Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) said, “I don’t support bringing in Joe Biden or Hunter Biden to try to give credence to these debunked conspiracy theories.” Aired on 1/23/20.
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Sen. Chris Murphy: 'I Don't Support Bringing In Joe Biden Or Hunter Biden' | MSNBC
“Conspiracy theories” lol
The timing is obvious. Biden wasn’t an issue until he became competition in the election.
@andrea Perry and it’s exactly true, some girls do let them… what’s your point are you jealous?
andrea Perry and if they have nothing to hide they should volunteer to answer questions .. i mean they’re innocent right?
what a great way to shut up President Trump
cygnus888 you are not clear enough. Where did you sort of learn English? Was it in Moscow perhaps?
@TJ Pav Can’t believe the comments on this NBC garbage can ! these poor people are so brainwashed ! TRUMP 2020 !
@OH Yeh! first try opening an investigation on the subject
You know, the DOJ function
Yesterday, 1/22/20 Senator Lindsey Graham disgraced the senate office again by lying during a press conference. Graham told two lies: 1. Graham misrepresented the Mueller report again by saying Mueller cleared Trump and his campaign of collusion with the Russian government. Mueller himself said he could not charge Trump with collusion because there were over 120 secret contacts between Trumps campaign and Russian agents and when the people involved were questioned their either lied about the contacts and went to prison or would not talk. That is not clearing Trump of collusion. 2. Graham said Trump cooperated with Mueller. Trump from the beginning of the investigation held back key people from testifying, berated Mueller many times in the media, made threats to people who did testify and refused to sit down with Mueller to answer questions. I guess Lindsey Graham likes to hear himself talk but he is not telling the truth. This constant lying and misrepresenting the facts is causing serious harm to this country and is partly to blame for dividing this nation.”
Don’t forget foxy murkdog media trumpeting lies into facts and facts into lies
Rupert Murdoch has close ties with Russia and uses Fox to advance Russia’s interests.
typical trumpys don’t like FACTS
It’s amazing how the Republicans have sold their souls , didn’t they learn from the 2018 elections . The Dems crushed it and their will be a landslide back to civility I hope !
Barr told McConnell to have a LIMITED SCOPE trial in the senate so no new allegations or proof surface.
Again, Barr digging where he does not belong legally or ethically!! Moron extraordinair!!
Biden has nothing to do with trump extorting Ukraine
Pamela Mattox Trump never asked anyone to lie or to make up a story.unlike Hillary paying for a made Russia dossier to cheat in the 2016 presidential election.All of the poor gullible democrats are being used by a corrupt organization from the exclusion of pro republican comments to a bias google and the corrupt Main Street media.They all have their hands dirty for their own personal agendas,and your to dumb to know the difference.It’s not Trump’s policies that have 35,000 homeless in the streets of LA,it’s not Trump that has filled the streets here where I live in San Francisco with human waste and kids can’t go out to play anymore because of the dirty needles floating in the streets Democrats have literally destroyed everything they are in control of .It’s not Trump’s policies that get 60 or 70 kids every weekend in democrat run cities like Chicago or Baltimore ,and yet you keep voting them in spite of the destruction they have cause.You don’t understand democrats have to impeach Trump because they can never win with their record of total failure…truly pathetic
OH yes he does!!! Where have you been? What are you…STUPID?
@John Carter “you’re” too dumb, stupid.
Considering that the Bidens had nothing to do with Trump’s crimes (extorting a key ally, violating the Impoundment Control Act, trying to cover it up, obstructing congressional investigation) this is appropriate. Using the Bidens as an excuse for this behavior is ludicrous, especially since neither US nor Ukraine investigators have found Biden guilty of anything.
The investigation should start soon.
@brian gardner Go for it. But Trump is still on the hook for what he’s done. One crime does not excuse another. Example: you’re driving along the road, you see a homeless person pushing a cart, you assume (without proof) that they stole it, so you hit them with your car to punish them and keep them from doing it again. Umm, no. That’s when you get charged with attempted vehicular manslaughter.
@surely you joke, mein failüre The Acquittal is coming soon. Are you sure you’re ready??? Because if will NOT be too long after that the Reelection comes. And I know all leftist elite bubble people who thinks CNN tell the truth are not ready for that. I am trying to help you.
@brian gardner yeah, lock her up right?
Its gonna be soon
Let me get this straight Trump or is it the Biden who are on trial, why is it even up for debate to get the bidens to testify if Republicans want to start up a case against the bidens wait till after this case is closed, would it made a difference if Biden was guilty of what the Republicans claimed he did would Trump be free of all the charges and wrong doing laid against him?
Hunter got a job because he’s his father’s son and I’m sure nepotism is not on trial
The money HB got from China with dad’s help makes the Ukraine look like chump change.
@N F like the Saudis did with that reporter?
Then they gave Jared 1,2 billion dollars and Trump said it was a fair price for an American life.
