Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) joins CNN’s Jake Tapper to discuss President Joe Biden’s loan forgiveness plan and the latest on the US economy. #CNN #News
Sen. Elizabeth Warren reacts to Biden’s loan forgiveness plan

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) joins CNN’s Jake Tapper to discuss President Joe Biden’s loan forgiveness plan and the latest on the US economy. #CNN #News
It’s pathetic that academia, who’s in the business of educating and training the latest techniques and technology, doesn’t know the first thing about running their academic services, programs, and costs.
Faculty does. Administration doesnt.
Every time I post on CNN I get the “Fuk what you saying it here” message.
What the hell is that ?
it’s a bot
I think its a bot. I get it to. They can’t stand anyone who thinks different to them so they send a bot after you I think. Sic
Reported 4 times now!
Is she saying that people paid for studies that didn’t pay for itself? Seems a person with a high school diploma would look into that first. But, then again, they’d probably buy a car online without driving it first.
1 Vital Signs Fuk what you saying it here 😠
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Lady, prices are up because you keep printing money.
1 gmaa67 Flatterson Fuk what you saying it here 😠
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60 millions of retired people are still waiting for the 200 dolarst party monthly that democrats party said they going to give us.
1 Carlos Miranda Fuk what you saying it here 😠
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It’s crazy. Omg !! Do something and help your people that are on fixed incomes , SSDI ssi ss . Let those guys pay there own students loans . We had to pay our when I was in college and the government didn’t give me money to help take care of my children. Help the seniors and disabled that truly needs help
Very well said!
Finally someone with a brain!
A great man once said: “Death is the solution to all problems; no man, no problem”. J.V. Stalin, 1938
When you went to college, how much was your annual tuition? How much did your room and board cost? How much did you have to pay for room and board, textbooks and supplies, personal expenses, activitity fees, and transportation? And since there is only a 6-month grace period after graduation before you have to start repaying the loan, what percentage of your (presumably) minimum wage starter job income did you have to set aside for your monthly loan payment? Are you aware that the minimum wage has remained mostly stagnant and the cost of all expenses has skyrocketed? I can’t stand this incredibly myopic, incredibly juvenile whining attitutude from people, “I didn’t get any help, so why should anyone else?” Completely contrary to the sentiment that parents always want their kids to do better than they did. Do something about your myopia and grow up!
Hahahavajaha biden voters you voted for this. Atleast there’s no mean tweets
1 Jake Davis Fuk what you saying it here 😠
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Can you please talk about the low rates for truck drivers
1 Itchycrabs Fuk what you saying it here 😠
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They need to cap the interest rates, I’ve never missed a payment in seven years and I still owe almost twice what i borrowed.
@Cast King that’s not how contracts work and no they a bank can’t just change your loan. 🤦♂️ the loans didn’t come from the government
@Mr Tootsie this order is regarding loans serviced by the department of education. So yes. These loans can be modified at will.
There is a thing called the amortization schedule… you could have asked any bank to show you the schedule’s details- them you would have known what the deal was. So now we have to rake money from our families to pay for your ignorance? Thanks screwing us all.
@Mugwart2003 You could have paid it off with your high grad-level income once you started working as a professional… never mind.
@Mugwart2003 Why should we wait 10 years to be able to go to college and then miss job opportunities taken by younger graduates who could afford to go earlier? Education should be equally available to people from all financial backgrounds, not benefit the rich privilaged families
Ask Warren why college prices have inflated insanely since she graduated – historically it is predominately due to government involvement in financing college – Research it, I dont think this is even disputed. And now, $10,000 handouts to a few lucky people wont do anything to solve that problem, and really isn’t even going to make a significant impact on the recipients, as they will still owe a minimum of 10x this government handout. When it takes an executive order to make this happen, and the Secretary of Education refuses to share the estimated cost of this bail-out, those are big red flags that this is about political favors and is overall bad for the US’s future.
1 Caren Simon Fuk what you saying it here 😠
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@Cast King That’s your opinion – I’m talking fact. First of all, the gold standard was over when Warren was in college, so you already lost credibility there. The Gold Standard was well behind us when I attended college 10 years later, and prices were STILL dirt cheap. I went to an expensive well-known private University and it was only $80/per semester hour my first year, and 18 hours was discounted and billed the same as 12. If you don’t understand why college is exponentially pricey today, it is due to a supply and demand problem initially accelerated by the Federal government loans, and got out of control in the 80’s and 90’s. Nowadays its more linked to inflation and loss of state subsidies in higher ed. If you honestly want to learn something, and not go around saying lmao about things you are misinformed on, here’s a video (below) for you to start with. But I can point you to 100’s of similar videos and articles from US News to University studies that provide similar explanations for the high cost of colleges.
Why College Costs are so Expensive: (you only need watch the first 3 minutes of this video)
Rampant inflation or rampant government spending.
1 Hispanic American Fuk what you saying it here 😠
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She didn’t answer the question about THE COST. She talked about transparency– making it more clear how expensive it is NOT lowering the cost.
1 Trish Lazarin Fuk what you saying it here 😠
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The cost of higher education should be reduced and part funded by the tax payer
“Working people”, you mean peasant?
1 Steven Micci Fuk what you saying it here 😠
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Another genius of the democratic party. !!!
1 Mike Montgomery Fuk what you saying it here 😠
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Doesn’t solve any problems, just increases tuition and inflation. I’m ready for a new color of government. Blue and Red have failed.
1 Adrian Hirt Fuk what you saying it here 😠
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Or more than one new color!
This is a joke where you keep looking for the punchline that never comes
1 SHAGGY Fuk what you saying it here 😠
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Well even though these commies promised me total debt forgiveness I’ll take the 20k though.
We also have a Democrat party in Washington D. C that’s price gouging and driving up prices.
1 Wes Barcus Fuk what you saying it here 😠
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I went back to school when I was 43 and a single mom of 3. I worked two jobs while in school. I did graduate from university and I am a Preschool teacher working for a school district and earning, as of today, $36,000 a year. I live in California in an area where my monthly paycheck would leave me in the red every month because rental prices are so high. Anything affordable would mean at least an hour commute. I did take loans out and have been paying for them but now that I am 61 this loan forgiveness will be so important 10 years from now. In 2008 the banks were bailed out and that was not viewed as a problem but for those of us needed that money to go to school we are being maligned as basically freeloaders. Of course there are other issues to contend with, like the high cost of a college education, but this is so very important to people like myself.
1 Suellen Delaney Fuk what you saying it here 😠
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