The panel discusses Sen. Warren's debate performance and her decision to go after former NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg. Aired on 02/26/20.
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Sen. Elizabeth Warren Starts Off Measured, Then Turns To Bloomberg | Morning Joe | MSNBC
LOL. Joe Biden didn’t win. Sorry guys.
I thought he did OKish. Still lots of old-man-yells-at-clouds energy…
He did real well… CBS…should never get another debate.
“Shots” at Bernie lol. Manufactered consent if I ever heard it. A bought audience your propaganda and elitist buying out of seats does not demonstrate anything.
Absolutely not a democratic process, we didn’t need Putin’s help to interfere.
It demonstrates corporate Democrats have the same agenda as Republicans. They take the same money from the same pool.
Bottom Line

The Democrat CLOWN SHOW
Trump buys crowds for every rally….and your complaint is….what???
“….and Joe Biden was right there.”
Yes, ‘there’ being “not in the lead”.
Right at his introduction the man said he is running for senateor
Joe Biden didn’t even realise he was running for president and not senator?
But other than that he did great lol
@ture sankara are you serious Biden thought he was running for senator?
Mary Ziel I kid you not. This ish is crazy
@Mary Ziel Okay well really he just mispoke and said ‘senator’ rather than ‘president’ but, still, it’s yet another gaffe.
It costs much more to sit as audience on that debate than to vote. So lets see
Notice how they are not talking about Biden saying he was running for the US Senate a day ago.
David Hale The GOP have a Malignant Narcissistic Sociopath! You think the Dems are bad? LOL!
Dan Josephson Educate yourself on Trump! That’s why!
Karen Byrd Yes they did! YOU just didn’t bother to check.
Appears to me Biden has more memory issues than the rest around his age. It’s physical health that really matters, none of them can withhold any medical info they want and presidents have done that for years and there’s lots of ways an administration can deal w/a medical condition to overcome any deficit. Similarly, anyone can die in office. That’s why we have a VP and at least 7 level of succession. It’s more important that they r together mentally, not crazy like Trump and not loosing their memory like Reagan and possibly Biden or just no longer as sharp, mental processing, as the others around his same age.
@Jane Doe he has a suttering problem…in which he really tries to work around. I understand that and I’m 33. When you stutter in front of alit of people you also get very nervous. Watch and listen to Joe one on one…and he’s Joe Biden!! But I understand that…and we both have high IQs…
MSNBC your bias against Bernie is unbearable!!!!! Bernie is the only one who wins and all the others are just hard to watch like your biased unbalanced reporting about Senator Sanders! I really hope when Senator sanders becomes President, that he is tearing you a new one on a daily basis just like Trump does it to CNN!
The audience was bought and paid for by Michael Bloomberg, and he also had his own ads playing during the debate, which is disgusting. Heck, Bloomberg even had a Freudian slip when mentioning his “endorsements”.
, you’re paranoid…..
No really, the seats cost $1700 to $3000 which no normal working class American will pay for some debate. Only people who can waste that are there.
Joe can’t figure out what Warren’s strategy is. Maybe what Elizabeth Warren is doing is to demonstrate that she can eviscerate an arrogant billionaire in a debate? I wonder if that skill might be useful later?
That wasn’t a very impressive tactic…..or skill. Just gossip …..not backed. If it was fact backed, maybe … but boy, it didn’t feel very smart. I was a Warren vote….. she just lost me with that tactic.
Exactly. Not that hard to figure out what she’s doing.
5:26 – 5:32 No Joseph. I know you say that like it’s a good thing but that just make you seem like a phony.
They’re all gonna feel real dumb once Bernie win in a landslide again.
South carolina is going to be hard for bernie to win, but we can push and hope for the best.
Liz is wasting her time running for President. She should be at Guantanamo Bay detention camp torturing terrorist for information. She’d be a natural.
Tell me I’m stupid sweet heart Bennie will not in the general election. Remember it’s only Democrats voting for this election. The whole world know that but the follows. Good luck electing trump
Clyburn of South Carolina has come out for Biden, and on the cnn focus group also supported Biden and Bernie only got one .
@Helen Poku Who has the most delegates: Bernie.
Morning Joke ….You guys are desperately trying to anoint Biden or literally ANY Corporate Centrist ‘candidate’. You & MSNBC are completely out of touch with the desperation of the middle class. How many millionaires on your host panel?
Preach!!! I will never watch more than just a clip of MSNBC ever again in my life as with Chuck Todd, and Matthews, and all the lobbyist for the banks and Wall Street shoving their “socialist propaganda rettoric”; like we can’t afford any of these things Bernie’s touting, but we can bail out Banks who’s CEO still take hundreds of millions-billions even in yearly bonuses- pain next to nothing; while comprising less than 10% of the population, yet accounting for over $35 trillion, or more than half of nation’s wealth…. Seriously to think that they believe we are as ignorant/clueless as…. Another party turned cult currently dismantling are Democratic republic to for one second be blind to this blantant
gaslighting & futile attempt to stack this Lego-reality argument made up of a false premise fallacy cooked up as some lobbyist-imagined wet dream & it’s hilariously pathetic!!!
They all look desperate. Look at Mika, doing her best to look happy and optimistic and yet, she has sad puppy dog eyes. I predict that if Bernie wins in November, Mika and Joe will get a divorce in 2021 or 2022. Just a gut feeling I have. Their phony world is crumbling.
“The momentum slowed down” he’s polling +11 nationally after winning all three first states… That’s a weird way to put it. What momentum can he get? He’s already at the top.
If Sanders polled at 100%, Morning Joe would describe his campaign as “going nowhere.”
Joe: Bloomberg surges after SC debates while Bernie remains stagnet in the lead.
When are the Bernie-friendly pundits coming, MSNBC?
All I’m seeing are status quo/corp-friendly “pundits” who grasp at straws trying to interpret any situation/moment as anti-Bernie as possible. Manufacturing consent at it’s finest.
The people are done with it. Get your act together. At least CNN puts someone like your ex-contributor Krystal Ball on (albeit to a limited degree & in the early morning…).
There are plenty of Bernie-friendly pundits on Russia Today, comrade. For the non-communists who live in this country, MSNBC is just fine.
Bottom Line

