with over 213,000 people dead on their watch. I didn’t vote for Obama but I have no doubt in my mind that the Republicans would’ve impeached him by now over the lies, the hiding of his taxes and causing voter chaos, and not to mentioned undermining the intelligence agencies.

    1. You didn’t vote for Obama who wouldn’t do any of the things you just mentioned. That can be only two reasons you didn’t then. Either you believed Trump the con artist or you didn’t vote for Obama because he is a black man. Sadly you may have used both reasons to not vote for Obama. A man 10 million times more honest than Trump .

    2. @Victor Johnson Wrong!!! As a black person, I didn’t vote for Obama because I didn’t want too…that’s my right! By the way, I didn’t vote for Trump either.

    3. Obama has been out of office for 4 years. We can’t blame him for any of this. After reading to the end, I think you might have meant to say, Trump. If that’s the case, maybe you should edit.

  10. Let’s kick Donald Trump’s team out of the white house at the end of this year. They can’t be the leaders for the American people in the U.S.

    1. If Joe Biden would be elected expect $4 plus per gallon for gasoline. Taxes will only rise up up and up. Joe has been a politician for over 47 years has not done anything to improve our lives middle-class and only benefited himself..Joe Biden. If the Dems are so smart why are they not helping stop this virus?? They have the power..Talk is cheap!! Mr Biden!! You and your party are bunch of children with tantrum’s!!

    2. @Roman Ward Why don’t you join the rest of the world? Gas isn’t cheap everywhere, and we are ALL paying more. Why do you think YOU deserve to have everything cheap, everything at your beck and call and NEVER have to pay the true cost of ANYTHING???

    1. And the virus it all depends on who you are what kind of medicine you take if you go to bars you drink if you don’t take care of yourself yeah you’re going to get real sick oh no don’t take care of yourself that would be the wrong thing to do

    1. @kathy smith I am in London, and lockdown here is very serious. You are not allowed in stores or on transport without masks, everyone is wearing a mask. And they are fining gatherings now of more than 6. Yes, 6. We are going back to lockdown, no seating in restaurants. Winter is almost here. We did do contact tracing for a month. You could not enter a restaurant without your name address and number. I hope you can stay safe. I’ve been self-isolating since March. It’s not easy to not see family and friends that are nearby. Take care.

    2. @Ginger Nightmare make sure you take care too. i am sure it is much easier for me to do in an area with about a 40 Km radius and only about 30,000 people, than it is for you.

    1. If Joe Biden would be elected expect $4 plus per gallon for gasoline. Taxes will only rise up up and up. Joe has been a politician for over 47 years has not done anything to improve our lives middle-class and only benefited himself..Joe Biden. If the Dems are so smart why are they not helping stop this virus?? They have the power..Talk is cheap!! Mr Biden!! You and your party are bunch of children with tantrum’s!!

  11. When Senator Harris’ hubby came on-stage wearing his mask the world saw a respectful, protective partner…tRump has a tax deduction trophy

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