Sen. Chris Coons: The American People Need To Hear From John Bolton | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Democratic Senator Chris Coons makes the case for why John Bolton needs to be called as a witness in the Trump Senate impeachment trial. Aired on 01/29/20.
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Sen. Chris Coons: The American People Need To Hear From John Bolton | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


    1. @Redlion Angel the Republicans started with two witnesses and their testimonies blew up in their faces so they didn’t use anymore! That was their choice! The Democrats would of had more if Trump wasn’t blocking them! Too bad that Trump is so untransparent! Why does he want to hide his innocence! LMFAO

    2. @Marilyn Reallon Wasn’t that their sole goal? I hope you don’t support Sanders because the same people who made your dreams come true are going to stick to Bernie again – LMFAO

    3. @Redlion Angel believe trumpPAB at your peril. Read and listen to something other than trumpPAB and fox……you are spouting dumb lies, look it up

    4. @GoFirst Website Design you want to personally finance a campaign? Put the money in an account for election

    1. We’ll open that gate or Bolton will be on tv letting it all out with the highest ratings ever. We will know everything so. Think positive 👍💙

    2. Ronda Leistiko I know either way the republicans and Trump are finished in November. The people have seen what they are capable of now and will not forget. so even if they wrap this up on Friday, don’t even worry about it. Even with Russia’s help, the people will not re-elect Trump. I’m hoping it’s Bernie or Warren…uncompromising social activists who will tear the system down and rebuild it….or we can just keep going the way we are with the rich ruling over a broken education and health system in a country where there is a mass shooting every week

  1. The proof is in the pudding ! If John Bolton simply had nothing on me I would love for him to be a witness & embarrass himself in front of us American people! Unfortunately that’s not the case #TrumpForPrison2020

    1. @Lee Danger Brewer Evidence is in the thousands? So why do you need witnesses? As for seeing it, I missed the crimes in the Articles of Impeachment

    2. Saltponds239 No matter how Trump tries to spin it, Mueller stated that Russia interfered with the 2016 election, whether Trump colluded or not. They put Trump on office. That election as a result was invalid and we have had an illegitimate president for the past 3 years. According to Mueller, Russia is interfering right now in the 2020 election, and Trump is doing nothing about it. This is all elementary and you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to figure out what’s going on here. All Trump emphasized from the report was NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION for his dimwit base to keep repeating….and he did obstruct the investigation according to Mueller, it’s just that Mueller could not prosecute him for it because the Barr , who is pretty much Trump’s personal attorney, says that a sitting president cannot be indicted. See how this works? He’s played the system beautifully. He ignored also the fact that so many of people tied to him are in jail now due to the Mueller report. He has successfully spun the report and declared it a victory as he is preparing to do with impeachment. But it will not work this time. If you can’t see that what he is doing as stonewalling, I can’t help you. That probably means that you believe Nixon was innocent also. Yes he has the right to drag this through the courts for years while he destroys the country in the meantime, but the democrats also have the right to impeach now with the evidence that is available. Whatever the case, the people will decide in November. Even with more Russian interference, the people have had enough. He’s finished.

    1. We already have heard from both of them. The question about appearing on the stand and answering questions is: how do we know they are telling the truth?

    1. @Saltponds239; You are seriously out of touch with reality, much like the Germans were with Hitler, they too were bedazzled initially.

  2. There ARE NO “moderate” Republicans.

    If there were, they would already have votes “yes” to witnesses the first time.

    1. @lite azwell Your wrote, why are you defending a criminal”? Criminal? Where is a crime listed in the Articles of Impeachment?

      Every time the Dems say, we want witness, I hear them saying, we didn’t do our job, help us out.

      Unamerican? Why should we blow-up rights guaranteed to THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENCY (not Trump) as it relates to Executive Privilege because the dems failed to do their job?

    2. @Saltponds239Obviously you have not familiarized yourself with those Articles. If you had, you would realize that the do not, nor were they intended to list specific crimes.

      While we’re here: What does “your wrote” mean? Does the computer at the library not have spellcheck?

    3. @lite azwell So what does a High Crime and/or Misdemeanor mean? Is it what the House feels it should be? If that’s the case, hows that working out?

    1. Scrambled Eggs Old tactics: “Divide and Conquer”. Julius Caesar knew that, for ex, when he divided and conquered Gaul.

    2. right they are all criminals as all the trump followers. They know he’s evil and they are too!

    3. Fear not! We… the People, we are going to put an end to this 💩 show. The end is nigh onto the Russ-Thugu-KKKunt arm of Russia’s foreign services administration. I can hear Jordan yelling right now… whaaa!

      What happens in the 2020 elections is going to be a reckoning. We the People are going to put this to rights. Time to stop the Russians using these puppets for what they want. Russia… if you’re listening… when this election is over with, and we have stopped your interferences and voted in leaders who will actually lead our nation away from this GOPP, Groupies of Putin’s Puppet, and back to the democracy we established for our country. Then we are coming for all the criminals that aided and abetted any of this.

    1. Bjarke Stemann just wanted to point out to excruciating facts at the impeachment hearing on the republican’s side – i.e., ” one nation, one nation” ( NOT under the GOD… he appears to be MOSSAD MUSLIM), beating around the bushes instead of answering q, and got nailed down by q: ” who pays for Giuliani” (is it MOSSAD/CIA???), CIA running the show with “we can do whatever we want to” – regardless of the outcome one thing was openly proven – republican MOSSAD/CIA MAFIA disguised as “democrats” …. thats who is doing it!!!!!!

    1. @Saltponds239 You’re high af. Concentrate on the real issue and the guy who got impeached. Trumps corruption and severe abuse of power. You’re in for a wakeup call my friend

  3. I am so upset that the republicans are arguing that the president can shoot someone on 5th Ave and nothing will happen to him if he’s doing it to get re-elected

    1. Yeah. You don’t hear anyone calling for Guilliani to testify anymore. Need Nunes too…
      and Trump on the stand would be beyond epic…
      I guess the “I’m the President’s lawyer” sham really WILL let Rudy get away with implementing Trump’s corrupt shenanigans.
      I shoulda been a lawyer…

    2. The value of an oath is worth 0 Republican’s prove that it like the handshake over an Indian treaty let’s just break it there not real anyway

    1. I want to kiss the top of his bald head in the most patronizing I can muster, then tell him he’ll be “just fine.”

  4. Yes let’s look into all monetary gains of every politician and their families for corruption…. lol we will have a new government much faster with true representation instead of money grubbing puppets….

    1. Yes, and start with the Tumpets, Don Jr. Ivanka and Jerod. The later couldn’t get security clearances until his dad-in-law just gave him one, and Don Jr. arranged that Trump Tower meeting with a Russian lawyer. And, let’s find out how much money has been funneled to Trump Hotels like forcing the air force to stay over at Trump Turnbury in Scotland.

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