Sen. Duckworth: Trump Puts ‘Russia’s Interests Above American Troops’ | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC

Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), a combat veteran and member of the Senate Armed Services committee, joins Andrea Mitchell to discuss her calls for hearings on what the Trump Administration is doing to protect U.S. troops in response to intelligence that Russia offered bounties to militants to target American service members in Afghanistan. Aired on 06/29/2020.
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Sen. Duckworth: Trump Puts ‘Russia’s Interests Above American Troops’ | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC


    1. U mean Sen DuckBrain!!! She’s nothing but a lying radical leftist demonRAT!!! She represents Americans like Nikita Khrushchev represented Americans!!!!

    2. @Whicker Boy And you served when…..and where? Never? You’re on the ever growing list, walking dead man.

  1. I knew Tammy Duckworth would speak out on this – she’s a veteran and a patriot. Let’s see who REALLY cares about the troops and who doesn’t.

    1. @skrapyard444 Tom Cotton needs voted out of arkansas. we can’t stomach him! And Lindsey Graham flipflops like a pancake on a griddle. DON’T reelect Lindsey Graham. Wonder what Lindsey would say to his “dear friend” John McCain id he were alive?

    2. @skrapyard444 To be fair, Lindsay Graham did speak out, as did Liz Cheney, but whether or not they would be willing to conduct a thorough investigation is still unknown. Not surprisingly, the Lincoln Project has already put out an ad about this as well. They are on Trump like a duck on a June bug.

    3. The right wing defines patriotism as waving a flag, wearing maga gear and hating 2/3 of the people in this country who don’t agree with them. Naturally they have no problem with our troops being murdered and Trump doing nothing about it.

    4. @D S “he should immediately be removed from office”
      It can’t happen immediately. We need to have documents and testimony. Trump will obstruct. Of course, just the fact that he is delaying or obstructing a Congressional investigation would be giving aid and comfort to an enemy who has attacked us. That’s _more_ treason. IOW, Trump’s damned if he does obstruct and damned if he doesn’t.

      The investigation part will take at least a month. Then, after Trump is impeached by the House, the Senate will probably delay another month. At that point, the House will have to get some real spine (which will never happen) and impeach any delaying or obstructing Senators with accessory to treason.

      McConnell will find some way to prevent this from coming to a Senate trial before the election. Pelosi will probably resist impeachment as well, because if Trump is removed from office, Pence may very likely pardon him — for _everything_ he’s done. So, privately, Pelosi and Schumer need to make it very clear to Pence that if he pardons Trump, they will charge _him_ with treason.

      Another scenario is that McConnell may fear that Republicans will lose control of the Senate, so he will hurry the trial and try to rig it for Trump again. If he does that, _he_ should be impeached for treason. Obviously, Barr will never indict anyone, so arresting McConnell or any other Senator isn’t going to happen.

      This is one more reason for us to expect rampant election fraud by Republicans.

    5. “They said, ‘I think it is Russia.’ I have President Putin. He JUST said it is not Russia,” [Trump said in Helsinki after a two-hour private meeting with the Russian leader.] “I will say this: I do not SEE any reason why it would be.”
      “I have great confidence in my intelligence people, BUT I will tell you that President Putin was EXTREMELY strong and powerful in his DENIAL” Trump said

    1. @athena icaria that is what scares me!! Quid pro quo Joe does not even know how politics works !! It is not the senates
      Job to build an impeachment case it is the sole responsibility of the house representatives!! And the president of the Ukraine Zelensky and his foreign minister both said they were not pressured into a quid pro quo!!
      Case closed!!!!!

    2. @President of the Virgin Islands The Russians have dirt on Congressional Republicans. That’s what has been keeping them in line. That’s where their extreme loyalty to a man as despicable, degenerate and incompetent as donald john trump comes from. They know he’s totally unfit for the job, but they don’t have enough integrity or love for the U.S. to resign to stop the blackmail.

    3. Mark Bullock:, You must be one of Little Vlad Prigozhin’s GLASVET fanatics. Are you a troll supervisor, planning to advance to the GRU’s upper echelons? Your problem is that the majority of Americans already know the truth, which renders your disinformation null and void. Putin sucks, and so does his “sitting” army of propagandists.

