Sen. Cory Booker: I Am Hopeful In This Moment | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Sen. Cory Booker, D-NJ, discusses building bridges between communities and police, where does the country go after this moment and why he says Americans have grown comfortable with savage injustices against lower income and minority communities. Aired on 06/05/2020.
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Sen. Cory Booker: I Am Hopeful In This Moment | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Sen. Cory Booker: I Am Hopeful In This Moment | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. The word “hopeful “ drew me to watch this. And I’ve always respected him. A good leader with a lot of potential to help get our country straightened out.

  2. I’m 65,in the 60s we tried & helped to end a war, things got a lil better, however the treatment of ppl of color, it was & is insanely unjust, now a days I actually can see HOPE, and a better future, this new generation, where ppl of all colors,and ages coming together, this is great, however we have a long way to go but we seem, this time, to at least be on the same road this makes my heart smile, never stop pushing, screaming at the top of your lungs, WE CAN make this the generation, the one of true change, it has started in the streets, now we take it to the ballot box, VOTE, these haters out of office, and take our big beautiful White House back for the ppl, Bless you all

    1. @lilly pad you are right, however whose fault is it really? the parents, we were told go out and play, we didn’t do chores we lost privileges, no allowance, if we wanted something, car, videos, go to a movie we earned it, parents pay for phones, cars, give kids money so they don’t have to deal, cause the kid across the street has a ?? so I gotta have one too. mostly it’s our fault, plus we had to pound the street for jobs, kids search the web, we interviewed, they send resumes, we got the job on the spot, they have to return 3 times, it’s different now, not better just different

    2. @Bernard Johnson Exactly. My mom use to say all the time..”idle hands are the devil’s workshop” These kids are so idle it is ruining them their frustration, boredom and mental hopelessness is why we see a rise in school shootings, protesting on the streets and rage….

    3. @lilly pad on the up side I saw, video games improves their mental acuity, bigger brains so to speak, more imagination, now we just have to figure out how to put it into physical form, but there’s hope

  3. I’m an old white man who joined civil rights marches in the 60s. I heard cat-calls from white people on the sidewalks–“Go home, you n-word-loving Commie!” Their grandkids are now chanting, “No Justice, No Peace!” This is a sign of real hope.

    1. @lilly pad Were you born yesterday? Do you think that drugs and pornography were invented in the 60’s? Think again little lilly pad.
      The rest of your rant is more b.s. Get a life, and an education.

    2. @15k DOW 2022 Agent provocateurs working for tRumPutin will burn any flag, no problem. Do you really think that those proud bois posing as protesters really care about the USA? Think again kid.

    3. @Sperup AD I think it is you that needs an education..I never said invented..I said introduced and made it part of the American Culture with Hugh Hefner and making the counter-culture part of the American Way of life who liberals thought were to puritan.

    4. @lilly padLiar, you were trying to blame all sins on the 60’s generation. Drugs and pornography have existed for a long while litlle girl.
      You are tRumpsplaining reality, puritanism is more closely associated with conservatives. Liberals are associated by conservatives with open minded groups.
      You are a bad liar dummy.

  4. “I cannot legislate the heart, but I can pass legislation to restrain the heartless.” MLK. YES. CHANGE. STOP NAZISM.

    1. @Robert The Bruce Are you another one of those “The Nazis were left wing!” complete fools?

    2. @Freedom & Liberty Bot Replying as a white liberal, black lives matter to me all the time. My black friends very much care about black lives. So comrade quit trying to stir up trouble and hatred. We are so very tired of that rhetoric here. Go back to Russia.

    3. @Chris Hill Go away ya fake news ignorant fool…. RUSSIA, RUSSIA RUSSIA…. Y’all so stupid, I’m embarassed to be called and American.

    4. @Sid Foresman If you think that the peaceful protests and the looting are the same thing you are not watching.

    1. The problem is it’s basically who you know to get your foot in the door it happens to poor whites that are not well connected solving the problem is not something you can throw money at. Most college grads get that first good job based on a relative or friend and if your a minority without a bunch of powerful friends your stuck.

    2. @Tarmo Tyyri oh but there’s plenty of money to give tax brakes to the wealthy and it’s not trickling down they are just getting richer while the poor get poorer.

    3. Republican Rand Paul – you are a DISGUSTING HUMAN BEING for stopping the anti-lynching bill.
      And you were a PHYSICIAN.
      HOW DARE YOU!!
      #RacistRandPaul #RacistRandy #RandPaul

    4. It part of the problem but it’s about right to live without fear the true meaning of freedon

  5. It’s no fun trolling trump supporters realize how dumb they are you almost feel sorry for them not!!!😂😂😂

    1. Man Baby supporters aren’t Dumb. They are just The Uneducated as defined by Him. Let’s not forget that most of these people are intellectually challenged. No fault of their own.

