Sen. Coons: The Senate Must Help Clean Up The ‘Disaster’ Trump Left Behind | MSNBC

Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) talks to Chris Hayes about the importance of the Senate becoming a more active legislative body with Chuck Schumer serving as the new Senate Majority Leader. Aired on 01/20/2021.
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#ChrisCoons #Trump #MSNBC

Sen. Coons: The Senate Must Help Clean Up The 'Disaster' Trump Left Behind | MSNBC

Sen. Coons: The Senate Must Help Clean Up The 'Disaster' Trump Left Behind | MSNBC


  1. God bless Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and God bless America…from South Africa 😇🙏🏻💖🇿🇦🍀🐞🍄🦄

    1. @Heinz Ruedi well, sweetheart…I know Africa is a continent, and South Africa is a nation in Africa, so right out of the gate, I’m worlds smarter then you.

  2. Ted cruz is already posting lies and unhelpful tweets. Why are they so gross and corrupt and unwilling to improve people’s lives

    1. @Dee Cee Thank You Dee. I mean it from the bottom of my heart. Thank you so much for saying it out loud. In 2016, my lifelong Republican FIL who is a Citadel grad whispered to me that he couldn’t do it so he voted for Hilary, I had hope. But as the last 4 yrs roles by, he became a Trumper and voted for him in 2020. He was so angry and none us, even Trump voters, can still to this day pin point at what. He just found something in there to be eternally offended about. It’s so sad, bc he is such a good man. Raised a good family. I pray this won’t be his legacy.

    2. This self-serving A-hole has to go and be charged with Sedition, along with the other 146+ who willfully broke their Oath to the Constitution trying to overthrow the Election.

  3. Put your “will to the cause” by charging each and every Seditious co-conspirator who attempted to overthrow the election.

    1. @Randy Couch Not the same thing…keep crying.

      BLM protested cops murdering black people, versus MagaTards failing a coup attempt to overthrow the United States Government *OVER A LIE* that the election was stolen.

  4. Leave it to Delaware, one of the original thirteen, to provide us with the person to correct that unfortunate list to starboard.

    1. We know first vote after reelection was for Keystone and Dakota,with a veterans bill stuck on his desk.That was2014.

    2. McConnell & Graham are as much of the filthy rot of the Trump organized crime group. They have to be removed and charged with Sedition. They were directly responsible for letting Trump off the hook for the first Impeachment and here we are, having to clean up the entire trail of disasters.

  5. Republicans leave disasters every time they leave office, Dems fix it and get things moving in the right direction then republicans take majority and claim all the credit while wrecking it again. Meanwhile …china.

  6. Thank you Donald J Trump for this big beautiful blue wave sweeping thru Washington. We couldn’t have done it without you.

  7. I believe we have people who have been in the Senate for six years and had no idea that part of their duties were to enact legislation.

  8. What Republicans destroy in the country during their Administration’s The Democrats must repair for the sake of the Constitution, Democracy, Country and People

  9. The American debt only increased by 7 trillion dollars during 4 years of Trump.
    Even a 5 year old could have done better than that.

  10. Unfortunately some of these crazy anti everything Republicans are a stumbling block neef to go. AG needs to prosecute Ted Cruz And his buddy

  11. Unity takes two or more. The GOP has a chance to fully shut down Trump and move on with restoring America.

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