@Michael Schaefer Check your sources. A- not a penny has come from China B- it will be a commission on whatever has been invested. Fox is lousy for FACTS, and like trumpy -exaggerates everything.
CHECK your Sources.
@N F – I can’t see your replies. You need to seek help, Russian troll.
@Rafiki N F does not show up. I had 2 replies from him on comment feed, but no replies of his show here. Must be a troll.
The tax payers demand witnesses.
Phones, nor email system STILL UP and functioning. Year #4 in progress……….
Wtf R the Dem constituents?
yes, 69% of voters , and even 48% of Repubs.
It’s hilarious watching the republicans bark at the moon about Biden..And yet they have ZERO evidence of any crime he or his son have committed….Classic..
Bark back at Republicans
Insist on a fair and open Trial!
202 224-3121
@brian gardner
We are ready
Trump may
win the battle
but not the War!
@Melanie Garrett The Reelection is coming soon. Are you sure you’re ready???
gardner hey, how did you feel losing the house just a few months ago?
Did you scream? Did you cry like a little girl?
Republicans lost how many seats? I believe Trump personally campaigned for some candidates an lost by the 15% margin
Did that hurt?
@Logan McLean That Swamp creature is mixing apples and oranges. Biden said: I will not allow FRACKING on Federal Land.
The Commentator then lies and talks about GAS production in Ukraine. Apples and oranges.
Typical Fox “news”
How many tRUmp hires are related with absolutely no experience?!
Hmm, I don’t recall Hunter or Joe being in the room when t’rump sought to extort Ukraine for help winning in 2020?

Printagic Online
If what hunter did was not alright. Then trump had a legitimate reason to pursue a investigation. That completely shatters any impeachment hopes cause the democrats built their case on the fact that trump was trying to “make stuff up”
Printagic Online
Logan McLean – why is trumps daughter able to see/hear information that is top secret when she did not pass the background check to obtain clearance. Flunked it! No high clearance for her OR her husband. And what does she know about politics and official policy — she designed shoes and jewelry!! Talk about nepotism!
Hmmm, I guess that Ukraine is the ONLY country that has corruption? We don’t give any financial support to any other country that has corruption? So its just an amazing coincidence that the ONE country with corruption where we were about to give financial support, happens to be the one where the Biden’s were?! WOW! What are the odds of that?
President Trump did not extort Ukraine for help winning 2020. Joe and Hunter did their dirty work earlier and have been paid very well. Fortunately, Hunter Biden is a drug addict and his loose lip will sink their ship! He is the weak link in the Biden’s crime operation. Law enforcement will be working on him as these type always help break a case. President Trump will win 2020 that is for sure. Even the DNC don’t want Joe Biden anymore that is why Hillary Clinton will be running again for 2020. Wait and see!
The Bidens have nothing to do with the Persident and Republican GOP, Republican Repersentives cover up. They are the ones who are not up holding the United States Constitution , oath of office and continuely lie.
It’s just a devertion from trump.. bring in the real witnessess that matter..
Hunter Biden: I do not acknowledge your authority over me, as I am not the one on trial, here”.
Joe Biden: “What he said”.
Allowing them to go to the Senate and repeat this statement with no chance of conviction is a smart move. There is no case against them, in Congress. Investigations into Berisma lead to their exoneration. Senate can not abuse power by skipping a formal trial. They can not convict in the Senate, without Congressional hearings and a house debate. Let them go to Senate, repeat what I said. Let the Trump trial continue. If Trump is not removed, have the Bidens sue the Senate for character assassination, while Congress and the House draw up new articles of impeachment. If Congress and House finish articles before Bidens’ case is still in session, have Bidens drop their case, while House moves in with new articles. Keeping pressure on Senate.
Dizzy Duke what…the…f-look, there’s no action called “character assassination.” Furthermore, the House is but one arm of Congress. The other? The Senate. Thus, Congress is comprised of two houses the Senate and the House. Please DoE, bring back civics! No more budget cuts. We yield!
@Sephiroth Prime
Character assassination is the same as defamation of character. It describes a political hit job, in this case. Congress investigates, House debates the findings of Congress, House takes findings to Senate for trial. The Bidens/Berisma has been debunked with the Bidens exonerated. This proves that the Senate Republicans are trying to deal a political hit job. A game that the Bidens don’t have to play, since there is no Congressional hearings into the Bidens/Berisma. Senate Republicans abusing power by asking for Bidens as “witnesses”. They don’t have to answer to nothing. Dems argue they gave the Bidens to Senate, Senate needs to honor witnesses for the Dems. If not honored, if Trump is acquitted in Senate, Bidens should sue Senate, while House writes up more articles. Keep Senate busy. Make them listen.
I wish aliens would attack already so we could just all unify.
“…. future impeachment hearings…….”??!!
of COURSE they dont Daddy or Hunter Biden

Welcome to group think news
mark my words, the GOP has not heard a single word during this trial. They will vote to acquit and then demand investigations into the Bidens, the whistle blower and Adam Schiff. They are hopeless.