Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) talks about his relationship with senate colleague Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.): “He is a friend … I’m confident that he is sincere in his earnestness to stop black lives from being killed.” Aired on 6/24/2020.
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Sen. Cory Booker On Sen. Tim Scott: 'He Is A Friend' | MSNBC
*When we can’t change the minds and actions of the People in Power . . . then we CHANGE the PEOPLE.
Vote Conservativism not Marxism and racist demteted Biden could not sing a helm at the elderly home as he forgot the words after saying I remember that helm I sang it hundred of times and this man suppose to represent the free world no wonder the radical marxist dictators want history gone like racist demented Biden mind
Vote Blue!!
@GolDreadLocks cant vote for Marxism I just changed parties to Conservativism
Check your definition of Marxism-
There is no Karl Marx here!
Plus, at this point the choice is between bunker boy or biden which world is better-deranged rump or biden?
@GolDreadLocks The definition of a marxist fits AOC the marxist dictator moron to a tee
Tim Scott is a Tom
Go see the bill he it and see how good it is to strengthen the relationship of minority communities and police institutions . The dems wanted amendments and he offered it but they walked out on it
Just because a black person is a Republican does not mean he is a “Tom.” I agree with what Saynoto Sociallists said: this is racist.
@Umair Siddick GOP police reform plans are like an electric toothpic. A con
@Robert Andrews What Else Could HE Be, The ONLY BLACK Man In The tRUMP Administration.
slow motion u ask what else ?? That one black friend to trot out when they need to proclaim their not racist !!
Vote mitch out
If Cory was married to the right woman, he would be President.
McConnell is a disgrace. He’s been in government longer than most people been alive.
Just like Joe Biden.
The grim reaper can be expelled from his leadership and his position by the Senate, but they’re cowards to put him on the chopping block.
He been on the chopping block for 3 1/2 years and will definitely be reelected
The US Congress, is a very important institution though… It represent’s every single American individual and their interests?
@MyselfOneIII On Twitter
Current Location : Virginia Beach, Virginia – Earth
And Cory called himself Spartacus. Lol
Booker is a Manic Sycophantic
Booker ?
Mitch McConnell has been derelict of his duties, why hasn’t any self-respecting senator taken the gavel and lead the Senate away from him? The man gives half of his money back to Communist China anyways.
Why does Obama fear Gen. Flynn so much?
Tim Scott is a sell out! You, Mr. Booker are a diplomat and we expect great things from you in the future. Thank you for your service.
You’re a fool freshenuf1
David Stone:
Yo mama!
Token friend being played like a fiddle he’ll suffer because of this what an embarrassment
That fact you think that a black man that chooses to be republican could only get that position because he is used as a “token” is what makes you so racist
Moscow Mitch has to go….No Progress for years because of him. Vote him out.
Go get the dude with the noose and forget about the 3 year old black baby snuffed out in Chicago
So basically Moscow Mitch is the actual decision maker in this country. He is playing trump and his ignorant voters
Uhm… has bowling ball said anything about David Dorn yet?
Listen to Tim Scott’s speech in the floor! This was blocked by democrats! MSNBC is partisan!
Go listen to Tim Scott’s speech.
Love Tim Scott !! Go Mitch ! You need to stay buddy – keep the left the F out !
While orange Shitstain bunkerboy drives your country into a cesspit. Its like a 3rd World country with no adequate leader.
Your country is a laughing stock around the World.