Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn., explains why he's unfollowing the president on Twitter. Sen. Murphy also discusses Trump's new pick for national intelligence director. Ayman Mohyeldin also joins to discuss new reporting on Saudi Arabia.
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Sen. Chris Murphy Unfollows Donald Trump On Twitter Over 'Negativity' | Morning Joe | MSNBC
WHAT. THE. HECK’S….. GOING. ON. Ratcliffe is going to be the head of matters of National Security?
Trump only picks the beast people, and RATcliffe is about as much a beast person as one could find. He established his vicious attack dog status last week with Mueller. Like all Trumpublicans he does nothing to defend the indefensible Trump, he just engages in rabid savagery. Along with the DOJ, our intelligence agencies will fall into the abyss of evil.
I’ve never seen such a hated president. Makes ya wonder how he got elected.
Cliff Dvorkin, its not so difficult, by clever people…
he was elected based on hate
Cliff Dvorkin because Democrats proposed, and are still proposing, open borders
@Tom Jones Only Love can remove him… a bullet of Love. ..
I blame the media. you keep giving him a platform. you need to call trump out, into face and call him a racist. without the media trump would be nothing.
Hosea 4_6
Its not that simple. He only plays to his base and his base only follow his tweet, fox and some other assorted right-wing racist outlets. That wont break away no matter what the real journalists do. However, yes, he should be called out face to face, even if that means the WH will pull the accreditation for the WH one after another.
Progressives have made the word racist meaningless
@Kevin Preston Hahaha kind of true
U.S don’t need Intelligence Agency or National Security Intelligence Fox News got that cover already

POTUS gets it’s intelligence from FOX News.
Your grammar sucks.
Twitter needs to close down trump racist account, so does fb and all other media outlets, yesterday
I don’t understand why Twitter users don’t boycott Twitter? I don’t understand why Twitter doesn’t take down Trump using their medium to make racist comments? Any other user would be taken down. BOYCOTT TWITTER AMERICA.
That is what I have saying for 2 years now. But if they will not hold him accountable for having broken their rules and does not get banned, that shows me there are two different rules like there are in the laws, NO ONE IS CREATED EQUALLY!!!!!
Trump just wants an Intel. mouthpiece to escalate Iran & publicly dismiss Russian interference. It’s only about re-election for Donny D*ckhead.

Republicans are never going to get to that ‘have you no decency?’ moment. I mean, ripping babies from their mothers, putting toddlers in cages, where is down from there?
if they keep following trump in their freefall down his rat hole, we’ll see later this week. And next week. And next month. And so on until we vote this horror clown out. There is no rock bottom, there is only the end of his presidency by voting him out.
Are you kidding me? Out of all the potential news. Possible war with Iran, the recent ballistic missile launches from North Korea, healthcare, wealth redistribution, tax returns, the violation of the emoluments clause, the recent shooting in Cali., Mitch McConnell blocking literally every bill that attempts to protect our democracy, and this is what you cover?
Moscow Mitch will be held accountable real soon
i personally think it’s equally important. The Khashoggi case is a good example of why he also needs to be impeached
This show is very long, this is just a short clip
A vote for trump in 2020 is a vote for putins
A vote for Trump is a vote for Satan.
@ruth depew a vote for Satan is a vote for Putin
@Nathanael Smith A ring around the rosie, ashes, ashes, we all fall down.
Congressman Steve King doesn’t know the difference between the shower curtin and toilet paper. I have proof.
Americans need to protest to start impeachment inquirys on Trump like Puerto Rico got Rossello to resign
So what are we waiting on?
Democrats please stop fighting and Unite to help save our Democracy!!!!
They are too stupid, and America is a Republic, NOT a democracy.
@Walt Schmidt God you people are dumber than rocks. Do you drink lead paint to lower your IQ or were you just born stupid?
This is considered bullying on social media. Why can’t Twitter block him like everyone else who bullies??????
why would you follow him in the first place?
Trump is selling hight tech weapons and nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia, the same country where the 9/11 attackers came from. And he’s doing it simply because he’s financially beholden to the the Saudi Royal family.
First lie told “we get to govern ourselves.”
We haven’t governed ourselves since money became legal speech.
was not Tucker Carlson in charge of Vannity Fair and Reported about Roy Cohn being the Mentor of Trump also Roy Cohn was the MAFIA best defense Attorney who murdered his Secretary Christine Seymour in head on collision with a Tractor after she retired in key west and was due to publish Roy Cohn’s secret deals . Roy Cohn’s Father was the Grand Master or Puba of the Bnai Brith.
Trump never took a decision without calling Roy upto 22 times a day.
What do Republicans think they are “Rat Whisperers”? Spare us, they just want power and do not care who they walk over to get there.
Terror groups grew strong under obama. Trump killed them in 2 years. Iam thankful for a strong COMMANDER.