    4. So who thinks Trump will get the firing squad? or maybe the electric chair? hanging perhaps or lethal injection? that seems too easy I vote for the firing squad like they do to traitors.

  2. We have a big problem in the Whitehouse. Boris Johnson knew but Trump didn’t? US intel told the UK but didn’t tell Trump? How many US personnel were killed by bounty? This is treason.

    1. You can only be charged with treason if you at war with the country. He is a traitor and unpatriotic.

  3. You’re almost flattering Trump by saying he actually cares about any interests other than his own.

    1. Who would ever think Trump cares about the US troops or anything other than himself is just a cultist. Get out and vote, vote him out .

    2. U mean Sen DuckBrain!!! She’s nothing but a lying radical leftist demonRAT!!! She represents Americans like Nikita Khrushchev represented Americans!!!!

    3. @Whicker Boy Get a few more lines, Whicker Boy. Just copy and pasting the same sentence everywhere makes you look eerily… botty? Bot-like? Trollesque?

    1. @justsaying Seriously, the Democrats screwed themselves again with a bag of nothing, Pelosi was so mental she couldn’t even get the Articles delivered to the Senate without playing childish games.
      She, and Schiff for brains, and Humpty Dumpty Nadler are a disgrace to all Americans. Liars and frauds.

    2. @Janet Miller why, because we want an *HONEST* president, not some lying sleaze like Trump?

    3. @Andrew Reynolds what abuse of power? You’re the third person I’ve asked, and nobody can articulate an arguement.
      The Democrats promised evidence, but the only exposed is a fabricated and seditious conspiracy to overthrow a duly elected President.
      You lost the election because Cankles was a crook and we all know it. You were so convinced that you wanted a woman President, now you’re just butthurt. The Clinton Slush Fund had to shut its doors because she had no more influence to peddle.
      The payoffs and bribe money dried up like a popcorn fart in the wind.
      That show you she’s no humantarian, it was pay to play scam, and you know it.

    4. @Andrew Reynolds funny how all the facts coming out out crooked your Kenyan and Biden were. Then you have the Hillery crimes. You Dems are like dumb. OBAMA was the worst president ever. CROOKED IDIOTS IN YOUR PARTY

    5. It’s called Barr! These moves are being pushed against the American people! He knew about the virus, did nothing! He knew about the bounty on our soldiers, did nothing! He knew about Ukraine, did nothing! Once a KGB Agent, always a KGB Agent!(Putin)

    1. E Garza maybe trumps getting a bounty for every death! And he’s really banking some money now. Putin, Kim, chi,can’t stop laughing🤔

    2. Um, Democrats actually politicized the pandemic. Here’s the story: Liberal Democrat supported news media outlets (CNN, abc, MSNBC) are inciting violence and supporting race baiting. However FOX, being conservative, does not and instead presents support for the police and our President. The question is, did high ranking Democrats have a hand in the pandemic and riots in an attempt to not only divert attention, but to turn our country into an anarchy to avoid prison due to their involvement in spying and disrupting the Trump campaign? Thinking it’s better to live free in an anarchy then to be a prisoner in a free country.

    3. @Mox Avenger Here’s the story. You are so unbelievably stupid that your buffoonery is entertaining, thanks for your commentary we have all enjoyed laughing at you.

    4. @Aidan Kiriakou Your insane, Russia did not interfere in the 2016 election, but ISREAL DID, it’s been reported but ignored like everything else ISREAL does. Now watch I’m a anti-semitic, whatever it’s TRUE, about Isreal and the 2016 election, and set-up RUSSIA, The jews in ISREAL, some also lived in Ukraine, where they have means to accomplish what they did, Ukraine is in RUSSIA. Everything about ISREAL is buried and not spoken about,.

  4. Trump: “Nobody told me about any so-called attacks on our troops in Afghanistan. I didn’t  even know we had troops in Afghanistan. And where is Afghanistan anyway? No one really knows. Obama never told me anything about us having troops there. He didn’t tell me anything before he left office. I still don’t know where the nuclear codes are. He set me up!!!  Where’s Hunter?”…

    1. BB Z you totally ignored the fact that Trumps a raging globalist, though.

      Didnt Q also say Hillary and the globalists were getting locked up in 2017 like 10 supposed Great Awakenings ago?

      Cmon Yuri…you gotta try harder.

