Sen. Coons: ‘My Hope’ That Coronavirus Relief Bill Will Pass Through Senate Today | Katy Tur | MSNBC

It is the Senate's turn to take up Coronavirus legislation, and Treasury Secretary Mnuchin says he will introduce stimulus legislation later today. Democratic Senator Chris Coons joins Katy Tur to discuss.
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Sen. Coons: ‘My Hope’ That Coronavirus Relief Bill Will Pass Through Senate Today | Katy Tur | MSNBC

Sen. Coons: ‘My Hope’ That Coronavirus Relief Bill Will Pass Through Senate Today | Katy Tur | MSNBC


  1. Holy crap it says ONE view! Am I the first? Wow. And yeah right, like the Repugnanticans in the GOP are going to let this pass, to help people…it might cost them money!

    1. DON WILLIAMS, You mean like the socialism tax cuts for the business that didn’t give workers a raise, but instead used the money to buy back their own stocks….those business??

    2. @wily wascal Yeah he’s not on board he is being forced into it He got millions from the Russians he doesn’t care the peeps of Kentucky deserve better

    1. They’re eventually gonna begrudgingly have to freeze them because we’re at the tip of the iceberg with this pandemic and we’re AT THE VERY LEAST 6 months away from a teenie tiny attempt at a 180 return to normalcy. Wanna REALLY collapse the economy? Strip the ants’ ability to sustain it and no one lasts.

    2. We need to maintain our bills, delaying we be a problem down the road. Credit reporting agencies do’n’t care. People’s credit scores will go down due to non payments of bills.

  2. Prediction: Just like Trumps tax cuts, 95% of this money will go to corporations and wealthy business people.

    1. @Scrum Thebum2 Just don’t say that everybody is not doing better in the Trump economy than under Obama’s 1.9% economy.

    2. @Don Williams Yeah how about the 7 billion GW dropped in IRAQ from plane never to be seen again & how about they were warned about the towers sure it was clinton Reps always crashed our economy all of them!!

    1. @Diana Moore It depends if they own the property without any loans against it. If there are loans against the property they can ask for forbearance , which will delay the payment for a short period of time but it will still need to be paid.

    2. They should already have money and the banks already have a guarantee to them there will be no penalties…

  3. I need pension security. It never fully recovered from 08-09. There is a bill in the senate but guess what party is resisting the measure. Republicons 👎

    1. Can’t believe he is still there after what he did ! Exposing the leaker. They should just ignore hime and throw him out

    2. @karen Kane Rand Paul didn’t expose the leaker. Charlie’s name was in the media earlier than that.

    1. Who’s prioritizing wall street over health..President Trump wanted to stop this virus back in January. But the Demonrats called him a racist and a xenophobe.. So the President moves fast on this Outbreak. Obama didn’t move at all on the “CHINESE PIG FLU” 1000’s died.

    2. Delusional Trumpturds still talking about Obama. They seem to have forgotten Trump telling them the numbers of 15 infected to go down to 0, telling anecdotes of people going to work and getting better, telling people there were millions of tests available last week and anyone can take the test when they want, calling this nothing more than little worse than the seasonal flu, and best of all, the coronavirus may magically disappear in April or so. Dear Trumpturds, stop trying to deflect, blame others and just STFU.

    3. @Rahim MajidHe knew about this virus in Jan 2017 and fired the cdc team Complete idiots We still don’t have a test

  4. MCConnell , what will he do? If this is Pelosi’s plan, watch MCConnell Veto it. Mitch needs to go Kentucky!

    1. most people aren’t even blazing weed anymore….they need all the lung power they can to fight this bioweapon since the fibrosis eats up 50% of your lung.

  5. Keep hoping, the senate especially the republican seats almost all of them are evil greedy power hungry money mongers.

    1. The homeless level will drop because the Republicans are going to open a soylent green processing plant.

    2. Trump has cured the homelessness problem for 10 million people who have new jobs since he came into office.

    3. @Trina Leneir When Trump created 10,000,000 new jobs, he protected all those people from ever being homeless again.

    1. the big thing is he’s finally just getting the F)@% out of the way of those who know how to get things done,,,

    1. I never had trust for neither parties. Their the same with different titles. Both parties are Rich with their Corporate businesses.

    2. @Trina Leneir I voted for Bill Clinton then watched him dismantle this country. He should have been removed from office for being a pervert.

    1. Their health insurance I am sure the gop senators quarantined themselves just to get the test All Americans should have the test by now what idiots

  6. Im just incredibly happy to be a citizen of a socialistic society. Go Sweden!!! Sensible and calm through the Covid19 trauma.

    1. Most Americans are ignorant of what Democratic Socialism is. They always think it’s a Stalin-Hitler model.

    1. “Mitch and his Minions” are in Washington. The House is out on another vacation already this years.
      Who’S working and who’s not?

    2. The House passed *THEIR part* of the bill *LAST Friday,* Derek…it was ‘Moscow Mitch’ that took *a FOUR-DAY vacay.* 👎

    3. @Derek Mills They GOP took the weekend off they just got back the House put three bills together w/o those idiots!!!
      They don’t want to pass this bill!! Now DOJ drops the charges against Russia Great deflection

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