    2. Great Booker ..Now go find the 460,000 missing Children under 18 in USA ..EVERY YEAR.

  6. Open cold case for erik garner and trevon at federal court to finally jail those luciferian druggie criminals.

    1. Vote out Democrats, or you will be rioting for many more years to come….40-50 years of Democrat polices got us here… its 2020, tired yet? change the script, don’t ask for change, make the change…Vote

    2. Stop rioting or else you’re going to get hurt. Stay out of neighborhoods for your own safety. Where is the justice for the alarmingly high black on black crime? Oh ya, that doesn’t fit your narrative.

  7. How about you get rid of RAND PAUL after yesterdays display of disgusting nonsensical “definition of law” in relation to lynching.

    1. Roshan vermezyari Rand Paul , the most emotionless , repugnant, and honestly sad display in the abhorrence that is the republican led senate

    2. Gary Ray Cardoso Rand Paul, the president, William Barr, even Drew Brees have absolutely disgraced the death of an innocent man , sadly your conservative narrative won’t help defend the most reprehensible figures in politics . Stay healthy and good luck

    3. @PieceOfGarbageYT I am not even going to acknowledge how ridiculous your logic is based on your username. You are truly delusional to think that Rand Paul was talking about minor scratches and bruises.

    4. @Taylor Ray 100%, How they even allow him to finish his speech I find deplorable. There should be a mute button or a set of 3 judges like American Idol to shut him up when it gets that ridiculous/ stupid/ unsavoury.

    1. Please spare me….Corey Booker is a waste of a good senate seat. He is a follower and a bottom feeder….need a progressive…….

  8. Its Friday evening, time for DJT to pick someone who didn’t worship him enough this week, and firing him on Twitter.
    Any suggestions?

    1. At least 11 killed during U.S. protests seeking justice for George Floyd, many of them African Americans

    1. Joe Biden!?!? The MSNBC crowd is troubling. Less dangerous than the Fox idiots but equally ignorant in their willingness to completely ignore the immense hypocrisy of the DNC. Especially a tool like Cory Booker. All of these people helped railroad Bernie Sanders, an authentic leader with an impeccable record on fighting against injustice, in order to stick an establishment hack like Joe Biden in the hot seat.

    2. Great Booker ..Now go find the 460,000 missing Children under 18 in USA ..EVERY YEAR.

  9. I cannot get my head around the fact that in 2020 the US government is debating a whether or not to make LYNCHING a federal crime.

    1. 15k DOW 2022 they are just trying to appease the masses. It’s like go ahead and pass this and we’ll go home. Really!

    2. Republican Rand Paul – you are a DISGUSTING HUMAN BEING for stopping the anti-lynching bill.
      And you were a PHYSICIAN.
      HOW DARE YOU!!
      #RacistRandPaul #RacistRandy #RandPaul

    1. Dump doesn’t understand the concept of public ownership, he thinks the republic is on lease to him. Dump thinks of everything in real estate terms, if it can’t be bought he doesn’t understand it.

    2. Republican Rand Paul – you are a DISGUSTING HUMAN BEING for stopping the anti-lynching bill.
      And you were a PHYSICIAN.
      HOW DARE YOU!!
      #RacistRandPaul #RacistRandy #RandPaul

    3. Great Booker ..Now go find the 460,000 missing Children under 18 in USA ..EVERY YEAR.

    4. @15k DOW 2022 how can u fight when u spend so much time on your knees servicing other men? Stuiped cow.

  10. I will vote for Cory Booker if he runs for president in 2024. I would have voted for him this year! He is fierce and protective of others. Thank you Senator Cory Booker✊

    1. Great Booker ..Now go find the 460,000 missing Children under 18 in USA ..EVERY YEAR.

  11. Trump wants force until the protests have “quelled”, his words. Well Trump, we will not stop until systemic racism is “quelled”

    1. Please, everyone vote for change. We have to get this “man” out of office. I have never seen such a lack of leadership and such a divider of people. Sad times.

    2. Republican Rand Paul – you are a DISGUSTING HUMAN BEING for stopping the anti-lynching bill.
      And you were a PHYSICIAN.
      HOW DARE YOU!!
      #RacistRandPaul #RacistRandy #RandPaul

    3. Great Booker ..Now go find the 460,000 missing Children under 18 in USA ..EVERY YEAR.

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