    2. @Eli Dicken Yeah, Yuri’s really funny.
      If Trump were a globalist, he would not be fighting all of them so hard. If he were, he would thrilled that the country is so chaotic. Why do you think the G7 leaders dislike him? He is fighting their globalist agenda. Whom do you think is behind the carbon tax push? That’s so they can make more money off of their scheme. He didnt dream up that ridiculous idea.

    3. BB Z the G7 kicked poor Russia out of the G8 because of their aggression in Ukraine.

      Obama and soon to be President Biden did, that is.

      Now Trump is doing Putins bidding by inviting him back in, accusing Ukraine, and ignoring Russians putting bounties on American soldiers.

      Your problem, Comrade…is that Blue isnt nearly as dumb as Red and we see you and KNOW what the score is.

      Like I said…try OAN or Fox?



    4. @Rosemarie Ransom See what I mean. although trumpee claims he was not told about intel. However the WH just had a meeting with republicans. Now how could that be/ If they didn’t know what are they telling them? See what I mean. I was never told but now i I do know. He must have read the NYT

  5. The only time Trump isn’t lying, is when he’s inhaling between lies.

    President Obama would have already kicked no less than 2 dozen Russian diplomats out of the country, and slapped Russia with a crippling round of economic sanctions. But not Trump. He simply does what we’ve all become accustomed to, lying, deflecting, and blaming others for his failures.

    1. all b.s. obama would have given them a large sum of money and handed them over any power we had over them at the same time… just ask iran


    3. @queen samara Republicans aren’t running Chicago now are they triggered Democrat
      Shouldn’t Democrats take some responsibility for a change
      I guess only certain black lives matter

  6. What is new? Trump makes and takes from Russia and causes the death of Americans in their thousands!

    1. U mean Sen DuckBrain!!! She’s nothing but a lying radical leftist demonRAT!!! She represents Americans like Nikita Khrushchev represented Americans!!!!

  7. Trump only care about defending Putin. It might not be acceptable yet he’s getting away with everything that’s not acceptable.

    1. U mean Sen DuckBrain!!! She’s nothing but a lying radical leftist demonRAT!!! She represents Americans like Nikita Khrushchev represented Americans!!!!

    2. @Whicker Boy really. And the most powerful guy that represents Americans. Your hero. Is a traitor. It has been proven and is a fact that he puts Putin and Russia ahead of American interest. Are you going to deny that.

  8. Even after being confronted with the truth he still does nothing.
    He backs Putin and throws Americans under the bus.

    1. And British troops as well, considering he was too cowardly to serve his country …what a hero …NOT

    1. @Eli Dicken says the 5yo posting Emojis.
      Keep handing out lessons on how to speak English donut

  9. Hey West Point graduates…Trump didn’t want to tell you guys as Commander-in-Chief, he will allow Putin to put bounties on your heads, along with anyone else in our military.

    1. Dave Schultz you are a delusional child, never progressed past 7 or 8, quite like your hero, Bunker Boy🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪

    2. @Dave Schultz yeah well what if the story is true think about it Trump is committing treason it says nothing to do with Joe Biden why don’t you comment on Trump and what if he’s lying about this think about that Cadets when your vote this November

    3. Trump will handle this the same way he handled the George Floyd murder the protesters and the covid-19 response by doing nothing and remain silent this President is unamerican he just tries to divide us all

    1. U mean Sen DuckBrain!!! She’s nothing but a lying radical leftist demonRAT!!! She represents Americans like Nikita Khrushchev represented Americans!!!!

    2. Whicker Boy Go home troll. She is a true patriot, losing her limbs for her country. Private Bonespurs is a coward.

  10. “I don’t see why it would be Russia….putting bounties on our troops.” – t’rump in a couple days.

  11. This senator said one time, I left body parts on the field. She has a right to say and feel the way she feels. Trump is a loser, his body parts are bone spurs on the golf course!

    1. U mean Sen DuckBrain!!! She’s nothing but a lying radical leftist demonRAT!!! She represents Americans like Nikita Khrushchev represented Americans!!!!

    1. Trump doesn’t pay debts. I suspect there’s additional motivation. I’m not even sure trump cherishes his life more than his money and his image – above all his image. He’s a vicious cycle of ego and id.

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