Sen. Warren: “The Vice President took the approach of saying, ‘We’re not just going to try to plaster over the cracks and put some props in where it’s falling apart.’ His approach was to say, ‘We’re going to build it back better.’" Aired on 7/9/2020.
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Sen. Elizabeth Warren Explains Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ Economic Plan | All In | MSNBC
Elizabeth Warren was my pick
Ok so you can vote Biden now.
Can you imagine Trump even attempting to debate Elizabeth Warren or Katie Porter??? LOL those women could wipe the floor with Trump or Pence.. Pence doesn’t talk Policy any better than Trump..
Jay B Mines too. I hope Biden chooses her for VP.
I don’t like Biden but I’ll say this.. He dug us out once, maybe he will do it better this time. Either way he knows how to do it… I really hope Biden puts Yang in his administration..
So vote for him then!
Can’t be worse than trump. Lots of experience, lots of good people he can place in key positions and listen to them. Yang gang rox
Let’s go Joe …Trump a failure and always been stand for what’s right…don’t do what’s wrong …do what best for United States and the people and for the future
tRumps plan of ignore, spread hate and racism and con as many people as possible isn’t working?
I pray that the Democrats can put something together to get us going again, but I doubt it.
Yes I doubt it if Mitch is still in control since he blocks almost every bill the Democrats have passed.
@Jordan no, just Democrats doing what Democrats do. Hahahaha
@Jordan THAT’S going to be the problem; Moscow Mitch. He’s got to go too.
The Fed printing trillions isn’t a recovery for Obama or a strong economy for Trump. The zombie banks are permanently insolvent.
Pre-virus Trump was bailing out bankers in stealth mode to the tune of $2B per day. Imagine Trump overseeing a banking collapse early in his second term?
Break up the big banks, deflate the global inflationary asset bubble and massive capital flow distortions away from the financier oligarch 1% or the US and global economy will collapse early in Trump 2.0. Guaranteed.
Ya. Theyre just as greedy. Biden is a corporatist. They will never help working class. Smoke and mirrors. Just gonna make it worse for us.
Joe Biden’s economic plan totally debunks the Trump ad even more falsely claiming Biden will destroy the economy when in fact Trump has already done that.
Did he say wall street anamilists @:50?
Okay, so that’s all well and lovely Elizabeth, but we have people in this country working full time who can’t survive. People working 40 hours a week doing things that we consider essential while bringing home a little over $1000 a month. The working poor are everywhere in this country doing things we need. How do we help them? It’s not a matter of them bettering themselves or getting tax breaks or some welfare. We need the jobs they do filled, the services they provide, to keep our country running. It’s great to look at the big picture and the big ideas, but there’s another picture staring us in the face. Politicians toss billions around as if it were play money. Let’s get real here for a bit and give some attention to the plight of those working who are barely surviving. That’s not about race, gender, or green toilet paper.
Exactly what I thought was said.
@Adam Roberts I didn’t hear anything about helping the working poor, I heard a lot of politicking.
God I hope Biden chooses Senator Warren for VP

Look like he has her vetted and ready to announce it.
I will vote for Biden because Trump has been such a failure and national embarassment
Joe Biden and Elizabeth Warren… Both are fighting the good fight…
We love you Warren!!!!!! I wanted you or Bernie for President but I’m voting for Biden2020. Democrats brought the country back after (Bush & Republicans left us in a giant Whole) and Now the Democrats have you do it again! Democrats are the Only party that actually Governs America
#TearDownComCast #OverThrowMSNBC
Warren for VP
This is a great commercial for sheeple who can’t c the government is already totaled, those who get paid by it will never admit its failed
Why do all recent republican presidecies always end in recession first George Bush now the Orange Man. I’m starting to see a pattern, lets not make this mistake again

every time republicans get in office we have a big economic problem along with covid
They’re already trying to not have Joe do presidential debates – they know it’ll be over after the first one
We need Elizabeth Warren advising Biden, she was made for this moment!
Like Obama said how would you get jobs back wave a magic wan