The Democrat CLOWN SHOW
@Mister G I loled’.
I am a upper-middle class right-wing capitalist who currently lives in Western-Europe. On many things I disagree with Bernie. (ie. immigration)
But despite that I am not blind. What is happening to your great country is very obvious looking at it from the outside.
Your country is eroding from within. Big money is influencing politics & media (r: public perception) to the point where many Americans can’t even understand one another. The complete shock of MSNBC’s lineup of pundits/hosts to the Nevada caucus results is telling. The corporate-bias interpretation of events is telling. The Bernie-blackout was telling.
Bernie is made out to be some communist when all he wants is what the rest of the developed world has. What a great country like America should have.
But да comrade, call him a communist. Big money is doing its work.
@Mister G How much did Bloomberg pay you? Eat that boot good.
$1750 to sit in the audience?
These idiotic outros. Hello!! It’s 2020: Everyone who doesn’t know how to use youtube has already died.
Warren also started off an Indian….
Pocahontas 2020
oh, stop it you fool such a boring argument. Look what she is trying to do for the American people and, other then Bernie, she knows exactly how to get it done. (Bring the party together. Not blow the party up like Bernie wants to do. Take on corruption, get rid of the filibuster and get big structural change). She has the record of getting things done. Bernie got nothing done. Only about 25% are supporting him that means 75% don’t. Warren has much more potential to tap into the supporters of Biden, Klobuchar, Buttigieg, Steyer, etc. as she is still the most liked/acceptable candidate. The only thing you can come up with is Pocahontas. You as a Bernie bro are just brainwashed like Trump supporters and don’t have any sense of reason.
Bernie sanders 2020
Bloomberg cant buy my vote
Daedum Just move to Russia.


Isn’t that a Beatles song “can’t buy me vote”? “I don’t care too much for Bloomberg… money can’t buy me vote…. can’t buy me voooote… vote… can’t buy me voooooote …. voooote ……yeah….!!! “traaaaang”!!!
I am voting blue, no matter who. We have to vote this charlatan out of office, by a wide margin so he can’t say it was fixed against him.
I was really disappointed with Warren last night.
Who TF cares whether Bloomberg is on the SC ballot? He’s on a lot of ballots on Super Tuesday, and Warren was smart to warn people against voting for him.
Lizard warren started off strong and then stumbled into irrelevance in this race. It’s time to drop out