Democratic Sen. Chris Coons criticized President Donald Trump for leaving top Democratic leaders, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, in the dark about the US military raid that resulted in the death of the leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. #CNN #News
Sen. Chris Coons: Trump disrespected Pelosi by not informing her of al-Baghdadi raid

Its nothing more than symbolic. The thousands of actual fighters trump set free are much more of a threat than a symbolic leader – and isis is already propagandizing his deranged 45 minute diatribe.
This clown cant get anything right.
LIBERALS HATE AMERICA… they are SAD by the NEWS that AL-FAGDADHI is DEAD… BOTOX PELOSI has Ordered that the MEXICAN FLAG flying over the CALIFORNIA STATE Buildings be Lowered to HALF MAST….
@Rui Silva You are obviously Anti-American Pro-LGBTQ.

Of course he can’t … he’s an incompetent POS. Was one before he stole the Office, and still one after he’s in the Office.
@T Chaw

America is currently running very low on trust, both within and around the world. Your moron in chief is the cause, and it’s honestly hard to watch him
Pædofile venstrefløjere skulle lære at holde deres kæft om ting de har nul viden om
Yes America is running extremely low on trust with the Democratic Party
Also America is extremely low in trust with CNN news
@superschmolz Reputation? Don’t you support LGBTQ?
My captain obvious sense is tingling, a sharpie sketch is coming!
Coming on your mom?
Putin is more trustworthy than Pelosi and Schiff.
@davids11131113 Here comes the snowflake tears.
DarthSailorMoon yeah. I smell something fishy here
@Cynthi Carlson wash your twat that is what you smell.
Yooo he informed his boss Vladimir Putin first no alignment with Americans wow
@Rui Silva ” only complete fools deal in absolutes” Please tell me you see the irony and lack of awareness in that statement. Fool…
The Enlightened Ones Where do see that?
President Trump DID NOT inform ANY nation what he was doing…He didn’t even tell your Puppet Master’s!! President Trump made a Military statement to Three Countries (Russia, Syria, Turkey) He said “Make a hole and make it DAMN FAST…Coming in”
Mark Greenhowe I’m asking her for evidence of Putin be in trumps boss. There’s no evidence. People that say crap with no evidence should be called out. I’m calling her out. Where is the evidence?
@Nicolas Kollushnikopf well, we all know you’re lying. The seat capacity at the American Airlines Center is only 20, 000. In which video footage clearly shows the upper decks were mostly empty, idiot.
@William H When are you going to answer me on how is that Colorado wall going?
@Brad Dibble why you mad hoe?
I would vote for Putin over Pelosi and Schiff.
davids11131113 brain dead much ? Democrats are the COMPLETE idealogic oposite of comunists!
Dong LeMoan and that is called … “ beeing a traitor…” if you were an american !

@Rui Silva Democrats have more Communist ideology than Putin. They don’t like capitalism for the public, but it serves their bank accounts just fine.
Here’s the logic: If we stay in Syria forever, then it’s everybody’s fault, and not just Obama’s. It’s sick, but it’s sound.
But leaving like they did is ALL trumps fault that ppl is getting slaughtered!
Don’t give him any credit like he said about Obama killing bin laden.
@You don’t get to be offended by science!
SCIENCE says that HOMOSEXUALITY is a MENTAL DISEASE and that EVOLUTION selects them for EXTINCTION… do you agree?
He said, it was like “watching a movie!” Which he did.

@You don’t get to be offended by science!
SCIENCE says there are only TO GENDERS… and that you cant CHANGE your SEX by performing VIVISECTION SURGERY on your Body…. Do you AGREE?
Mockery Channel
Agree lol, Transgender is just another term for mentally ill
@Sandy Koles CNN is an extreme propaganda arm of the leftist Establishment – their “news” are propaganda scripts that are literally written by people like Shifty Schifff and Nadless Nadler and Jeff Zucker
SEVERAL SOURCES are saying he has been dead for 2 years……….
1776 It’s hilarious because no US source has said he was dead before this weekend
Absolute Falsehoods.
I had this news fr 4yrs ago,then3yrs,2,1and i am quite confused. Who died actually?
Did Jeff Zucker give you that “source” lol
It’s probably just another stunt cuz it’s funny how things always happen before an election when will it end
If Obama did that Sean Hannah Hannity would be going off
No he would not . You people are nuts
Eric you’re GAY right?
President doesn’t have to inform anyone
The man said “When it comes to fighting ISIS we are not Democrats or Republicans we are Americans. ” That’s deep
That was written for him.
nemesis032886 and yet he used his air time to disparage his actions about the operation. “He should have told polosi…” why?? Not her job to know.
Has he been killed like 3 times already? I’ll believe it when I see the evidence.
Who said he was killed 3 times before? Stop getting your news from Paw Patrol you idiot
Yea.They are gonnarush straight to you with the evidence. Listen for the courier mate.Should be there anytime now.
If trump left the troops in Syria turkey Would have attacked
Does anybody else remember this guys daughter being touched by Joe Biden on CSPAN? I do…
So,the u.s is claiming responsibility for this attack..
Kurds are not allies they fought for their own purposes.
yah people are so clueless lol, ISIS was literally in their neighborhood killing them and we helped them not they helped us lol
This was beautiful when there told him lock him up tat made my day.
“This isn’t political..”
*makes it political*
Since when has ever had respect for anyone??