Senate Democrats said Tuesday that they plan to block a vote on Republican legislation to reform policing guidelines, calling it 'irrevocably flawed'. Sen. Cory Booker joins Morning Joe to discuss. Aired on 6/24/2020.
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Sen. Cory Booker: GOP Policing Bill Offers No Accountability | Morning Joe | MSNBC
I wonder if the criminals will ever take any responsibility
@Jeremy Backup Rampant, LOW IQ-TDS, afoot
@frictionRx9 waz up incel?!
The republicans are the swamp and will never drain it as long they have the stupid by their side.
Nope, the police or Congress won’t ever take responsibility.
The street Nazis in CHAZ? OR the Portland Nazis that are tearing down historic statues doing ISIS proud
Trumpski now takes the title ‘Grim Reaper’.
Brady Lambert is another Nazi instigator. Treat him as such!!!
It’s disingenuous for Republicans to claim they support anti lynching but not place a ban on choke holds. We don’t need symbolism, the people need protection from the police and it starts by holding them accountable to the communities they serve.
The turtle is good for NOTHING.
He is talented and active destroying the hopes of good people . Also good enriching himself .
Trump Is The Only One Supporting The American People…The Democrat Losers Want To Put In A Shell And Keep You There.
@Ron Wuerch what’s he done ? My taxes have mutual funds are down again . Unemployment is astronomical, gas is on the rise. I think he’s up to 17 miles of new wall that ,surprise ,Mexico hasn’t paid for. The world is laughing at him, world leaders despise the moron , almost no one wants to work for him ,his turn over rate is 88 percent. Wrap you brain around that number
We have no money
Mitch McConnell did say that nothing will pass while he is in the Senate
rara mcl-k So you “have a life” yet know what all the bills say? yeah, I call BS and it seems you are nothing more than a FAKE NEWS employee.
@Don Williams I don’t usually respond to people but you need to just stop arguing with people. Don’t challenge someone else and their knowledge of the bills they take time to discuss when you can’t even follow what the person you stick up for states publicly several times. A 6 yr old could you tube Mitch saying what he said. You are merely arguing any point anyone makes with zero to substantiate anything because you won’t even state your position, because you don’t have one. If you don’t have anything substantial to discuss just be quiet.
Let’s get him out.
@Don Williams here is just one. Type in mitch grim reaper.
Even fakex news has several
@Don Williams ok xenophobe
This ought to be a bipartisan issue..McConnell’s the problem AGAIN…GOP bill is inadequate
for paws Scott had this Bill LONG before the actions of the past few weeks. Dems knew of this months ago yet only NOW say something. When are you going to realize you are being played for fools?
Dems have passed bills, they are just sitting on mcconnels desk so he can claim the dems do nothing
Remember when Trump was begging for Black votes? “What do you have to lose?” Now they know.
Bob Enweave Yeah, blacks should wake up and realize the Dem controlled cities they live in have NOT GOTTEN BETTER IN DECADES.
@Don Williams Trump is still the President of everyone living in those cities. In his 2017 inaugural address, Donald Trump said this about (Black) violence in large cities. “This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.” If it has gotten worse, it’s been on HIS watch.
Well, now they have the incentive to vote against Trump and his enablers. This country will never be the sam and people need to keep pushing or shoving forward for the country THEY WANT. These clowns, TraitorTrump, Moscow Mitch, and Fat boy Barr need to reminded that they work at the pleasure of the people.
Real change and real reform is exactly what Mitch doesn’t want. He’s totally happy with America as a police state and the oppression of minorities… Sorry Mitch, but the hatred of the South is dying… It’s time to get out of the way.
Mcturdle must be destroyed. He is a monster.
Trump will get him. No one will be spared
There are no new regulations for the police but it makes good window dressing for the do nothing GOP!
*Cory Booker . . . getting up, standing up
Moscow pich is 1 of da lowest of of them all
Is this why Rand blocked the lynching bill? So they could use it as a carrot in this flawed reform bill?
All the GOP is worried about is the courts and tax breaks.
Once it’s titled “GOP Police Reform” you know it’s a joke.
Why would all those racists agree to the democrats reform policy?
pretend the reform is a racist judge… pretty sure Mitch will fall on his turtle face to pass it
Don’t worry, we can change all this crap in November
I reckon Cory Booker would make a great Secretary of State or Head of DHS